Show code and description separately in layout
In over 20 years of experience with Board I've been asked hundreds of times to show dimensions by row in a dataview with separated columns for code and description. As far as the last dimension by row is concerned I always use a workaround to show the entity description as a block but the problem is not so easy once you…
Presentations - Folder-Structure / Categorization
As we are having already a lot of Presentations in use, it would be great to have a possibility for structuring Presentation via Folders, Categories, Tags or similiar. Currently they are all in one list, which is getting soon very confusing. Also a search function would be great.
Power Users - Restrict Data Entry Ability
Currently Power Users have the ability to turn on Data Entry. This introduces a huge risk in that any power user could turn on data entry and clear any of cubes of the data. Can this be included as a capability for the user type? i.e. so they have the ability to build layouts and screens but not be able to enter data into…
Currently, we are not able to search in a dynamic way a cube in If Then Else action. Even if we can type the begining of the cube name, this is not flexible. Please add the search bar in the If Then Else action as we have it in the Clear cube action.
BOARD Cloud - Admin Portal - Enable Schedule for Services Restart
In BOARD Cloud platform, it's not possible to schedule Restart of Services. It could be nice to be able to schedule the restart of Board Engine service and Board Web service. As well as being able to schedule the "Unload" (of a DataModel in RAM). These schedules would ensure to have a Re-set of application on a regular…
Same Data Entry Rules when dataview is vertically aligned
Hi, It would be good to be able to use the same data entry functions when a dataview is vertically aligned. An example is when I have a dataview formatted by 5 cubes with the Years in the columns I cannot use the ">" function to split the same value across every year. Thanks Jack
Monitor sparsity in B12
Hi, It would be good to have a section to monitor sparsity in B12 (in particular in the Cloud) - like we use to have in B10. Monitoring by cube, as currently available, is not efficient. Thanks. Bests, Quentin
SubHub - List of Users with Microsoft Office Licence
The current extract of User from Subscription Hub doesn't specify if the user has a Microsoft Office Licence Assigned. The Licence menu in SubHub only shows us total number of licence of Microsoft Office but not the list of users. It was available in older versions of Board. The old extract of Users from System…
Add database procedures grouping
Hi, it would be great to have a grouping funtion like in the Entity or DataReader Manager. Thanks. Best, Jannik
Sending parameters to REST API
I want to import weather data to an application. I have an api from the Swedish Weather center that allows me to retrieve min and max temperatures from several weather stations https://opendata-download-metobs.smhi.se/api/version/latest/parameter/19/station/159880/period/latest-months/data.json Parameter 19 is min…
Interfacing the SubHub with an authorization management system
Allow data exchange (API / CSV) between a third party system that manages authorizations in order to allow : - Creation / Modification / Deletion of users, with in return a log file indicating the status of operations - Program the extraction of a daily audit file This functionality is sometimes a prerequisite for certain…
Visualize procedures with breakpoints
Hello, during development I use breakpoints regularly, and sometimes if I got locked out I forget removing some of them. Until a user calls for help. Can board mark procedures with active breakpoint in red to allow a faster identification? Regards, Walter
"Sorting on two or more entities with cube"
The manual says “If the Layout has two Entities set by row or by column, the sorting condition will consider only the most nested Entity.” It does not solve most of the problems because the client requirement specifically asks - the sorting on more than one entity combination. Presently it affects more than 150 reports I…
Procedures log
Hi all, Nowadays the database log has all the steps done in a procedure, but there is no information about the procedure that is running. It would be very interesting to have a new column with the procedure information about every step. With this we could: 1- Filter the "database log" by procedure 2- Win time searching in…
Manage Web Broadcasting & SendTo
Hi everybody, I have found out 3 functionalities not included that (I think) will help a lot to administrate this feature. 1- View/Manage user's SendTo lists to see what are beign sent. 2- Copy&paste broadcast/sendTo schedule so you do not need to replicate all the process (choose presentation, addressees, etc...) just to…
List of all functions that can be used in dataflows
Hi to everyone, it would be very useful to have a document that lists all the possible functions that can be used within the dataflow layout. I have already opened a ticket to Board and they confirmed that this document does not currently exist.
Copy / paste in dataview
In a dataview with data entry, we would like to copy a cell to several other cells (on other rows) in the meantime. Today, we can only copy one cell to another one cell, only.
Activate Dataview layout preview refresh on demand only
Hi, Currently we observe very often that when end-users are trying to reconfigure a layout, the preview is trying to refresh every time a modification is made. In some cases, it can generate 10 or 20 layout refreshs (when adding / removing axis or blocks) that are useless and can overload the sytem. It is especially a…
Pie Chart Appearance
Hello, The Pie chart is a quick way of grasping the contribution share of factor members in measures e.g. quantity of products sold for a time range under product division hierarchy. Presently the pie chart appearance shows the member share in the order in which entities are uploaded. However the visualization of the pie…
Files to tidy up the presentation
Let the users create some files in presentation menu to have a better view in the menu
Input with the French numeric keypad : revert dot to comma
When we use the French numeric keypad, Board write 2.2 (for example) whereas the separator expected is the comma. It would be useful if Board revert the dot to comma in order to we can use the French numeric keypad. Thank you
Enable hidden Dataview blocks to show in Sliding Toolbar
Hey, so right now it is possible in the sliding toolbar in the data icon to disalbe/hide datablocks. It would be good to have a field in the layout of the dataview to enable hidden blocks for be shown in there as well. So you can not only disable datablocks, but enable hidden datablocks as well.
Tables expand dynamically to fit screen
1) What is your idea? Enable all Board elements and screens to expand dynamically to fill a user's screen based on their screen resolution rather than having, for example, tables as isolated elements with their own navigation. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? Tables and other Board elements only take up…
Improved database security change time
I have been complained by users that the database security change time is long. The current status of users is as follows. ?It takes a minute and a half to change only one entity. ?Scheduled to change once a month ?There are about 10 profiles and manage 12 entities. The user planned to refine the profile to about 100, but…
Enable multiple entity by row and columns on vertically aligned Layouts
Hi, I would have the possibility to have multiple entity by rows and colums on vertically aligned Layouts, without losing the the ability to perform data entry actions. Nicola
Rules on unbalanced Hierarchies
Hi all, at the moment we are not able to use rules on an unbalanced entity. It would be more than useful to set rules on those entities.
Trigger on Home Screen
HI, I would like have the possibility to set a Trigger Procedure also in the Screens thah have set like Home Page of Capsule. Now it is not possibile. In this case we could set specific "Selection" Procedure like other screens. Marco
Use input functionalities without double clicking
Currently, we can input numerical data; but if we want to use the input functionalities (for example: inc50, >50 …), we need to double-click before entering the value. It would be great if we could input with these features without double clicking.
Resize bubbles of bubble chart along with chart area
Currently, when selecting a block for the "radius" property of a bubble chart, the bubbles' size stays fixed and does not change when resizing the chart area. This can cause the bubbles to overflow the chart area like in the image below. If there were to be a "bubbles scale multiplier" one could adjust the bubbles' size…
Dynamic selection from non-time entity to time entity
Now, About Specifucaion of Dynamic selection, Dynamic selection of non-time entities and dynamic selection of time entities do not affect each other. I want them to change so that they affect each other. At the time of initial display of the screen, I want to select the time entity according to the dynamic selection result…