Enable freely positionable pop-up message windows
Hi @Product Management Team , at the moment, pop-up message windows are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Before B14, it was at the top middle position. The current situation can't be called very ergonomic. It would be better if the developer had the option of determining the position of such a message - just as is…
Enable Refresh MS Office Files procedure action (disabled from B11)
I would like to recover the Refresh MS Office files that was available in previous Board versions (till B10, it was disabled when B11 was released). This action was used to refresh MS Office files in a specific location in the server, which was very handy to schedule an update of a set of files that contain Board layouts.…
Temporary Entity
Just like we have temporary cubes in procedures sometime we need dummy entites of one or two members may be more depending upon calculations, so like temporary cubes how about having temporary entites??
🔍 Feature Suggestion: Intelligent Anonymization in EPM Board 🔍
Hello everyone, I’d like to propose an enhancement to EPM Board that could bring significant value to our user community: the integration of a feature enabling easy anonymization of database dimensions and data. This feature would allow users to easily mask sensitive information, thus streamlining the creation of…
Add full HTML Support for on-screen tips and labels
Hi @Product Management Team , it would be really nice if help text boxes (on-screen tips) understood HTML just like message boxes. Consider the following example: (notice that you can use italic in a label, but not bold) A standard message box offers more HTML support In an on-screen tip it's much worse—that would look…
Excel Add in - Error Messages
We sometimes get this error message when trying to refresh Excel Layouts: This user is not authorized to access the Board Server. Passwords are case-sensitive. We have found that sometimes this has nothing to do with the user setup/security but that the data model has been updated so the Layout is now out of date and needs…
Visible Options Based on User Permissions & Improve Keyboard Shortcuts Pane
This proposal seeks to enhance user experience and simplify navigation in Board by: Hiding Advanced Options for Basic Users Just as the "Design Mode (F4)" option is hidden for users without access, other advanced options tailored for power users or administrators should also be hidden for basic users. For example, several…
Flex Grid and wrap text in columns
Hallo everybody, in a Data View it is possible, to wrap the text in a column, so you can use a small columns width. This function is currently not available in the new Flex grid object but it could also be useful. Best wishes Thomas Schendl
Option to Exclude an Entity Member from the Layout pop up menu
Hi Team, Currently I see we have the option to Select a specific member using the Select option that is available in the data view layout context menu - like the one highlighted in the screen shot attached. However sometimes there is a need to exclude a specific member from the layout, hence would it be possible to also…
presentations & other user's custom features management
Currently there's no way to track presentations made by other users. These can be affected by capsule name change or other reviews. The same for subscriptions, send to… It's fundamental for administrators have visibility on user's custom paths to properly evaluate impact in case of maintenances & reviews of Board…
Object Effects: Transitions
This proposal seeks to improve the "Effects" section by introducing a variety of transition effects to complement the existing "Object Opacity" feature. Current Issue: Currently, when an object set to 0% opacity is hovered over, it suddenly appears, which can be visually abrupt, making the element seem to pop out of…
Export the list of BOARD capsules, folders and screens with the structure
Hi Board Team, Could you add a function allowing export the folders and screen names with its structure? For example, we can export the list of the folders and screens as following to an Excel. This helps us to review our existing screens and also write up a manual. Thanks
Page Titles- Different titles in a book based on selected content.
Hello! Currently in headers, titles are displayed using "Document Title". This will display all selected items on the entity screen in the title and carry that one title through to each page. We need to break out the title based on the content of each page. For example, an overall entity selection may encompass several…
Block Configuration Pane Behavior
Current Issue: After clicking "Save," the pane remains open, requiring developers to click a separate "Close" button to return to the layout. Impact: While this may seem like a minor issue, it results in an extra click each time changes are made. This can accumulate significantly when working on larger layouts. Proposed…
Entity Removal in Layout Axis Configuration
In Board's layout axis configuration, removing multiple entities from an axis can be cumbersome due to the inconsistent positioning of the "X" button used for removal. Current Issue: The "X" button is located on the far right of each entity. Its position shifts based on the length of the entity's name, making it tedious to…
Highlight Non-Existent Folders in Profile Security Permissions
It would be helpful to add a red color highlight or similar visual indicator to the list of folders in profile security settings to easily identify folders that no longer exist in Board but are still linked to a user profile's permissions. These "orphaned" folders continue to appear in the permissions list even though they…
Possibility of not executing the open screen procedure trigger
Hello everyone, I'd like to propose an idea, which is to add to the ‘Go to screen’ action the option of executing the screen trigger procedure or not. Like the ‘Apply data selection’ option. So we'll have the option grayed out (if no trigger procedure is activated on the screen), or the option of checking/unchecking. This…
Smart Import look and feel should be customisable, for example the scroll bars
In our Board app we have made the scroll bars larger, because in user feedback they told us the scroll bars were difficult to spot. However, in the Smart Import, there's no way to change the size of the scroll bars. We wanted them to match the other scroll bars. Please provide control over the look and feel of the Smart…
Ability to associate Mask at screen level as screen properties
Once we define a screen mask, we need to associate screens with the mask. This exercise is time-consuming and does not work in the first go on many occasions, forcing users to redo the whole thing again. When a lot of screens are associated with a single Mask, the performance to associate and disassociate degrades. It…
Custom SVG Shapes in Labels
Objective: Improve the customization of label objects in Board by implementing several key changes. Requested Enhancements: Expanded Shape Catalog: Increase the selection of predefined shapes. Support for Custom SVG Shapes: Allow developers to upload custom SVG shapes, with the ability to customize multiple colors within…
SVG Image Support with Customizable Colors
Objective: Enhance image integration in Board by supporting SVG file types and allowing color customization of SVG elements. Currently, developers can add various image formats to their screens, but the lack of SVG support limits flexibility and adaptability. SVGs are vector-based images, ideal for high quality and…
Enhancing Coloring Features in Board
This post groups several ideas aimed at improving color functionalities in Board to create a more efficient and user-friendly design experience. Color Wheel & Eye Dropper One significant enhancement would be transforming the eyedropper icon in the color picker into a true eyedropper tool, enabling users to select colors…
Selective Paste Options for Layouts
In Board, when using the "Copy Layout" function from one table to another dataview, I’ve noticed that the formatting settings also transfer along with the layout. While the aim here is to replicate the structural layout alone, the copied formats often introduce unintended design issues: Unwanted Colors: For instance,…
User Profile Quick Access Button
In the "Users" admin page, adding a quick-access button to open a selected user’s profile directly would save admins time and streamline navigation. This feature would be similar to other quick-access buttons already present in Board, like those in Impact Analysis and Call Procedure steps, where users can jump directly to…
Option to prevent saturation of an entity and corrupted data
Add an option to prevent datareader from loading data into a saturated entity and a second option to stop if creating an member would result in a saturated entity. PS : If this should be separated options fromi"On Error Stop" since we might want all rejected data logged into .log file and not stop at the 1st one, yet not…
Speed up procedure development with virtual cubes “on the fly”
Hi @Product Management Team , at the moment, every time you realise that you need an additional virtual cube, you have to exit edit mode, switch to options, create a new virtual cube, save it, save the procedure, switch back to edit steps mode. And only then you can define the new data flow. It would be much better if a…
Organization of Custom Links with Folder-Like Buttons
This proposal aims to improve the management and accessibility of custom links within Board by introducing folder-like buttons in the “Links” section. Currently, custom links are contained in a single "Links" folder-like button in the Board menu, which can become cluttered as more links are added. By allowing users to…
Mask Levels for Enhanced Screen Design Management
This proposal aims to improve the management of screen designs in Board by introducing a mask levels/priority feature, which would streamline the development process and reduce redundancy. Currently, many developers face the challenge of creating screens that share a similar design while needing to accommodate specific…
Enhanced Block Format
Currently, managing block formats in Board is cumbersome due to the inability to perform a general reset of format settings for row types or across multiple blocks simultaneously. Users often find themselves adjusting colors, fonts, and other customizations individually, which can be especially time-consuming for larger…
Copy/Paste Tool for Data Reader's ETL
This proposal introduces a copy and paste functionality for ETL configurations within Data Reader objects in Board. Currently, when working with multiple Data Readers, developers often face the tedious task of manually configuring each ETL setting individually, which in some cases, is common for some Data Readers. This…