Missing child in Relationships
Hi, I'm trying to create a dashboard on ESG Net Zero Emission. I've picked only a particular worksheet (1a_RM_&_pack_calc_1.csv) and created entities and built relationships for them, but after running the Data Reader, I'm getting an error on Missing Child in relationships. Thanks & Regards, Kranthikumar Goli.
How to read dataframes from R back in Board
Hi! I am struggling to use the R calculation step. What I am trying to achieve is to read back the "output_dataframe", defined in the R script, into a Cube. It is annoying since Board keeps on signaling the R DataFrame is incorrect (marked as red) even if not log statement is displayed, so I am not able to save it and…
Custom Entity Relationships in Time Range
Are Custom Entities only working as a parent to the lowest level? I'm struggling with the "Current Fiscal Year" (red mark). In selection phases (i.e. a screen selection), the selection of the entity member "Current" on the "Current Fiscal Year" won't apply on the child "Fiscal Year" (member "22/23" in this case). However,…
How to manage cloud tasks from on premise server - Orchestrator
Hello community i'm going to move to cloud and I know it's now possible execute a board procedure through an API call. Since I have various tasks to copy files to/from the cloud, to be synchronyzed with Board procedures, I would evaluate possible solutions to manage processes that combines batches to transfer files (with…
Board : The JOIN function is not supported anymore
Hello, In Patch, as per the release notes : Dataflow : The JOIN function is not supported anymore and should not be used in the Dataflow configurations ⇒ Could you please explain if there is a change in the code related to JOIN() function : All dataflow with join() will now fail ? or it is for information purposes…
Measure Totals in Data View: Force to be a sum
Hello Community, I am running an issue with the total value in a data view and wondering if there is an easy way to solve it. I have an example below I want to calculate the $ impact on price difference (column K). For individual row the calculation is correct, not saying the total is wrong but I just want to force the…
Anyone using version / code management software in BOARD projects?
Hey community, I just saw Bob Gill linking his article World Cup 2018 to a repository on GitHub (GitHub - grobertgill/Tournament: BOARD Tournament model setup for World Cup 2018 ). This is something I have been thinking about now and then but have never tried to do. Is anyone of you using such solutions (GitHub, Subersion,…
How to move columns in Reports?
Hi, I need to build a report where the row entity is in the second column. So in essence I need to show actuals data then the row entity then the rest of the columns. What I have tried was to bring in the row entity into the layout section of the report but noe any template styling is not applied to the entity. See the…
Format individual cells
Dear All, I have a question regarding formatting individual cells, is it possible to color a individual cell eg. if value is negative → green, if value is positive → red. I know the option color alert, but this has effect on the total column. Is it possible to format individual values in a row/column? Regards, Wouter
Color fade away in the Data View
Hi, anyone know how to turn off the color fader for the alerts in the Data view? Want to add some colors to the variances but noticed that the colors seems to fade away based on the value (example below). I just want the negative values to be static red and positives to be static green.
Board and SOAP APIs
One of our APIs that customer requires a connection to does not have a REST API, but only a SOAP interface. I know that I can connect to this using PowerShell, but does any Board expert have any suggestions or recommendations as to the best way to get Board to interact with a SOAP API?
Using Unbalanced Hierarchy and standard entity together
I have an unbalanced hierarchy ( P&L Reporting) which has multi-levels Level 1 — Level2 — — Level 3 Another entity is Account which has all the base-level accounts in it. Level 3 of the unbalanced hierarchy is linked to the Account entity where multiple accounts have a relationship with a single Level 3 member. I have a…
Unbalanced Hierarchy broken?
Good Morning :) I have an entity which is an unbalanced hierarchy. The entity seems fine. Here are the settings: I also have a SQL Data Reader which loads the Entity and the Relationship which also seems fine: The Data Reader runs just fine. No error logs, no cancellation. However, the relationships are not built. I have…
Entity Broken?
Good Morning :) I have an Entity that seems fine in the DataModel: However, if I look into a DataView in a Screen, there are no values in the entity. (even with show all, nothing is shown) What could be the problem? Thank you Kind Regards Wolfgang
Documentation EXCEL-ADD-IN
So, I'm about to take a closer look at the EXCEL-ADD-IN from Board. At first sight what's offered is rather disappointing! A handful of more or less powerful VBA functions, I could live with that, then I build them myself. My "old" MIK software already had much more to offer. And that was more than 15 years ago! But what…
New feature in 12.6 - Permission Groups
After a recent upgrade to 12.6.0, some users were not able to log in, getting an error message "Error. Sorry, there was an error : unauthorized_client. Request Id: 0HMSA0GDGEDP2:0000003C". It didn´t happen to the users with Admin license. So we´ve realized that in the Subscription Hub there was a new setting which was…
Board12 Add-In Office WebApi Login error
Hi, I'm trying to connect to an on-prem Board 12 server using SAML authentication via WebApi. In the connection configurations I entered "https://myserver.com/" as hostname and I selected SAML. When I try to connect (using Excel) the browser opens regularly on the login page, I enter the credentials and the browser…
Impact Analysis update of information
Good morning, Our team would like to know if there's a method to update the impact analysis information. We have verified some cases where a name of a procedure or a screen is changed manually but this is not reflected in the impact analysis, which still shows the previous name. We believe having seen this for other…
How to set user>select>datamodels>entity on cloud.
Hello. I cannot find the function to set user>select>(data models)>entity on cloud. On localhost environment,I know the fntion.(see screenshots)
Algorithms admitted in Data Readers or dataflows
Hello, It would be very interesting to have lists 📑 of all the formulas, operations and algorithms that we can use in dataflows on the one hand, and in the ETL of datareaders on the other hand. Do these lists exist, and could you please provide them? Thank you very much.
Hi, For our BOARD reports we want to have the number in thousands. This is easy with the "divide" functionality. However this gives incorrect results due to roundings. In order to solve the rounding issue I though to create a procedure to solve it (see below). However, the last column of the table highlighted in Yellow…
Data in the Cpsx-Logfile
Hello, I have some difficulties in the interpretation of the Cpsx-Logfile. We want to know how often each screen in Board has been opened by a user, but the log file seems to write for nearly every operation a new line. I added a list of the operations, logged in the file. Which of them represents the opening of a screen…
B.E.A.M. Support
Hello citizens , i'm looking for a good support to learn the BEAM, i really need it now, please someone could send me this one? Thank you so much!
BEAM Predictive Analysis (MAE and MAPE)
Can anyone explain on how MAE and MAPE are getting calculated in BEAM Predictive Analytics ? ------------------------------ Vamsi Krishna Associate Software Engineer SIMBUS TECHNOLOGIES PRIVATE LIMITED India ------------------------------
Log Management Application : any update ?
Hi everyone, I wanted to ask the question to Antonio Speca during our Board 11 meeting, but this was question n°10 and I did not have time to ask all 11 The question is : a "Log Management Application", which I find quite useful, was released a long time ago and a version of it was installed for us when we were using the…
How to rename the detail by Column Headers?
Hi, As seen in the image below we have a data view with a column that is detailed by year. What is happening is that because we are using detail by Year in the second column, "Prior Year Of 2023", The problem is that, that column is looking at 2022 data. So we need to remove the 2023 out of that column. How can we do this?
BOARD Office Add-In
Hi, Hs anyone ha an issue with install office add-in for Office 365? I know it is compatible as I have had it before and I had to reinstall it due t some issues. Now I'm unable to install office add-in on to my machine and I'm getting this error below. Does anyone know how to fix? I have tried reinstalling MS Office but…
Is using a UBH useful in being able to see data with higher granularity in a report format?
We would like to see if utilizing an unbalanced hierarchy entity will assist in being able to drill through subtotal levels within the report format. For example, we would like to be able to drill through Transaction fees to see the amount coming from individual GL accounts that combine to give the subtotal which goes into…
Identify level of unbalanced hierarchy members in a dataview
Hi all, is there a option/variable etc. to identify the level of unbalanced hierarchy members (set by row) in a dataview? Example: Entity Sales Level A 100 1 B 50 2 C 50 2 C1 50 3 Thanks for you help. Kind regards, Atilla
Unable to re-start the board service
Hello, I have an on premise installation and I am unable to re-start the board service via the board server configuration tool, the service was running normally in the past days, but yesterday I had to stop the service during the execution of a loading procedure, but when I tried re-starting via the board server config…