Board Broadcasting as scheduled task
Hello Community, I set up the Broadcast functionality of Board to one of our clients and now we would like to schedule it to run every day. So, I create a bat file using the BoardWinClient.exe syntax. The script works find it sends emails with excel files attached. The problem is when I set it as a scheduled task in…
WinZip extraction error !!
* Hello everybody, It is the first time I raise a question .... so I welcome feed-back .... Thank You * I was upgrading to the latest Board version the B10.3.0. Following the download and the ZIP extraction into C / Program Files / Board then I got the error message from WinZip "Impossible to deal with "Setup Client…
Exclude item in a selector
Hello! Is it available a feature within a selector that allows to select all items but one? Something like the "Exclude" functionality of the Select function, but available also for the selector. Thanks, Emanuela
Disabling data entry on totals without disabling the total display
Hi all, Everything is in the title: I'm looking for a way to disable data entry on a total without removing the total itself. The dataview is a basic table to enter data at the physical cube level (no use of split & splat), and we would like to display the total of 3 lines without letting the user modify the total directly…
Data picker value is not being displayed ?!
Hello All, I am not able to display value using Data picker, here are the steps i have done from start, let me know if i am missing on some part to help rectify this. Step 1: Created a new Entity (SalesReport) Step 2: Created a cube name SalesCube (Using SalesReport in structure) Step 3: Created Rule and used Data picker…
Dataview on web not Sequential
Hi All, I have some problem about dataview on web version. When I am trying scroll dataview to the right, the data are sequential, but when I turn back to the left, the data are not sequential. Its like suddenly while user trying to scroll, it will jump to random column. Any advise ?? Attach 1 When I scroll this dataview…
Reset Database Security Profil
Hi there, accidentally, I added in the database security for the ADMIN profil an data selection script. Now I have no Access to my database. Is there any way to reset the database security profil? Regards, Jörn
The auto-update does not work unless the user has admin rights on their PC.  We do not want to
Hi, We have upgraded our board server to When installing the clients we selected the "#auto update" option. For users that have administrative rights on their workstation, the auto update usually works (but sometimes does not). However, if the user does not have admin rights on their workstation, the auto…
I am not able to delete entities/Groups. Deleted Groups and Entities reappears after clicking on Sav
Hello Team I created database using Data Fast track, now i want to delete the Entities and Group but i am not able to delete it 1. I tried Deleting all the entities One-by-One 2. Then I Deleted all groups 3. But as soon as i Clicked on Save Button, All the entities and groups are re-appearing, Can i know how can i solve…
Remove Database name from Database Drop-Down list.
Hello Team, I have unloaded a selected Database using Utilities > Unload (Under Database Section) , However it is still appearing in Drop Down list, How can i stop it from showing in the drop-down list OR permanently Delete it ?! Thanks, Malav
Action configuration panel cut by screen
Hello, Does anyone know why the action configuration panel is boarded, the Apply button, cancel, and cut off by the screen. Windows 8.1 Board v10.1.4
magento database access
Hello everyone , i got a project in progress right now and i have to connect to a Magento "E-commerce" database , is there someone here who had acces to a magento database using Board? thanks a lot in advance!
Unable to install, key not properly installed     
We're moving the installation of Board to a new server, but we can't uninstall the license on the old server. The message is "unable to install, key not properly installed". Does someone have an idea how to fix this? Thank you!
Connection failed: object reference not set to an instance of an object
Hello, I got the following message when trying to login on BOARD: Connection failed: object reference not set to an instance of an object I stopped and restarted the BOARD server but I still have the issue. An idea? Thank you and best regards
Does board elearning platform have any limitations ?!
Hello Team I have purchased board elearning platform, however i have couple of questions Q1: Is it a life long access ? Q2: Can i view all the videos multiple times for future references, say for example, i need to recollect something from the video on elearning portal after few months, so will i be able to access the…
Web Oups
Hello everyone , i'd like to know if there is a way to hide the "OUPSS" that i'm getting when i'm reviewing my screens on the web! Have a good day!
Can I load a custom font in BOARD
If I want to use a font that is not currently in BOARD, ie a font particular to my corporate identity can that be loaded in? Say you have the font file, can it be placed in the server instal area and then available for all users to use in Capsule design? thanks in advance
RDB Cube contents are not displayed
Hi boardville members, i just copied a database and capsules to our dev server. Everything works fine, but all the dataviews with RDB cubes in behind are empty. I already checked and compared the ODBC settings from booth servers. Any hints? Best Paul
Filtering by Date Ranges Using Multiple Date Fields
Greetings! I am currently working on a project where our End User would like to search a DataView Report but have the ability to have the ability to search by Date Range but with 2 different Date Fields. Our CRM currently is capturing when a customer begins their subscription service as well as when the customer ends…
Hiding Cubes depending on security profile
Hey folks! is it possible to hide a cube in a layout depending on someones security profile? thanks for your ideas and have a nice weekend ! best regards Toni
Create a weblink to other programs like ERP etc
Hey folks! Is it possible to create weblinks in a dataview ? For example, I have all projects in my dataview and if I select one of them, it should open our ERP-Software with the selected project ID. Thanks for ideas and help. Have a nice day Toni
Data Entry Value Range
Hello community, How can I restrict the data entry that the user can only enter zero or values greater than 50,000? Thank you in advance. Kind Regards Jonas Trompeter
Show Only Zero Values
Hi, Can board just show data with Only Zero Values? Thanks.
Why Excel Upload Function not in Data Reader
Dear Members, Why there is no Option of excel upload of data in Data reader .is there any specific reason for this .
Hi All, I am using Desktop Client. I have page with two tables and 3 graphs inside a transition container. One of the tables is set to master layout. Which I want to use to focus the rows in the second table. I do not want the graphs to be impacted by the master layout. Is there a way to switch off master…
Question about Database Security profile
Hello, I have an entity "Product" with 3 parents in the same level (Activity, Agency and Society) ---> Activity Product ---> Agency ---> Society Each user has access to one society, (To achieve that, I Filtered on the entity "Society" in the database security). However Every user should have access to all members of the…
Is there a keyboard shortcut to lock a cell
When using the lock & spread function is there a keyboard shortcut to lock the cells you have clicked on instead of going up into the toolbar and clicking the lock button?
HiAdvice needed on dataflow procedure
Hi Boardville, thanks again for your help, I enjoy the community and make progress in getting more knowhow Still I got a question. I have the following task: In my database is a cube which shows 'Sucessful Logins by User', which looks like this. Layout Select based on "Login Action" From this cube I want to exclude the…
Change entity name in dataview
Hello citizens, i'd like to know if there is a way to change the entity's name in the dataview without changing it in the database ? Thank you!
Office 365/Excel Addin
Hey guys, quick question, is the office excel addin compatible with office 365? kind regards Toni