export to excel
Hi Community I have a doubt that just to export a dataview to excel also do we need ms office license to board should be true? Thanks in Advance.
Changing Header Positions in Layout Selects
Hey there I just want to know if its possible to change the column header positions. I want PLAN to show first and then the second member IST I don´t think thats possible but thanks in advance =) kind regards Toni
Combine Cubes with different entities
The goal is to produce to the following structure: Employee / Activity / Hours / ( activity / capacity ) So i have a cube with the employees, activities and hours for each day and i have a cube with the capacity per day per employee. And also the time period will change, so the capacity is a variable. The report can be for…
Fine tuning Set-Trigger on DataView
We have a dataview with (for simplicity sake) 3 blocks in the layout. Each block has data entry enabled. Dataview has set-trigger defined - this procedure is executing some logic/flows with the new numbers. The logic in the procedure is assuming the that all 3 blocks have changed and logic needs to be executed for those…
Procedure Failing - "Index out of range"
I have a procedure that fails on the overnight schedule but works fine when I run it manually. Error message is "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less that the size of the collections. Parameter name: Index" The only time I've seen this message before was when a step of the procedure is for a Data Reader…
Get Last Value each 10 Days
Hi everyone, Currently, I had a problem to find a way for getting last value each 10 Days (based on my Aging time). I tried to use Last Value function but didn't work (cause Last Value function characteristic -it won't stop till the time end- ). Is everyone any some suggestions? The example I attached. Thank you. Have a…
How to write data entry back to source database?
We've recently moved to a world of trying to maintain a clean production environment and making all changes in dev and then periodically copying the entire dev database across to live. However..... We've realised that data entry performed in live now gets overwritten. We have some data entry enabled for both entities and…
Disable left menu in HTML5 iframe
Hi, when i try to embed a capsule in my website using iframe, the left side menu still appears. Using it, users have access to other screens. Is there a way to view a capsule in my site page without viewing the left sidebar of the BOARD web interface preventing free navigation among screens? Thanks,
Keep Header Rows Empty in Excel
Hi Boarders! When I export a table to Excel, Board adds 0's into the empty header rows. In the example attached, "EXPENSES", "Workforce" and "Senior Medical Officers (SMO's)" are empty header rows in the Board data view but they contain 0 in the downloaded Excel sheet. Can I quickly download to an Excel spreadsheet but…
Screen Security for Individual User
Hi Boardville, I would like to create a screen, which can only be seen by selected Board Users to an existing capsule, which is used by multiple users. Is this possible via security profiles or will I need to set up an additional folder for these selected individuals? Thanks Mathias
Get around go to screen and run procedure on webHTML5
Hello, Looks like there are not the option to have a go to screen or a run procedure linked with a dataview line! How did you get around this? Thank you and best regards Marcel
Top N Query in Layout - N should be selectable by the user
Top N Query in Layout - N should be selectable by the user in the screen One of our Clients wants to select variable top N queries in a screen, means that the user should be able to select if the layout is for example a top 10 or a top 15 or a top 20 query. At the moment you have to go into the layout and select the number…
Difference Time
Hi, I want to calculate difference year like this, FC Admin - Choose Year(2018-2017=1). How to develop in board?
Can I deploy Board items created in v10.3 to a server running on Board v10.1?
Hi Guys Is it possible to deploy Board items created in v10.3 to a server running on Board v10.1? I have upgraded my development environment to 10.3 and want to continue working in it, but there is a chance that I will want to deploy the work to the v10.1 production environment before I can upgrade it to 10.3. Any help…
Aging the time/period
Hi All, I'm confused to do an aging of time (that I know Aging use for grouping/mapping about age of sth). This time I'm trying to make Aging for Date. I have Day which is only the Date formate inside so there will be 01 - 31, from that Date I divide by 3 part : First week 10 Days (Date 01-10), Second week 10 Days (Date…
How to create a zone map?
Hi all, I was looking a bit around on YouTube for BOARD demos and I stumbled upon following video: Self Service Business Intelligence - BOARD Cube - YouTube As you can see between minutes 10 and 13, the presenter uses a map of the United States, split up in zones with values and colours adjusting interactively based on the…
Using selector on dataview with a refer-to
In dataviews where I have used a refer-to to create a sub-selection of a cube (in my example, I'm using a cube of revenue and have a reference for payment method as I want to exclude certain payment methods from my analysis), when I apply a screen selection the column with the refer-to does not have the screen selection…
Log file for procedure changes
Dear community, Is there any log file on Board server to track procedure changes? I am looking for information like who has changed the procedure and when it has been changed? I will be grateful with your answers. Selvet
Problems logging in via client after initial install
Hi, I am following the e-learning steps to install the Board software. This is on a local desktop. I have successfully installed the server, set up the first user and installed the client. However when I try to connect with the client (using Administrator) the dialog box briefly flashes "Connecting..." but then goes…
Broadcasting on Cloud Enviroment
Hello, In on premise enviroment the email setting must set on client side. Does anyone knows if it is possible to set the Broadcasting option also on cloud enviroment? Where can i set the Broadcasting parameters? Thanks a lot Lorenzo
How Do I Calculate Elapsed Time from 2 Date/Time Stamps Fields?
Greetings, I'm currently trying to capture the elapsed time between two Date/Time stamp fields from a table in SQL and break it out by Days/Hours/Minutes. I've searched the content available on the BOARDville forums and have tried several ETL functions and can successfully calculate the days. However, taking the remainder…
Make one cube in a layout time independent
Hi there! I have a simple layout, with two cubes shown in a dataview. One of those cubes should react on the time selection I make, but the other one, should show me all years or to be more precisely, the cube should not react on the time selection. Is that possible? Regards Toni
Get Current week/month
HI, How to get Current Week or Month on Algorithm?
Different Sceurity Profile depending on capsule
Hi everyone, in our board system we use different capsules and usually every user (apart from the admins) only has access to one capsule. We now have the special case that one user is supposed to have access to two capsules. The problem is that in one of the capsules he only is allowed to see data for one company and in…
Dataview display issues
Hi, I have a screen that fails to display any data when first opened. The first cube is the most complex and under details it says "unable to analyze this block". If I change this to another cube, press OK, then change it back to the original cube, the data displays correctly. So Board does not like the initial layout, but…
decimal bug on data entry
Hi board members, we use a single cube to enter distribution keys. In one example is just entered 0,24 and 0,76. After a refresh i got the following values: Same procedure works using 1,24 and 1,76. I there any explanation for this behavior? Best Paul
switching between the two versions of board 10.3.0 and 10.1.4
Hello Community, Well I have a problem switching between the two versions of board 10.3.0 and 10.1.4 I have capsules that can only be open with Board 10.3.0 and others with 10.1.4 and every time I have to work with a different version of board I delete the current version and install the needed one . is there any way to…
Validation rules on downtotal
Hello Citizens, i'd like to know if there is a way to apply a rule of validation on downtotal, for example the total quantity transported per day have to be 50. thank you!
Displaying similar points on a bubble chart
I am trying to plot some data on a bubble chart, and am having some issues trying to plot and display points that have identical results: The dataview here shows what I am plotting - and the points '11' and '16' are mostly hidden. I have tried here with different bubble sizes but the labels are still not visible. I am…
Export User Metadata
Dear Community, Is it possible to export user metadata (Users entity and Users Profile cube) by defining procedure (by extracting)? Do I need additional permission or definition to access user metadata? I will be grateful with your answers. Thank you.