Copy Layout from a dataview to a chart - error
Hello, I always get an error when I try to copy a dataview layout to a chart. Instead of the info box I only see a white box and have to break of with escape (or that's it). My colleagues have no problems with that move. Can someone help? We already checked all the Board options settings... KR Annika
'Try Force HBMP Mode' in a DataFlow
I have recently noticed there is an option under the 'High Performance Mode' in setting up a data flow that tries to 'Force the use of HBMP mode.' I was under the impression that the use of 'High Performance Mode' would have the data flow use HBMP calculation method if parameters were suitable. A few questions: 1) What is…
How to save changes in hierarchies?
I need to store and navigate the changes i have in my Customer hierarchy. In our business, each Customer is assigned a Salesperson, and this is replicated into our BOARD data model where the entity "Salesrep" is directly linked to the entity Customer. Over time, this relationship changes and we need to keep track of this…
Save credential of web login page on iPad using Chrome
Hi, One of my customer use Chrome installed into iPad to connect to Board web (HTML5, version 10.1.2). He saved password and at login page the username and password fields are correctly filled, but login process doesn't work (after clicking on the right arrow or pressing return button, nothing happen), he must change…
Screenerror with web client
Good afternoon, I have a strange problem with a screen. When I open it with the Windows Client it works without problems, also the items in the pager are shown. When I open the same screen with the Web Client, it shows this red message box with a reference and the pager is empty. Probably there is a solution or do I have…
How to use period offset for previous previous year
Hello all, I'm trying to creat a data view with the following layout (for the selected year 2017). I want to see my current plan qty (here 2017), the current year qty (here 2017) and the previous year qty (2016) and the previous previous year qty (2015). But the data for the previous previous year (2015) I get is wrong. I…
BOARD Win Client occupies a lot of memory on Windows10
Hi All, Currently, i'm using the BOARD Windows Client latest release on Windows 10. I found that the BOARD Client occupies a lot of memory. It makes my Laptop very hot and slow. I think may be BOARD Client is not compatible with Windows 10. I captured task manager status when i work with BOARD openning. Does anyone have…
add "distribute horizontally/vertically" function to arrange screen objects
Hi, this is actually a post for the "Ideas" sections, but i seem not been allowed to post an idea on my own. Reason is, i cannot fill the field "publish locations" 1. What is your idea? Could you "transform" this question into an idea ? Thanks in advance…
Load CSV using ASCII when there is missing data
Hi, I receive a daily CSV from a third party. The first row is the column header, the first 5 columns always have data and the next two columns only occasionally have data. When I load using ASCII data reader, I can't load columns 6 and 7 because the first row of actual data is almost always blank for these columns. If I…
Display data on dataview with date entities
Dear All, Actually, I want to display data on data view like the picture below, but i dont know how to do. In the left side is the sample input and the right side is the output i want to see on data view. The difficulty is both rows and clolumns is date type, but in Board we can only create one date-time entity only. Thank…
Extract and Reload of entities/trees to fix corruption
Hi there, Performing an extract and reload with clear entities is one of the fixes to a corrupted db, depending on how the database was corrupted; however when entity members were deleted manually, obviously there will be empty index numbers in between without a member. As a consequence, BOARD reassigns the empty index to…
best practice for backup notes
Hi, we are doing manual ziped database back-ups. I would like to save some text in the same zip file, so i can comment the recent backup.
Is the Cognitive Space a game changer?
Hi all, what do you think about the cognitivespace? What use cases do you see in existing solutions and in the future especially for the nlq (native language querying)? How do you explain and demo this to new / existing customers? Do you see the need to change development guidelines like using prefixes to categorize cubes…
Export Screen in Web client
Hello everyone, I have built a procedure where I am exporting a screen to PDF and everything is working perfectly when I am running it in the Windows Client. But when I run it in the Web Client the PDF file is not created. Is that functionality not available for the Web Client? Thanks, Daniel
Load data from Analysis Services using MDX Federator or OLEDB Connection
Hi everyone, I have to load data from a cube in Microsoft Analysis Services. I tried with an ODBC Datareader, connecting via OLEDB to analysis services session and typing a MDX query in manual box of the datareader, but every time an error occured (usaually a syntax error or other type). Has anyone done that? Is there…
Can substitution variables be used in a dataflow?
I have a data reader that is reading data from a database. I have included it in a database process. I would like to add a data flow step in my process to save the @datetime to a text cube. We can then display the correct time that this process last run on appropriate screens to let users know when the load was last run. I…
Using average in dataview
Does anyone know how to use average in dataview and get the grand total to average not sum when there are more than one row sort.
Text Analytics Selector
I was working with a partner this week and their version of BOARD is the same as mine, i.e., but they had a Text Analytics Selector in the toolbox, which I don't have. Is this switched on via an option or is there another explanation? Thanks
Fade Out "Grand Total" for structured DataViews
We are using a lot of structured data views and in most cases, the grand total line isn't usefull for us. Is this feature planned for the future?
Formatting of numbers in WEB browser
When displaying in the web browser, I encounter the following problem: All numerical values in the graphs show the number format 123,456.78 while the tables show the correct number format 123.456,78. The settings on the server are set correctly. Is there any switch to get these settings in the graphics? wrong…
Data View Layout
Hi community. I have 2 questions that I hope you can assist me with. 1) How do I put the totals on top in a Data View? 2) How do I disable a Block Option Configuration? Best Regards Thora
InfoCube Checksum not 100%
Hello, Why is the Chksum less than 100% for certain Infocube versions after loading a database? Should it not be 100% for all versions? Why could it be smaller for some versions? Thanks in advance,
Broadcasting to multiple recipients
is it possible to use the Broadcasting function to send the same "document" or "attachment" to multiple recipients? Using a dataview to store the recipients list, i can only put one single email address as functions like ";" do not seem to be supported MarioRossi@Net.it > works fine MarioRossi@Net.it; LucaRossi@Net.it >…
Disable "edit/configure layout" in HTML5
Hi, i was wondering if it is possible to disable the possibility for end users to modify the layouts and change axes and/or contents displayed in the HTML5 screens. I know this is a valuable and important feature for some users, but the majority of the user base won't benefit from this feature and might end up "messing up"…
"Cannot load protocols list" message when running data reader
Why do I get the error "Cannot load protocols list." every time I try to run any data reader? Immediately after this error I get "Invalid user : this user is logged in elsewhere." when I try to view any screen. Any help greatly appreciated! Thanks
TCP Tunnelling
I am being asked to connect to an Amazon RDS instance via an ssh key and TCP tunnelling. The question is do we support this and how is it to be achieved? My understanding is that ssh TCP Tunnelling kind of replaces a VPN so I would need to do the following things * Download and install some ssh software (I have selected…
Calculate month to date
Hello, Can anyone help out with how to calculate a month to date and campare with the month to date previous year? The scenario I want to create is col 1 is Current week which will be displayed either choosing a week from the selector or using a pager, col 3 will be same week previous year. Column 3 will be month to date…
Overriding a format template
I have a dataview report very similar in nature to a standard P&L type view, on my rows I have various measures which need formatting differntly for example row 1 is a dollar value to zero decimal places, row two is a percentage to 1 decimal place and row three is a dollar value to 2 decimal places. Column 1 is current…
Cloud server support policies
In terms of server maintenance, have we developed a standard set policies of what server modification requests are supported? For example, I know we do not support batch files on cloud servers for several reasons. I can see that as we scale with the cloud we cannot accommodate every request to modify the environment, as…
Chart Options > Block of Series Color
Anyone know what Block for Series Color does in a Chart > Options? Unless I am doing something wrong, it seems to just impact background color. I am working with a bar chart. I am looking for the bars in my bar chart to have different colors based on an algorithm. Any advice is appreciated.