Level 300, Module 304: How do I upload the data into the data reader? #Level300: Building a Planning
Loaded From txt Files, it's critical important to make sure we are integrating all rows.
Best practice data import and update CSV
Hello, I'm new to the board world and am having a bit of a hard time finding the right way to import weekly updated data from a .csv file. What would be the correct/best procedure to import the data and update it weekly. I'm really missing the common thread, where should I start? First create the entities or cubes or data…
Copy/Paste Tool for Data Reader's ETL
This proposal introduces a copy and paste functionality for ETL configurations within Data Reader objects in Board. Currently, when working with multiple Data Readers, developers often face the tedious task of manually configuring each ETL setting individually, which in some cases, is common for some Data Readers. This…
Data Reader limits ?
Hi, I would like to know if there are any Text File Data Reader limits in terms of size of the data loaded. I'll explain : I have this DR which loads only the highlighted cubes without any error message. If I delete this 2 cubes, keeping the others, it only loads the 2 cubes highlighted following. The file I am trying to…
Handling of .cfg Files in Text File Data Reader
In Board 12 & 14, the Text File Data Reader has a limitation in how it handles .cfg files when a pattern filter is used in the "Connection" tab. This impacts the automatic mapping of fields and the correct configuration of the file settings, such as delimiters, headers, and other parameters stored in the .cfg file. Issue…
Allow the use of Temporary Cubes on Smart Import objects
The idea is simple: Allow the use of Temporary Cubes on Smart Import objects as we do for Data Readers. It should be possible to type the Temporary Cube name and load data into it. The Temporary Cube should be configured in the Trigger Procedure launched after a Data entry action. Today, for the Smart Import object, we…
How can I flag all periods between 2 dates?
Hi, I need to load some discount values from a table in SQL but the table does not have a month column. Instead, we have 2 separate columns; for Start Date and End Date. In normal circumstances, I would just take the last value from each of these dates and subtract the two lists, leaving me with the period between being…
Expand datareader edit window in Board 14
The edit window for datareader in Board 14 is way too narrow. Currently it is nearly impossible to fully identify cubes, SQL table names or column names on a regular screen. The edit window for datareader should be just as wide as the pop up which opens when creating a new datareader:
Filename substitution formula in Data Readers
Hello everyone, It could be useful for developers to have the following functionality implemented in Board: A new substitution formula @filename that returns the name of the file being loaded in the Data Reader. This formula could then be used in the ETL. Usage example: The client's cubes have the dimension "Month of…
Unable to load unbalanced hierarchy throught datareader
Hi, I have followed the steps mentioned in attached article on how to create unbalanced hierarchy. I have successfully loaded the entity members. Now as I try to define their relationship I am unable to do so. I want to assign AC2 as parent of AC3. Kindly help!
Improve SQL error log
Hi all, Board has SQL error log like "SQLError_YYYYMMDD.log". We cannot easy to load this log into cube. However, in many cases, customer would like to know what kind of error they have in daily batch. Could you improve to data format of the log as normalized? I have tested it on B14.1. However, it is still same format as…
ASCII Flat File DataReader - Move data file after reading
Dear all, I really appreciated the new "Delete file after reading" checkbox in procedures. I guess that, like most of you, our customer(s) require to move the flat file from its folder to another folder after its data was integrated into Board. However, most of the time, keeping the file in order to control the data loaded…
Massive replace of Data Reader source
Hello everyone, It would be really useful to have the following functionality implemented in Board, as we would be able to have more flexibility and easily maintain the data models. Massively replace the source of non-text Data Readers. Why? The connection between a Data Reader and its Source is currently based on the name…
Substitution formulas in Data Reader path
Hello everyone, It could be useful for developers to have the following functionality implemented in Board: Have already existing substitution formulas recognized on the path field of Data Readers. Usage example: By using @database on the Data Reader's path, when duplicating a database, and renaming it, we wouldn't have to…
ASCII Data Reader - Load first/last rows
Hello everyone, It could be useful for developers to have the following functionality implemented in Board: Add a new setting on the Data Reader "properties" tab that allows developers to specify a certain numer of rows to be loaded, and choosing wether to load the first or last X rows of the file, and ignore the rest of…
Improve formatting capabilities for Unbalanced Hierarchies in Row Templates
We have an unbalanced hierarchy that comprises of four levels for which we would like to apply different formatting in data views at the individual levels. The hierarchy changes very frequently and contains thousands of members that are essentially managed by end users. As such, manual maintenance of a row template is not…
Maintain Row Templates for Unbalanced Hierarchies Automatically
We have an unbalanced hierarchy that comprises of four levels for which we would like to apply different formatting in data views at the individual levels. The hierarchy changes very frequently and contains thousands of members that are essentially managed by end users. As such, manual maintenance of a row template is not…
How to extract entities in code with cube extraction
Hello. I'm currently failing to reload the data because the input data in the cube is extracted with the description rather than the code. I think the problem could be solved if the data could be output in code. I would like some advice as I am currently facing this issue and don't know how to resolve it. I'm sorry that…
Generate sequential numbers when importing with a Data reader
I want to generate a sequential number column when importing data into Board using a data reader. Can you do it?
Add Smart import to cube analysis and Impact analysis
A simple idea this time : Currently, there is no reference to Smart Imports when a cube make cube analysis or Impact analysis in the DB. We can see the cube is included on a screen, but no reference about where. Sometimes, the loaded cube is also displayed on a dataview and then it becomes hard to see the difference. Would…
Is there an ETL function for counting row?
Hi, I've got a cube that requires a line reference number as a dimension (from the load table) - I'd like to add a row counter to the ETL in the data reader where this cube is populated, but I'm not sure what the function would be (or if one exists). Does anyone know what the function is or a workaround? Thanks!
Level 200 Module 209: Build Account Tree Hierarchy, Data Reader Issue? No records were loaded
Hi Team, Create the Account Tree Entities and built the relationships between them. Also Built data readers to load Entities, Members, and to establish Relationships. But when I Run the Data reader(H - Account Data Reader) no members are coming in Account Entity. Please help me to figure it out. Thanks in Advance.
SVG-Icons for Entities
I suggest the possibility to add own SVG icons to entities. This makes it possible to display them instead of or in addition to code/description in selectors, diagrams and dataviews. This option is particularly interesting for grouping entities, workflow entities or other static entities. It is important that these can be…
Matrix relationship SQL not working 🤔
Hello dear community, I want to do a matrix relationship via SQL datareader (same as explained in the resources below) : Here is a screen of the ETL : The result is an empty cube with no discard and "1" as a validated record Thank you in advance for your help
Ability to type in Row number to view in Data Reader ETL
Hi, I was creating a Data Reader with an ETL in the Validation Condition and wanted to scan across the file to view another row that had a different "Stock Source" to confirm that my formula was working correctly, but I had to manually flick between the rows. It'd be nice to, e.g., input row "200" as a text field in the…
ASCII Data Reader Option to choose the text qualifier
it would be helpful have the option to choose the text qualifier when reading a csv files. Looking at a similar function in excel to convert / split cells format, options could be " ' none. In this way the presence of question marks in some strings can be properly managed
Data Reader Upload files
Hello I would like create a Data Reader and use my own files to try some use cases. Would you mind tell me how to upload my files in the Board local storage so I can use them in the data reader Best regards, Anis
New Datasource: SAP Data Lake
Customers in DACH-Region are mainly driven by SAP. SAP Cloud is increasingly being used by customers. SAP data and non-SAP data is stored there. It is necessary to read and write data from SAP Data Lake. Connect to Data Lake Relational Engine Using the .NET Driver
Hello Dear community ! 👋 Where can i find the Log after running an SQL DataReader? (the log box is cheked) Thank you in advance 😉