Datareader - SQL Connection
Hi All! We are currently implementing a new Data Warehouse with a direct connection to Board. Now, my problem is that the DataReader does not always show the available tables and views from the Data Warehouse. Within the Cloud Portal, I have set up the access correctly, and the test was successful. Sometimes, it works—I…
Importing Data from PowerBI Dataset
Hello, has someone an idea or experience in importing Data from a PowerBI Dataset as Data Source? Best regards
Board call API using OAuth 2.0
Hi Community, I want to create a Board "Data Source" connector to Google Drive API using OAuth 2.0 authentication. I have created an id application on Google Dev/Cloud. But I am not sure about the Board Callback URL section. For now, I use url callback: https://my-domain-name/en/Callback.html. When I create a Data Source…
Procedure Dataflow
I have a cube at los level and I want to take that cube's values to the planning level of different LOSs. Considering los, sbu, sub sbu and competency are in relation and competency being the smallest and los being the largest. How could i do that
Azure Storage Certificate Access
Dear Community, I got a good one for you. My customer wants to enable a certificate authentication on the Azure shared storage (Access Security) , would you have any documentation to put it up? Is there any best practice in order to secure the Azure Storage ENV ? Thanks in advance
Handling of .cfg Files in Text File Data Reader
In Board 12 & 14, the Text File Data Reader has a limitation in how it handles .cfg files when a pattern filter is used in the "Connection" tab. This impacts the automatic mapping of fields and the correct configuration of the file settings, such as delimiters, headers, and other parameters stored in the .cfg file. Issue…
Filename substitution formula in Data Readers
Hello everyone, It could be useful for developers to have the following functionality implemented in Board: A new substitution formula @filename that returns the name of the file being loaded in the Data Reader. This formula could then be used in the ETL. Usage example: The client's cubes have the dimension "Month of…
Massive replace of Data Reader source
Hello everyone, It would be really useful to have the following functionality implemented in Board, as we would be able to have more flexibility and easily maintain the data models. Massively replace the source of non-text Data Readers. Why? The connection between a Data Reader and its Source is currently based on the name…
Substitution formulas in Data Reader path
Hello everyone, It could be useful for developers to have the following functionality implemented in Board: Have already existing substitution formulas recognized on the path field of Data Readers. Usage example: By using @database on the Data Reader's path, when duplicating a database, and renaming it, we wouldn't have to…
ASCII Data Reader - Load first/last rows
Hello everyone, It could be useful for developers to have the following functionality implemented in Board: Add a new setting on the Data Reader "properties" tab that allows developers to specify a certain numer of rows to be loaded, and choosing wether to load the first or last X rows of the file, and ignore the rest of…
Issue with Smart Import file upload.
Hello, I am trying to use the smart import feature and am having some issues with the file upload. Basically when I try and upload a file I'm getting validation errors on my data. However when I do a copy and paste into the import table the data is accepted. The data is around 1750 rows so copying and pasting the data is…
New Datasource: SAP Data Lake
Customers in DACH-Region are mainly driven by SAP. SAP Cloud is increasingly being used by customers. SAP data and non-SAP data is stored there. It is necessary to read and write data from SAP Data Lake. Connect to Data Lake Relational Engine Using the .NET Driver
Error during installation of OPC
Hi, during the OPC installation, this error appears in the step where the DATA PIPELINE credentials are entered, does anyone know why?
Probably The Best Alternative to CSV Storage: Parquet Data
1. What is your idea? Board support a lot of datasources. Probably the most used are csv files. However, with ever increasing amounts of data, working with csv files becomes a pain. Parquet files can be an alternative. Head-to-head comparison CSV Parquet Row-based storage format. A hybrid of Row-based and column-based…
Delta Lake for read/write parquet files
What is Delta Lake? Delta Lake is an open-source storage layer that brings ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) transactions for big data workloads. Key features of Delta Lake Feature Description ACID Transactions Data lakes are typically populated through multiple processes and pipelines, some of which…
Dynamic Filter Parameter in Sap Connector
the idea is to make more parametrical the theobald sap connector. right know is not possible to link a selection made at screen level (example with a selector) to the data reader allowing to reduce the dataset to be loaded. so for example if we are loading large dataset the loading process will take a lot. the parameter…
Resize Columns in ETL Tab of Data Readers
Maybe we are unique in having a field that is very long, but having the ability to manually change the width of columns in the ETL would be fantastic. We have different combinations of materials that can go into our goods, all depending on what has been ordered. In order to make this happen and price things appropriately,…
Add information note in Data source connection creation
In System Admin portal, a connection should be created to link the Data Pipeline and Board. It turns out that for the alias of the connection, a maximum of 32 digits is allowed. It would be helpful if it would either not let you save the connection if the alias is too long, or at least show an information about this below.…
Connection alias on Cloud Administration portal
When you create the connection alias on the admin portal, you must have an existing connection configured on the Datapipeline portal. So when you map the alias to the existing connection, one should not need to type the connection name, it would be better to have a drop-down list only showing the available connections so…
Sending data between data models.
Hi Board, We have two different data models and we need to sedn data from the one data model to the other and vice versa. Currently what we have tried is the following: Extract the data from data model A, call a procedure in data model B that would import the extract through Azure using a data reader and paste the data…
Rest API Integration into a cube in Board directly.
Hi, We have set up a Rest API call that bypasses the pipeline and pulls data from a different model in our Board instance. Is it possible to take the payload(source data) that we get from the Rest API and push it directly to a cube in our datamodel? We do not want the payload to be exported into an output file that is…
Data reader failing with error "ReadGo4EseguiCUBESdo failed for ddv" in diagnostic log
I have a client where SQL data readers started failing to fully load data yesterday with the error below in the Diagnostic log. A trace in SQL shows the queries executed properly and the other Board logs show the correct number of records. No other functionality in Board appears to be impacted. The client is using 12.4.0.…
How to manage cloud tasks from on premise server - Orchestrator
Hello community i'm going to move to cloud and I know it's now possible execute a board procedure through an API call. Since I have various tasks to copy files to/from the cloud, to be synchronyzed with Board procedures, I would evaluate possible solutions to manage processes that combines batches to transfer files (with…
How to hide/ignore columns of an Excel data source when using the Smart Import Object
Is it possible to hide/ignore columns of an Excel data source if they are not relevant for the import when using the file upload of the Smart Import Object (e.g. descriptions or comments)? In the following table, columns A,B (entities) and D,E (values) have to be imported, columns C,F have to be ignored.
Data Transformation
1. Abstract The data transformation process can be done in three different ways: 1. with SQL transformations directly in the data source or in the Data Reader Object 2. with the out-of-the-box Board ETL function 3. after the data has been imported into Board by using the dataflow engine. The type and number of data sources…