Dataflow common mistakes and best practices
1. Abstract The dataflow is the main action to perform calculations between cubes, it is used in all the processes of the application, therefore it is very important to know how to set up a dataflow in the best possible way, to obtain the correct results with the best performances. 2. Context In this article, we will first…
Best Practices in Writing Procedures
1. Abstract Most probably every Board application will have procedures to cover interactivity by the user (e.g., navigation), perform calculations (e.g., processing plan data) or run other backend processes like creating a backup. To provide the best maintainability, quality, and robustness, some guidelines should be…
Extract/Import Trees Unsorted
Hello, I'm sure any admin of BOARD has faced the issue needing to refresh Development Cubes/Entities with new info from Production. I'm sad to say that this process is FAR less straightforward than it would seem. It is very frustrating to always have to follow the steps of : A) Remove all sorting of entities (Production)…
Moving Data
1. Abstract Often customers’ requirements are to copy data from one element to another. Typical examples are copy processes from one version to another or to copy data from an existing reference product to a newly created product as an initialization. The calculation logic in those examples is the same and can be applied…
Predefined PDF-Export
My client has a requirement to export their P&L report, balance sheet report and other reports as a PDF. The structure of the report has 3 elements: Report information: Name of the report, name of the company, additional information such as "YTD view" and "Disclosure in TEUR" (position: top left). Logo: Logo of the…
'Exit Screen' Procedure step to close tabs in web client
I am proposing a web client behaviour for the existing 'Exit Screen' procedure step. Currently this procedure step has no action in the Web Client, however within the Windows Client, upon execution of this step, the current open screen is closed fully, rather than navigated away from. It would be ideal if this step had the…
How to merge actual in planning cubes
1. Abstract Forecasting is a prediction or projection about a future event, depending on the past and actual performance and trend. A forecasting process uses historical data to predict future numbers and allows organizations to project future results for budgets, expenses, and other financial and operational data based on…
Save data entry automatically runs procedure
1. What is your idea? When using the standard save dataentry function on a screen (F9, from sliding panel, from WIN Client, from procedure, in advanced data entry) BOARD should be able to run a predefined procedure 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond…
Culture-sensitivity with @datetime in Smart Import
Hi, I have a bit of trouble with culture and the formula @datetime. I have a cube that is populated 2 ways: either the user uses a smart import object to fill other cubes, and then the datetime information arrives into this timestamp cube using a formula. Or, if the users don't want to input anything, they can click a…
How to log procedures' execution with timestamps
1. Abstract Admin users often require checking the time execution of a procedure and even the user who launched it. Board provides a standard functionality to review the logs, but it is possible to put in place a customized solution. 2. Context In Board, there is a standard functionality to keep track of the execution of a…
Is there any way to do a REPLACE instead of an INSERT in the BULK INSERT feature?
I'm trying to get a hierarchy directly upload from BOARD to a SQL Server, so this way we have the hierarchy on SQL and we can use it in our Views and Querys. The way that the BULK INSERT works let's me upload it, but every time I try to upload it again I will get a duplicate. I only want to have one register for every key…
Broadcasting & Notification Tool
1. Abstract Board offers the possibility to have a notification system to inform people about different events that are happening in the application, it also offers the possibility to share information with a larger population outside the application. 2. Context Three different features allow us to spread and share…
Procedure "Background execution" doesn't let me navigate the application while Wait is running
Hi, I am confused about the "Notify execution" feature when creating a new procedure. My goal is to make sure that a cube is cleared after 10 minutes of a client entering a screen. I was hoping to achieve this by creating the following procedure: All the messages are set up the same, only the time and the icon is different…
Hi It would be nice have a the possibility, directly from procedure panel, to open a window with a quick log for the current selected procedure. Not so detailed (we have the log files for this), just with the information of - running time (start-end datehour) - if completed with some errors or not - the user that have run…
B11: Rename procedure's groups
Hi, it would be nice to have the chance to rename a procedure's group without the need of creating a new group with the right name and then moving all the actions to the new group and then to delete the former group! procedure modelling procedure
Temporary Cube vs Staging Cubes
1. Abstract When developers create a simple or complex procedure, they need to know that they have an advanced feature to ease their job by keeping the database simple and lean. This feature is the temporary Cubes. 2. Context Since B11’s introduction, developers can leverage the temporary Cube to store data temporarily and…
Breakpoint & Procedure Debugger
Hi everybody, I'd like to share an idea for an improvement which will be helpful for Board consultants and developers. When we try to debug a procedure, looking for issues or investigating unexpected behaviour, we usually place breakpoint in critical steps in order to evaluate the results of dataflows, active selections,…
Rule Consolidation
1. Abstract The rule is a key functionality that allows on-the-fly calculations between members of the same entity. The consolidation is a further step to physically store the result in the data model. This step is needed only in specific cases, usually when the calculated rows need to be reused as a source for following…
Extract cube/file to local path
The question below relate to a cloud installation of Board (v 12.4) Is it possible with a procedure (Extract cube) to write the file to a path locally on the user's computer. Shouldn't write the file to Azure Storage.
Data Entry Saving Methods
1. Abstract When saving data entry on a Screen, either the data entry Tick can be used or a separate save button. We’ll discuss which should be used, depending on several different variables. 2. Context Use of ‘on data entry’ triggers and save procedures are valid and applicable in different cases. To determine which…
Server Command - Batchfile not visible
Hello Togehter, i try to execute a batchfile with server command step. I placed a batchfile in folder /Board/Job, but it is not visible. Is there more configuration needed? Thanks for your Help!
Extract all Cubes – Filter Cubes by Entity
Description In Board it is possible to extract all cubes with procedure step “Extract all cubes”. It would be great to have an option to filter the cubes by entity or list of entities. For example I have a database with 1500 cubes. 600 cubes use the entity Planversion. I like to extract only all cubes with this entity. Use…
Screen Navigation with Procedure breaks Pager
Applying data selection to screen via procedure breaks default pager functionality. Example; I have a pager which defaults to the current period/month. I have a button which activates a procedure which does the following: - Remove Tree (Month) - Selection (some P&L item filtering) - Go to Screen - Apply data selection to…
Procedure to execute .bat and other actions
How can I make a process that runs a .bat (at the Operating System level) recognize that it is over and continue with another action.Thanks
pager procedure
Hello, I'm new in the forum, so please forgive me if the question is old and debated already. Is it possible that if I launch a procedure on a screen with a pager selecting a month there is no way to remove this selection from the proceure? I added a whole year in the selection to test, I made "Remove selection on entity"…
Impossible to reset selections after apply dynamic selection using a procedure
Hi to all, I have a problem regarding a procedure. In a screen I have created a label linked to a procedure that apply a dynamic selection on an entity. The selection run perfectly (to check this I have a label that shown the current selections). Unfortunately when I run the procedure clicking on the label, I cannot reset…
How to automate unloading a database from memory
Is it possible to automate unloading a single database from memory? I already start and stop the services overnight but I have some databases that are loaded into memory when data readers run just before the working day begins. They are taking up memory even though they are used occasionally. I'm happy for these DBs to…
flowing data from one particular year to another particular year ?
Scenario : i have a database . its time range is 2016-2024. have a history data for 2016,2017,2018 in source cube. i want to flow 2016 year data to 2023 in target cube how to achieve this ? Björn Reuber Pietro Ferrari Alexander Kappes please give me your inputs. Thanks & Regards, Ravi
how can I optimize my procedure?
hello, Well, I use 4 cubes in my procedure : Cube A (type: Single,structured on 6 entities + Year) : Yearly Budget Cube B (type:Date,structured on same 6 entities + Month) : Due Month Cube C (type:Single,structured on same 6 entities + Month) : Month flag Cube D (type:Single,structured on same 6 entities + Month) : Monthly…
How can i write my results back to cube using Procedures or nexel ?!
Hello All, I am trying to find out how can i write my resulted Columns (blocks made using Column Algorithm) and use it as a cube... For example : i have Dataview Layout of two blocks A and B present in the data already, i have created one Block, lets say Block C using Column Algorithm (A+B), now i want save this block as a…