How to do top-down allocation of an integer value
1. Abstract The article explains a possible method to ensure that top-down allocation of an integer value generates integer details through the redistribution of decimals. 2. Content In this example, we have a cube QTY [Year, Customer, Product] which is planned at a high level [Year, Product, Country] where Country is the…
Improve tracking of changes in procedures
Hello I propose adding a modification tracking feature to the "Procedure" functionality. Exemple : Procedure: [GEN] - [WOR] Sales revenue Creation Date: [Insert Date] Last Modification Date: [Insert Date] Modified By: [Insert User-Name] I welcome any feedback and discussion on this proposal.
Show Message - Yes/No Option
Hi there! I think it would be really useful to be able to change the text in the Yes/No option. It can be Yes/No by default, but maybe you can add a way to customise it. An example would be this: It would also be great to change the colour of the button (not always blue).
New Exit Procedure Step for exiting/stopping the complete procedure process (for nested procedures)
1. What is your idea? Introduce a new procedure step which exits/stops the complete procedure execution even if the procedure which uses this new exit step is a nested procedure (was executed inside another procedure). 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea…
Execution of single procedure steps for testing purposes
For testing purposes it would be helpful if a single procedure step could be executed by for example right-click on the step. As a consequence it would not be necessary to either deactivate all the other steps or to create another procedure containing only the step which is supposed to be tested.
How to manage the currency conversion
1. Abstract Nowadays, most companies work on a global level and accordingly also have the need to be able to display and edit their KPIs in different currencies while keeping the ability of a consolidated view. In this article, we will first show how to implement a currency conversion where different local currencies and…
How to create a workflow process
1. Abstract Many organizations would like to automate approval processes and workflows through Board software in order to create a reliable and standardized series of steps which guide users to ensure work is completed and approved the same way. In Board, a workflow intended as an approval process can be designed through a…
Task Scheduler in on-prem
Hello, In a Cloud environment, we have the Cloud Administration, where we can use the Task Scheduler to schedule Procedure starts. In an on-prem environment, where can we access Task Scheduler, or something similar where we can schedule Procedures? I'm looking to schedule backups and also loading data and entities.
Add pop up button that directs to data reader steps in procedures
Hi, I was wondering if we could please add a button similar to the "call procedure" step which links to and directs the user to the procedure that is being called for the data reader steps. The proposed button would look something like this and would open a new page that links directly to the data reader that is being read…
Highlight not used temporary cubes (created in procedures)
Hi all, it would be great if temporary cubes, which are not in use (dataflow, select etc.) are highlighted. It would help to easily identify the ones which can be deleted. Kind regards, Atilla
Procedure - DataFlow - Algorithm of dataflow (c=a*b) should show the headings of source blocks
When editing the blocks of a DataFlow LayOut, it's possible to set headings to each blocks. When saving the DataFlow, the heading of the target is displayed in the algorithm / detail, but not the heading of the sources. It could be usefull to have the headings set in LayOut for sources as well.
UBH - Using dependancies in Procedures
Dear all, Since the integration of UnBalanced Hierarchies, a world opened to us! Including the dependancies selections (Leaf, Descendants, children, etc…) of the UBH in a DataView. However, these dependancies can NOT be used in Procedures. It could be usefull to easily calculate the weight of a member Vs its direct parent.…
REST API - Execute Procedure with Selection
Selections are an elementary concept for controlling procedures in Board. When starting a procedure from a screen, a start selection is usually passed with it. We need this possibility also, if we start a procedure over the rest Api. The selection could be passed in the body as JSON. Currently only the database name and…
Adding search engines in all process options
It would be very helpful to have a search engine like "Select Entity Based on Cube" or "Clear Cube" (Picture) in all options where a selection has to be made. There are many options, such as "Remove Selection on Entity" or "Cube Align" (picture), where you have to search for entities or cubes by scanning a list.
Audit/Record changes to procedures / lines
As an on-going maintenance task, we frequently have to modify procedures (add more lines, modify existing, disable lines, etc.) It would be nice if (upon saving) the username/timestamp and action is recorded against each line (e.g. added, disabled, modified, etc). This can be used, in part as a version control mechanism.…
Step call procedure: deactivate checkboxes to copy current selections (back) by default
Minor idea: when creating a new procedure step "call procedure" the two checkboxes to copy current select / copy back current select are active by default. I have often seen both checkboxes activated in applications and quite often it turned out they have no purpose - the developer simply did not think whether it´s…
Data Model object comments
For Data Model objects it would be informative to have to possibility to add comments and notes. For example a Procedure, under “Options” or a new tab, give the developer the possibility to write comments i.e. the purpose of the procedure, when it was last updated, who created/updated it. It could either be one big…
How to flow data among blob cubes using dataflow procedures ?
Dynamic Selection
Cloud Version: 12.6 0288217 In a Procedure, I use a Dynamic Selection within a Selection (see screenshot 1). The cube, the selection is referring to has one entity (DustinUser). But no DustinUser is ticked in the cube. The cube is totally empty. When running the Procedure (Step 12), all members get selected (see screenshot…
Renaming database procedures
I would like to be able to simply rename database procedures.
Clicking outside of a Show Message box should not register the click as Yes
If you (accidentally) click outside the Show Message box, Board will register it as a Yes/OK and continue the Procedure. Suggestion: If clicking outside the box, nothing should happen.
copy procedure from one capsule to another
would be great if one could copy or save a procedure from one capsule to another where also temporary cubes are copied. That would massively simplify the copying or even moving of a procedure instead of recreating the procedure by copying the steps and re-creating the temporary cubes.
Clear Cube Insight
1. Abstract Clearing data in a Board application that has a large dataset, and high concurrency, needs to be done with care to avoid an unintended consequence. The approach you use to clear data has an impact on data retention and can impact performance. The purpose of this article is to review the options available for…