Level 300, Module 302: Not able to move forward in Level 300 course in module 302
Under 302 module in Level 300 course. Stuck at "Functional test of the Solution". And also not able to tag Level 300 course in tags
Level 200: Cannot access the board training environment
Hello, I repeatedly get the same error message when I try to load the Board Training Environment. Here is the error message: Error on deploying the environment, The orchestrator function 'CreateVMSubOrchestrator' failed: "Error on deploying course detailId:1317, vmname: a18-justfmtc, courseId:4". See the function execution…
Level 300, Module 302: Not able to move ahead in Functional test solution.
Not able to move ahead in Functional test solution under 302 Module. And also not able to tag #Level300: Building a Planning
Level 200: Cannot access the board training environment model
Hello, I'm currently in the process of the level 200 program but when I try to log in to the board training environment model it keeps refreshing the page. In the browser I can see it constantly (every half second or so) it refreshes and changes the sign-in callback code. Do I need to change anything so I can log in to the…
Level 300, Module 303: incorrect result of the functional test
Hi, while doing module 303 I faced the problem of not passing the first functional test because after initialising the budget and 3+9 forecast I got the wrong numbers. After digging down the problem, it seems the data model procedure PLN - Initialise planning doesn't work correctly. I think that in this procedure at step…
Level 300, Module 304: Find How many hour it takes to have an answer
Level 300 Module 303: Incorrect and contradicting instructions on cube visibility?
Hi, In section "Defining Database Security Profile Cube Visibility" on module 303, I noticed that the step-by-step instructions on defining cube visibility are contradicting the overall instructions and will cause incorrect result in the functional test. In more detail, the step-by-step instructs to grant cell access to…
Level 200 module 212 : Mapping not working properly
Hi the expenses data is loaded into the P&L Cube, but for the mapped Sales data , there is no entry. I guess I somehow messed up the mapping, but I can't find the error.. BUD - DF - Sales Cube + P&L Mapping Cube are not empty
Level 200, Module 209
When I get to the functional test of the solution, and click on step 1 of load data, after selecting Italy, the data reader does not seem to work. However, when I created the label and clicked on it after selecting Italy it worked, I mean, before arriving to the functional test past everything was working fine. Please…
Level 300, Module 304: How to access the Tips and tricks 2023?
Hi Board Academy support, In Level 300, Module 304, there is link to access the Tips and tricks 2023, however, this link redirects to a microsoft authentication page and it seems that this link is only for Board employees with a Board email address. How partners can get access to this? Thank you. Nicolas
Build-A-Board Capsules & Data Model
Hi Community Does anyone have the Capsules and Data Model for the Build-A-Board series on Board Academy? Thanks
Entity editor
If you place the Entity Editor and the Data View on the same page, you will not be able to see the contents of the Data View. How do I put them on the same page?
Level 300, Module 306: Flag the indirect Cost Accounts
Dear Board Academy support team, In the module 306 of Level 300, it is requested to select Indirect Cost Accounts (as per the below screenshot) However, these accounts are not present in the account Entity. As requested prior to this step, I updated the account hierarchies by running the "H - Unbalanced Account Hierarchy"…
Level 200 Module 204 Unable to locate files
I am unable to locate files when I enter the C:\Board\Dataset\Hierarchies and Data in Path and *Product Trees*.csv in Pattern.
Review Activity after Foundations of Building in Board - Part 1
Step 11: Build TEMP - ACT - DR - Units Cube Problem: Salesperson entity is required in the cube's structure but hasn't been defined in the course yet. Solution: Create the Salesperson entity with Group: Salesperson, Code width: 50 and Desc width: 50. It will get populated in Step 12 because the Mode for Salesperson is set…
Level 200, Module 209, Build Actual Expense Data, Step 16
Hello Board Academy, I've started to have problems at the step 16. After the sub-step 'Run the "2. Publish Data" Procedure twice, in Play mode, for each "Country". (use the Country selector)' I have an empty Data View object after clicking on '2. Publish Data' label. I've checked everything, and I didn't find a mistake.…
[BOARD 12] Simple way to show flat data
Hi, Is there a simple way to show the result of this flat file into an object( via a Capsule\Screen…)? Something like a dataview object but not for multidimensional data input?
Level 300 Module 302 Section "One Time Bulk Load of Sales and Expense Data for New Stores"
Why do I don't get data after running the data model procedure "MANUAL - ONE TIME - Load Sales and Expenses"?
Level 300, Module 302: New Sales Person Master Data File Required.
Hi Support, I'm using the Board Academy Cloud to complete the course Level 300, In the data Reader ONE TIME - ACT - Units and Sales, there are many records rejected because of new sales person in the file. Could you please help to provide the file for new sales person? Moreover, since Board training environment is quite…
[Board V12] - Admin console port 8443
Hi, Where can i change the 8443 defaut port for admin portal url? 😶
Level 300, Module 302: Create a temporary validation test Screen to confirm all data has been loaded
Hi I'm using the Board Academy Cloud to complete the course. In step 15, we create a temp validation screen to check that the MANUAL - ONE TIME - Load Sales and Expenses procedure ran successfully. My ACT - DF - Sales GBP column is empty. I eventually tracked the error down to an [Rec.0] Error : RBT0071 Out of Memory,…
Data Reader Upload files
Hello I would like create a Data Reader and use my own files to try some use cases. Would you mind tell me how to upload my files in the Board local storage so I can use them in the data reader Best regards, Anis
Level 300, Module 302: seems there is no data has been loaded
Hi I'm using the Board Academy Cloud to complete the course. In step 15, I created a temp validation screen to check that the MANUAL - ONE TIME - Load Sales and Expenses procedure ran successfully. Both columns - ACT - DF - Sales GBP and ACT-DF-Expenses GBP are empty. What could be the reason? Thanks
How we can current year 2024 sales values into Budget year 2025 using the procedure?
Level 200 Module 204 Data Reader
Hi, how do I get the source files that I have to load in Step 8 in the Data Reader ? Can I download it anywhere?
Display Year
Hello community, I looked in the substitutions formulas but couldn't find any one that can show just the year in a dynamic way, so that when I'll be in 2027 I'll have 2026 as N-1 and 2027 as N. I tried several ways in the procedure : @Year, YYYY, @année, a and then I did a period offset.. none worked. I did a cube with…
Level 200: Module 205 - incorrect totals
Hi, I cannot match back to the final result required in the Sales Actuals screen in the last stage of module 205. I have followed all the steps for correction and can not find anything that does not match the set up instructions. Please could you advise where I may be going wrong.
Level 200, Module 204
When i run procedure "ACT - Sales Data Load" or directly data reader "ACT - Units and Sales data" second time it shows that one record is discarded and it does not load any data into cubes. When I restart platform it works one time and then error again.
Level 200: Module 212 - Not seeing any data after running Procedure
I am not seeing data in after running the procedure in module 212. See my screenshot vs the training expected result. Any idea on how to troubleshoot this would be appreciated. Thanks Emmanuel
Level 200, Module 204, Build the Sales data model
I have created and configured 'Sales Data upload' screen, But after login when I click on the screen it giving the yellow line message as 'Screen already in editing' could you please check this?