Multiple MyView versions
Hello, regarding the MyView feature it would be really useful to allow users to save more than one version of a given screen. In this way, starting from a unique layout, user can save different versions of the layout without asking for the implementation of different screens/tabs. Many thanks, Giulia
Impact Analyse readable for Powerusers
In our company the PowerUsers design the screens for our other users. The Developers only create Entitys, Relationships, DataReaders and Cubes. It would be very helpful if the PowerUsers can get access to the Impact Analyse to get an overview over your database strukture. My Idea ist to grant the access over the permission…
Export Daten mit Info der Kopf- und Dataview-/Grafikobjekt Selektion
Hello everyone, often data still has to be exported. However, the selection of the data is not automatically specified. Therefore we always copy them manually from a label (@Selection). I think it is important that the selection is automatically transferred. For example, the header selection could be in cell A1 of the…
Adding a system message when a transparency value greater than 1 is entered in RGBA section
When a transparency value greater than 1 is manually entered in RGBA color section (i.e. rgba(36,55,131,255)) on a layout, Board accepts it and the color is considered valid. Instead, when exporting the object via standard mode in Excel format you obtain an error message and the export procedure fails. The error is due to…
Allow Data View to ignore format settings
Current situation: In Board Data model, designers have the option to define a Format for specific entities. Once set this format will impact each data view created using cubes with these entities. Limitations: The format setting is acting as master for all data view, this prevent to have a different format for specific…
Impact Analysis - SQL/ASCII identifier
Hi, The impact analysis tool is very helpful, but I'd like to propose an improvement which will increase it's usability: the inclusion of a data reader type next to or as part of the connected object column. It's not possible to determine if an entity/cube which is connected to a data reader is being used in a…
Simple but improved user authorisation possibilities
Problem: If you use several databases, then you have to create a “Profile” for every possible combination of databases, at the moment. For example: If you have 2 Databases, then you have to create Profile_1 for all users, which are authorised for database 1, Profile_2 for all users, which are authorised for database 2 and…
I want to write a calculation formula in Excel
It is possible to add a formula to Excel temporarily, but if you write to Board, the number will be overwritten in the cell containing the formula and the formula will disappear. I understand this is a specification. We correspond it by using macros and "Use Excel Formulas". Is there any other way?
Block Format Improving
Hello, it would be really useful to improve the block format with these new features: - user can change the color of each header group - user can change the text alignment for each header group
Adding a large number of users
I have a question about how to add users to the security system. Currently, I have to manually add users one by one from Board Client or Board Web. Is there any way to import them all at once from a text file such as CSV?
USER-specific data views pivoting/flattening
When using rows&columns function and changing the shown entities in the table - it would be great if there is a possibility for the user (normal users - no power users) to decide whether the table is pivoted (which is standard) or flattened..
USER-specific display settings ENTITIES
We had now several request if it's possible, that a user (normal user - no power user) can define, if the entity shows code, description or code + description in a dataview - especially for entities which are chosen via Quick Layout (rows & columns). Only the default display setting from the entity itself is taken, and…
Subscriptions - IMPROVEMENTS
It would be great if a user can define when creating a new subscription, if the format has portrait or landscape format --> as most of the screens fit better on landscape format. Also it would be great if they could deactivate selections and the url in the export and probably add elements, like it's available in "create…
Hide tooltip icon when Data entry is on for empty cells
In Board 11, the tooltip function was displaying only it's icon and content if and only if there was content in the block used as reference for the tooltip. This was also regardless the status of the block (data entry on or off). In Board 12 this behavior was changed and if the block used as reference is in Data Entry…
hiding parts of chart legend
We are having "technical" cubes/formulars in charts for design aspects, which are not solvable via available settings --> e.g. fixed zero-line and max in a chart showing net sales per month for py, act and bud. And these two parts are listed in the legend which is a bit irritating for the user --> therefore it would be…
Unbalanced Hierarchy Sorting
In board 12, the current unbalanced hierarchy function is great, however there is no option to have the parents/members sorted by your own criteria. Currently all the totals sit at the top of the tables. To be able to have the totals sit at the bottom of the piece of data would be ideal, as well as being able to change…
Broadcasting variable parts
We are facing the requirement, that users, which are receiving mails + attachment (xlsx) from BOARD-Broadcaster, would need dynamic parts in the mail-header, file-name of attachment and parts of the mail-text. e.g. @date, @month would be really helpful
Userprofiles - default selections
it would be very useful having a possibility setting default selections for users --> here are some examples: 1) we do have our KPIs in Local & Group Currency - and our subsidiaries would prefer getting per default local currency values - without a need of selecting each time. 2) Additionally controlling visibility of…
Board Chat Management
On the Board web client we have encouraged our users to communicate more through the chat. We have found that with proper user metadata set, and group chat, it can be used as a powerful communication tool. However it has limitation that reduce it's potential and should be addressed in future evolutions. 1. Better chat…
Web Client - Add Copy formating Settings
Like in windows client, it would be helpful a "Copy formatting Settings" option for all the elements you can create in a screen. At this moment, the way to reproduce this functionality is to "copy-paste" a formatted current element and edit it.
Add job start time to Board logs
1) What is your idea? To have the ability to track the start time of procedures and data readers (Board jobs) so any jobs that run for longer than a certain amount of time can be identified and someone alerted to investigate whether the job has become stuck or is hanging. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve?…
Confirm Board accessed source system in ProcedureExecution_YYYYMM.log
1) What is your idea? To be able to confirm whether Board accessed a source system or not when doing root cause analysis for an issue or debugging a Board implementation. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? An example of trying to do root cause analysis for an issue where knowing whether or not Board has…
Timestamp in SQLError_YYYYMM.log
1) What is your idea? Add a timestamp to the SQLError_YYYYMM.log error log to capture the exact time an error occurred. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? We are trying to use the error log for debugging and we need a timestamp for when each error happens in order to do this. 3) What workaround have you…
There are cases where the calculation cost item is not calculated in real time
Issue:When there are many columns, there are cases where the calculation cost item is not calculated in real time. Request:Please improve so that the algorithm calculation works correctly regardless of the number of columns.
Comment input column
Issue:The comment input column is not displayed correctly after the 51st column of the table. Request:Please improve so that the comment input column works correctly regardless of the number of columns.
Pre-aggregated value (version)
Issue:The pre-aggregated value (version) cannot be created for the cube for data entry, and the screen response cannot be improved. Request:Please improve so that pre-aggregated values (versions) can be created for cubes that input data.
Delete saved Nexel Procedure actions which are not shown in the list after change layout
1. What is your idea? Add function to delete saved Nexel Procedure actions which are not shown in the list after change layout 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Currently, if you change layout in a data view, saved Nexel Procedure actions…
Export Selections in Flattened Export mode
Hi all, In the current Excel export option, there's a very practical option to "export selections" along with the file. This is very useful for people using this data afterwards to keep track of the perimeter. However, it's not available when using the "flat" export. Idea : add this option for flat export (if necessary,…
Task Manager Web
It would be useful to see the task manager for all users also in the web browser and not only into Board Client. This will allow all user to understand if the procedure is still running also after a connection break.
Manage Period Offset in Time Functions
1. What is your idea? When using the Time Functions I would like to make it more straight forward and easier to understand how the function works. I would like to be able to set the period offset AND tell Board that this will be in Months, Years or days, or any other time entity. 2. What specific problem are you trying to…