Cube description
add the possibility to have a description for each cube in the Cube-Admin section. Description should also be visible to users.
Corporate Identity Designer
In Board 10 we had the possibility to set Corporate specific colors and default formatting of objects. This was part of the System area "Corporate Identity Designer". This was a very handy functionality that should be re-instated. Too much time is being lost in formatting. Thanks.
Configure layout block for quick layout
My first scenario is related to multiannual budgeting. Most of our users have excels with collapsed column for months of the history/next years. They expand to months level when they want to go in detail. We can show data for year, but when a user want to budget monthly level she can show another block "Detailed by" Month.…
Collapse unbalanced Hierarchy
As of current the user will see everything on the screen in one big table. It would be good to be able to collapse each grouping down so you can view the table at a higher level click a drop down which would then show all the members underneath that parent. Similarly to how the regular hierarchies function.
Hi It would be nice have a the possibility, directly from procedure panel, to open a window with a quick log for the current selected procedure. Not so detailed (we have the log files for this), just with the information of - running time (start-end datehour) - if completed with some errors or not - the user that have run…
Clear All cubes from procedure
1. What is your idea? Add a "Clear all cubes" procedure action so that it could be launched programmatically. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Since "once a member enters in an Entity, it stays in the Entity FOREVER", I'd like to build a…
Chart Improvements - Tooltip by text block
A great feature would be if you could also use the function "Tooltip by: Block X" in the block configuration in the chart. If you mouse over a column/bar in the chart, a tooltip with all blocks (and their values) is already displayed. In addition, you could now display text blocks in this box as a tooltip, too. In…
Chart Improvements - Distinguish between blocks in layout and in legend
Some of our customers have the desire to specifically select the blocks that should be displayed in the chart itself and which should be displayed in the legend. Thus, it would be helpful to have a function that allows you to explicitly choose which blocks to display in the legend.
Chart display labels
I recently came accross a problem where I had data points at a very granuar level in time, i,e, minutes, in general I was recording four data points per day for a person, it was clinical data where it was patient blood suger readings, we wanted to create a chart for a two week period and a three month period so that we…
Capsule transporter / Diff tool
Hi, 1. What is your idea? Add a tool, similar to the Transporter, to analyze differences between two versions of a capsule 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? It often happens that we need to double check the differences between two versions of the…
Please could I ask for support to have the Bullet Chart issues, outlined below, addressed so as to make the Bullet Chart usable in all the scenarios for which it was built? Image 1 shows how bullet charts in BOARD 11.x can be used. Image 1: Four stacked bullet charts. All are of uniform length and each is independent of…
Broadcasting: Subject, CC, BC and Body
Dear BOARDville citizen, we are not happy with the current Broadcasting function (using BOARD 10.3). Currently we are using Broadcasting to inform our user about updated report/screen in BOARD. For example at the beginnen of each month we are informing our cost center responsibles about an updated report after the…
Board Demo Zone
I want to recommend a New Board Demo Zone with the following characteristics: It is CloudBased. It means it it located on BoardCloud. It means that can be accessed from anywhere at anytime! It is an environment where you can demo "Any" Vertical Market (Example: Fashion Retail) or Any Vertical Function (Example: FCC.4.0).…
BOARD 11:  Optimised pop-out menus for display device
I would like to suggest that the pop-outs be optimised for low resolution screens such as Laptops and tablets as, currently, options are hidden which risks incorrect screen configurations and critical features being missed. An example of an ineffective pop-out on a low resolution screen is that of the dynamic selection…
Beautiful Heatmaps
Heatmaps can be very powerful to make pairwise comparisons (e.g. when you have a list of scenarios). Unfortunately, we do not have many options for colormaps in BOARD right now, which limits their interpretation. For example, I think I would not be able to create the heatmap below in which I compute the difference btw…
B11: Rename procedure's groups
Hi, it would be nice to have the chance to rename a procedure's group without the need of creating a new group with the right name and then moving all the actions to the new group and then to delete the former group! procedure modelling procedure
B10.5/11 Wish - Click to add Entity to Data Reader
Hi, currently you have to drag every entity one by one to the blue mapping area in a data reader. As you can not drop it anywhere else this is really not necessary and quite time consuming for large data readers. It would improve development speed a lot if you could just double click / check mark (like in win client) an…
Auto-Updating Version of BOARD Office Add-In
Hi All, not sure how many community members are affected by this, but at least for me it would be a great help, if there was an automatic update function (just like we have in the client) also for the Office Add-In. The need to deinstall one version and install another every time you connect to a different Board Server is…
API - Entities max item number
1. What is your idea? Show through Board API "/public/{dbName}/schema/Entities" the max item number of each entity. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Monitoring the entities saturation 3. What workaround have you found and used so far (if any)? I…
Allow temporary cubes to be used in IfThenElse
In Board 11.2 the new functionality of temporary cube is available to allow intermediate calculation to be made and stored during a dataflow execution. However these temporary cubes are not available in the IfThenElse functionality. It would be a good addition to Board to allow these temporary cubes to be considered in…
Select Based On with Temporary Cubes
The latest release notes for B12 Spring include the below statement. However it doesn't appear that Temporary Cubes are available in Select Based On Steps even though it says all steps. This would be a useful feature to add. The use of Temporary Cubes has been extended to Data readers and all Procedure steps
Label Spacing in Charts
It would be so nice to add the "Label Spacing" setting to the charts where you can set the the label spacing so they don't overlap without having to mess with the sizing of the chart. This will make the numbers so much easier to read and the charts will look great! Thank you!
Add an Error handling group in procedure
I wish there was a special group named something like "CatchError" to catch error (i.e. like in datareader) and handle gracefully errors with a message box for instance Currently, users are left on their own to figure which step crash (since you have no way to handle error, you most likely will run the remain step anyway.…
Default Layout at the break point while debugging
Hi Team, Can we incorporate the feature of default layout at the breakpoint while debugging to copy the layout at that step. This was present in previous versions(B10). It could be really helpful for the developers to debug without copying or creating the new layout from the scratch. Thanks & Regards, Neha Hasija
Add Web Login Page customization
Hi all, it's not currently possible to customize Login Page displayed by Board Web Server (background and logo). It'll be a good idea to add this functionality to the "Theme" section in the Administration menu. Pietro
Add sum of remaining values in addition to total
When filtering the layout by let's say the top customers, I'd like to know how much am I missing. Right now using "Keep Totals" I can infer the rest of the values. But that is a tedious task, best done in excel. I'd like to have an option "add remaining sum" that would create a new row above the totals' row. The content…
Add an 'Exclude' to the select tab of a data view
Would like to be able to exclude using the select on a data view, similar to the way you can exclude from a screen. Business requirement - We have a request to show storm data separate from non-storm data on the same screen. Ideally, I could put two dataviews on a screen with different selection on each. Unfortunately I…
Active influence of marker value displaying
Half of the values are displayed above, and the other half under the line. Create a control to delegate the decision how to be displayed (all top, all buttom or mixed(default like now)) to the developer. There is no possibility to influence the display at the moment
@Selection by tree
Hi all, Context In our current situation, very often I need to display the current Selection in the screen, so I use @Selection function in a general manner. In some other cases I want to display a specific one, so I use the @Entity. However sometimes I need to display the selection for a given tree (that can have 30…
(Git) Versioncontrol of Board-Database-Schema
Problem to solve Currently, it is a difficult task to carefully document a database schema. Often this task is postponed until later or is completely forgotten. Even if there is documentation, it is often not available centrally in one place for all project participants, but distributed in different places with different…