Label: Selection_Ex doenst work for the first screen
Using a label with select_ex doesnt work for the first screen after board was started - label remains empty. Only if you select the affected entity the label shows the desired result. Label on the first Screen: After selecting the entity: I tried a screentriger with several procedures - without any success. It would be…
Fix Relationships - Ask are you sure prompt
In future releases of BOARD can we please prompt the user if they click on the Fix Relationships button, if they are sure to run this procedure. I have had a few situations arise where this has been clicked by mistake, or out of curiosity, and then the maximum number of entities issue as occurred.
Substitution formula in the data reader protocol definition
It could be useful for developers to have substitution formulas recognized on the path of a data reader. This could help particularly in two situations: 1) If we copy a database on the same machine and rename it, there is no need of changing manually all data readers paths 2) When we want to load all files within the same…
Github Diff Viewer
Most BOARD installations use proprietary datasets that should not be shared for a variety of reasons. There also exist numerous, public, free, useful datasets that could facilitate more detailed analysis. Now that we have a community site to connect, the next step is to engage. Github is a popular tool used for storing…
Procedure header / main comment box
It would very useful if in each procedure we could have a large comment box where we can add general information about the procedure. For example a brief description of what it does, relevant comments, etc
Map Repository
I have seen a similar idea "Map object enhancement". However that idea requires development effort. My idea would be to create a repository of colored maps, where the world, countries and regions or provinces could be found in perfect working order and ready to be used in board. This repository could be stored either on…
Beautiful Geomaps
Overview The existing GeoMap tool works well. It does the job of visualizing data on a map, but it's not beautiful. The flexibility and analytics provided in BOARD with respect to time analytics is great. I think it's time to improve the GeoMap tool to keep pace with other offerings. Features * Shape Datatype - Keyhold…
HTML5: Copy & paste for objects and data layouts
Hi All, during the BoardVille-Conference in Baveno, we were shown tons of cool new features and also major technical improvements. I am pretty excited and very much looking forward to get rolling with the new versions. That said, there was one thing which my colleagues and I use very often that I couldn't see in the…
Password reset on login screen
Might be a helpful addition to provide users a password reset option on the login screen if they forget their password. Several of our users have forgotten their passwords and it requires them to wait for an administrator to go in a reset the password for them.
Clear cube applied on groups
It would be useful if the Clear cube function can be applied to cubes groups.
Highlight the row of the focused cell for data entry simplification
Hi, when you have a large report where few columns have data entry option and you move through the cells with arrow keys, sometimes is difficult to see on which entity you are writing a value. It would be nice to have an option that highlight the entire row (or only the row heading) of the focused cell.
Understand numbers with special characters
Overview When loading data through ASCII data readers, I have run into challenges with special characters in numeric fields not loading. Dollar signs and commas are the most frequent. BOARD does not understand that $12,345.67 is a number. I have to add string manipulation steps in ETL to parse out the dollar sign and…
Blur Other Objects
After reviewing some of the e-learning materials, I noticed how the videos blur the background while text is the focus of the video. From a visual perspective, it draws the eye exactly to the text, removing distractions from view. We already have a property to hide objects, but I would like to be able to focus attention…
Multi Instance feature for BOARD 10.5.0
One very useful feature of BOARD desktop is the ability to run a multiple instance of the client using the same licence. This allows DEVs to open and compare the same model or work on various models simultaneously. This feature is used extensively and daily by me and my team. I understand that this feature will not be…
Show grand total on top of dataview
Hi Community, more than once I have been asked by clients to display the Grand Total as the first row of a dataview. Since there is the option to change the horizontal alignment of the row totals (see screenshot below), maybe another option could be implemented to choose the location of the Grand Total? At least in larger…
Chart object: allow alerting (colour) based on an another block
1. What is the idea? It is to allow for the Chart object (both in Windows and web Client if possible) the same option as the already available option in a dataview. (Layout > Data > block x > Alert > option "use another block as value") To my mind, there is no such options for charts currently (version 10.1.4) 2. What…
Select library
Many times happens that the same Select, involving more indipendent entities, have to te applied to many screens or procedure actions. E.g. in sales area most reports have selection on a region (tree site), extracompany customers (on tree customer), finished goods (on tree product). It would be nice to have the possibility…
Embedded numeric data in text,using MS Word Add-In
It would be useful if it was possible to embed a numeric value into a piece of text in MS Word, where the value is based on a Layout. So for example in the screen shot below I have connected to BOARD, clicked on the £23.5k and now would like to click on the Edit icon in order to work on the Layout that has resulted in the…
SocialBoard-Sharing Posts (Images and Videos) and Social Networks Links
SocialBoard, the new space for sharing: * Quick posts. Simple post, or a more elaborate iconography or a video. Maybe to tell a customer story, or to highlight a product feature or simply an action note! * Share a link to a Social Media publication. * Tag your post, so everybody can fid it! * Make connections with people…
Map object enhancement
It would be nice if countries and regions were automatically integrated in the Map object. This way, counties, regions, provinces, etc. could be colored in and you could zoom and move your map around and click on countries to get pop-up info or drill-through to something else. This way, no cockpit would be needed to color…
Assume Zero for Loading Blanks to a Numeric Cube
Overview When loading data through an file datareader, I commonly see blanks in a CSV file. If I try to load this field to a numeric cube (Integer, Single, Double), I may see something odd. The datareader will run fine. There will not be any errors thrown. Since these fields are blank, no data is loaded, which is fine.…
Blockchain Datareader
Background Blockchain projects represent a new datatype with some fascinating properties. These global, distributed, decentralized, immutable ledgers use cryptography to account for digital tokens. Just as we need to pull from databases and ascii files, loading a blockchain into BOARD could prove to be a helpful tool in…
Excel Datareader
While I understand why CSV files can be more standardized and consistent for ETL processes, I think it's time to add Excel as an option for a datareader. A user can specify the filename, and tab name to be used for the datareader. Use Case * An excel file is produced and placed on a network share * A user clicks a button…
FYTD in Dynamic Select
The Idea. To allow a FYTD to date option in a dynamic select. Why. Currently a dynamic select allows the user to be able to select the YTD based on a cube or the current date. For financial reporting purposes, I believe a FYTD would be more useful so having this option would be nice. Current process. Using a series of…
Integrate drill through results in reports
Hi all, I want to use drill through results in dataviews and charts. If I'm not mistaken the drill through only opens a table with the results from the query. The idea is to integrate relational elements with the board elements as if they were the same. That way I can have a quick analysing tool with a small DB footprint…
Refresh of multiple screen/tabs
In 2 projects that we have developed in Desigual, 2 different group of users have asked us the same wish: To be able to refresh all the open tabs (since they use Board Web) at the same time, either when you perform a Data Entry or when you click a "Refresh" button. They usually work with 2-3 tabs open, using 1 of them for…
In-Line Drill Down (excel style drill in native BOARD)
This is idea is essentially to provide the ability/option to drill down in BOARD the same way that it works in Excel with the office Add-in. When drilling down on a layout in Excel it does it what I call 'in-line', in that it expands/inserts down to show the detail in line. It doesn't have a drill pop-up like in native…
Require Single Member Selection on Selector
I would like the ability to configure a Selector to require a single member selection on an Entity. Both on screen and in Interactive Selection procedure steps. Very often screens, navigation, and procedures are designed to work on one member of an entity at a time. For example a trigger in a budgeting application should…
enhance dataflow understanding for cubes' structures: new tab in dataflow layout
1. What is your idea? the idea is to help the developer who designs dataflows in procedures and help him understanding at a glance which entity structures from both factor and target cubes are involved in one dataflow. This understanding is very important for designing and maintening dataflows. * I would wish a new tab in…
Web GUI for Server Config and Adula Params
Hi All, We have the following situation: You can edit the functions od BOARD and board server via the serverconfig GUI, via boardengine.exe.config (XML), via server_config_v2.xml (XML) and via adulaparams.xml (XML). The current situation brings some challenges: * There is no GUI for BoardEngine.exe.config and…