Export Excel from Cloud to OnPremise
Hello, how can i create in the cloud a procedure which exports an excel file and deposits onpremise? or how can users you access it? Thanks Philipp
year-to-date for past years
I'm trying to formulate a report where it shows year-to-date actuals for the current year, and also where our actuals were on the exact same day for previous years. For example, today is January 15th, and I want the report to show: Fiscal Year 2017: actuals from start of fiscal year to January 15th of fiscal year 2017…
Best colour for BOARD data input cells in a DataView?
I'm looking for opinions as to what colours you think are most appropriate for BOARD data input enabled cells in a DataView. As most BOARD users are probably aware, the default is a pale yellow (R255 G250 B205) background with a black text: You can of course change this default within a capsule and copy the formatting…
Rebuild / Load NEXEL-Files
Is there a way to restore a saved NEXEL table (xxx.nxl)? In the concrete case I have saved a very complex DataView as xxx.nxl via the NEXEL-Editor, in order to execute the calculations afterwards by procedure call. I accidentally deleted the "original" DataView ;-( and now unfortunately have to work on the NEXEL table…
YTD Previous Month by day
Hi, I have a YTD report that automate on a monthly bases based on YTD that runs on the 9th of each month. In the report the YTD is offset by 7 days therefore the numbers in the report will always be from the beginning of the year 01/01/2018 - 02 of each month driven by Day selector. I now have a new requirement to produce…
Is there any way to Drag and Concatenate more than one SQL Field by Drag and Drop(Auto mode) in Data
Hello Team, Happy New year, now my question is, i have 2 SQL fields FirstName and Lastname, I have created Just one Entity called 'Name' Now i want to concatenate SQL fields FirstName and LastName (FirstName + LastName = Name) and append it to my entity Name lets say if i do not want to use manual option for this, so is…
export multiple folder tabs in a screen to the same excel file
Hi....right now, it is possible in Board to export a single DataView into Excel regularly or in Flattening Mode. I have a screen that has multiple DataViews in different folder tabs. I am wondering if it is possible to export all these DataViews (in different tabs) to the same Excel file. This would save me alot of time on…
Master License as authorized visitor?
Is it possible to use a Master License as an authorized visitor in another server?. i have a developer master license installed in my computer, but i'd like to login in other server, may i use the same license?, is it possible to use just one license for this? Thanks for your help.
Normalize option: Do not fix missing relationships (not recommended)
Hello, Would you please explain exactly what procedure configure action Data Read > Relationships > Normalize option "Do not fix missing relationships (not recommended)" does? There's a double negative in there ... is the recommendation to always check that box? That fixing relationships is not recommended and to therefore…
Error: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
Hey everyone. I have the bove mentioned Error massage in our web client and cannot finde the reason for it. The funktion of the screen is obersioly not harmed by this. But the massage comes up every time we open the screen. Any ideas what the reason is? Regards, Jörn
On a BOARD cloud environment is there a variable available to identify whether the instance is the S
On BOARD cloud is there a variable available that could identify whether the instance is the Sandbox or Production environment? I would like to use such a variable to control some extracts (via a procedure) from BOARD to the appropriate Azure folder . I have thought about creating an info cube to store such information but…
Layout algorithm in rows / columns
Hello, I would like to know if it is possible to build a layout using in rows the algorithm. I always use layouts like this with algorithm in columns: Layout configuration - Data - Axes by row BU Layout output I would like to have as output: Is it possible? How I have to configure the layout? Best regards, Gabriele
Installation details
Our organisation has just signed up as a partner. I have completed the initial courses and am looking to move onto the exercises. My question is what version of Board should i be downloading and installing? Regards, Andrew
How to create a report with several cubes grouped in lines?
Hi, In Excel I have a report that looks like this: What would be needed in board in order to create a similar structure, where the different cubes are over each other (by rows) instead of side by side (by colums)? BR, Ray
switch board version 9.0.4 to 10.1.4
Anyone out there who can tell me something about the update from version 9.0.4 to 10.1.4? Maybe some information about problems and their solutions, where you have to look for and what you have to do that the reports are running? Thank you! Hendrik
Change web interface
Hi, i was trying to change the HTML5 interface, trying to customize the ribbon bar and web landing page login. How can i change those? I have been mentioned these can be configured and changed but was wondering how Thanks in advance,
Why aren't my percentages correct for the Total columns/rows?
Hi I'm a fairly new user of Board, so this might be something obvious - I've been building financial reports, but with my percentage calculations, through using rules, the percentages are correct on the data columns, but incorrect on both the total columns/rows. Values are all divided by 1000 to get $'000 for my financial…
Export pdf Board 10.3
Hello, I'd like to know why i'm getting this error when i try to export a PDF document from a dataview! i have to mention that i'm getting this error on my App_data logq :
Upgrade to 10.3 & IIS
Hi Guys, I've just updated a Board server to 10.3 and I'm facing an error when trying to login using the web client : I have followed the steps from How to setup Microsoft IIS with Board Server 10 doc, so I'm not sur what I did wrong. Does somebody can help me please ? Thanks !
Excel Export Rich Client/ Windows Client
Hi Together Actually we have the issue, that when I export in our test environement a data view to Excel, just a few rows (really random) will be exportet. But not all of the dataview. Is this a known Error with the Board version This happens only in the Rich Client. It's a Dataview with 2 Entities in…
Is it possible to use Data reader without creating Entity, Info cube and Relationships ?!
Hello Team, I was just wondering how awesome it would be if i can use Data Reader, Connect to my SQL Database > Pass a Custom Query and see entities and info-cubes, dimensions and measures gets created. It is possible by any chance ?! or we compulsory need to create entities first, info-cube, relation ship and then use…
Dynamic selection not working
Dear Community, I have a problem when I do a dynamic selection on entities. For example, the entity "Enseigne" is not empty and there are cubes that are structered by this entity but I can't find them in the list of cubes below. I have the same problem on all my entities of this database. Do you have any idea about this?…
Not valid characters - how to fix?
Hello in some TXT files used to fed BoardI have some characters that are not recognized. I know that I can do something in the source data but for now I jsut want to fix the issue replacing such characters. Setting a formula in the ETL is seems working but when I run the data reader it does not work see the picture can…
Setting Privilege?
Hi All, Can application setting privilege user screen access?
Budget data with different dimensionality and granularity
Hi, how can we budget data for measures having different dimensionality and granularity? Consider some commercial and distribution cost calculated based on % or mileage Commission cost, for example, are a % defined by customer (or by product or by aggregate entity like channel or brand) and data entry form should refer to…
Date Cube-Calendar function in Web
In the desktop version of board, if you have a cube set to "Date" a small calendar will pop-up when doing data entry. I don't see that calendar in the web client. This isn't a huge deal, but does anyone know if this function is available at all in the web client?
blob export
Hi, is there a way to export (download) files which are uploaded in my blob cube into to a specific directory trough a procedure? Regards, Jörn
Nexel Calculation Problem
I am trying to use COUNTIF in nexel but it is not giving me what I am expecting. The formula is as follows for each block in the Priority column: - =COUNTIF ( [@f;*;Range(1:7)], "<=" & [@f;1;*] ) =COUNTIF ( [@f;*;Range(1:7)], "<=" & [@f;2;*] ) =COUNTIF ( [@f;*;Range(1:7)], "<=" & [@f;3;*] ) =COUNTIF ( [@f;*;Range(1:7)],…
Change capsule database  doesn't work
Hello, I want to duplicate my environment (capsule and database) so I copied and renamed the capsule and the database. Then I opened my new capsule and changed the database to the new one. but it didn't work for me. All screens still pointed to the old database and what I found strange is that some procedures are pointing…
BOARD installation support
Hi I'm new and i have recently installed BOARD, but i have a problem. I'm not able to do my first access with the client. Can somebody help me?