Add sorting information to Entity-Export
We currently get information about the members of an entity to be extracted as Code/Member for standard entities and Code/Member/Parent for UBHs. Unfortunately, although there is an option to sort entity members by "Custom" (and we can import the sorting order for those entities), the sorting order information is missing…
Default setting for Relationship
Hello, When there's a parent missing to a child, the Default button becomes visible. But if there are no errors, you won't see the button. It would be ideal if the Default button would be visible at all times, or maybe have an overview window (like the Normalize window), where you could set up the default mapping. In the…
Quickly adding/dragging of Entities or Cubes within the Mapping page of DataReader
Just to make life easy, we should have a checkbox beside each entity/cube which should allow the developer to select multiple entities or cubes with the help of ☑ or [Ctrl + select], and then drag it at once. This should be applicable for all versions including Board 14.
How to use Unbalanced Hierarchy
1. Abstract A common requirement when structuring hierarchies in Board is to create an unbalanced hierarchy, Board facilitates this with a dedicated feature “Unbalanced Hierarchies”. 2. Context Unbalanced hierarchies can be a very useful addition to a Board solution; however, how to define and maintain them requires some…
Dataview - Dynamic Underline
In our Dataview we have oppurtunity to add a underline to highlight a column. The options are static and can't be influenced by shown data. I dream of a dynamic underline like our Alarm-Feature. Depending on block-values or another block a underline or different underlines could be shown. Example: In a Forecast-Report i…
Data Model object comments
For Data Model objects it would be informative to have to possibility to add comments and notes. For example a Procedure, under “Options” or a new tab, give the developer the possibility to write comments i.e. the purpose of the procedure, when it was last updated, who created/updated it. It could either be one big…
Warning Message in the Board Application when Max Item number has reached
Hi Team, could we have some sort of a warning message or a notification (in the Board application UI) when any of the entities are at 100% or have crossed the 100% saturation. There have been instances in projects when the entities have crossed beyond 100% like at 120% and the implementation team or the users are unaware…
How to make multiple relationships coexist in the same hierarchy
1. Abstract Establishing and managing relationships effectively is crucial for the optimal performance of a Board implementation. In numerous instances, it becomes necessary to accommodate multiple relationships within the same hierarchy. Therefore, it is vital to make informed decisions when constructing the…
Dummy entity elements for budgeting purposes
1. Abstract In planning processes, sometimes it is necessary to manage new occurrences that don’t exist in real life yet, which means creating provisional elements in the master data that will serve only for planning purposes. 2. Context Creating provisional elements in master data for planning purposes means creating new…
Entity Member created by and modified by logging
In complex projects where entity members are touched through multiple data readers, often there is a need to know when an entity member was created (in case of wrong masters) or when the description was changed Idea would be to add two more attributes to entity members: Created by Last Modified by The log could maintain -…
Separating Code & Description - Axis Setting
I was wondering whether it would be possible to add an option to separate the code and description of entities added to the axis setting. With the hack mentioned in this post, the sequence of the breakdown of the data via the entities is not respected. Currently I am using the code setting in the axis setting and adding…
Where's the Entity extract file?
Cloud, Version 12.6 When extracting an Entity, where does the file end up? According to documentation, it ends up in the default download location, but I can't find the file in Z:\.
Downloading/Extracting files to selected folder
Cloud, Version 12.6 It would be convenient if you could choose where you download/extract files. Today, Extracting an Entity ends up in the not accessible C:\. My suggestion is that the file is downloaded to your "Download" folder on your Computer ("My Documents") or that a File Explorer opens up and you can select where…
Edit Code in Entity Editor
It's great that the User can edit the Description in the Entity Editor. It would also be useful if the Developer can give rights to edit the Code as well.
Is there a way to default the naming convention of exported excel tabs to code for the entity export
When exporting a Board screen to excel and choosing to page by a given entity that within Board has been set to "code" as the default setting for that entity, the exported tab pages within the excel document appear as the description of the entity and not the desired code of the entity.
Option of restricting elements for selectors
Up to now, for a selector, there was only the possibility to display all elements or only the active elements. However, I had the requirement in many projects that the selectable elements should be restricted depending on other filtering. Reasons could be for example: Elements of entities are no longer valid, but should…
Default Entity Member Labeling Convention to Excel Tab upon Export
When exporting a Board screen to excel and choosing to page by a given entity that within Board has been set to "code" as the default setting for that entity, the exported tab pages within the excel document appear as the description of the entity member and not the desired code of the entity member. It would be helpful to…
Deleting entity elements made easy
There is already a guide on "How to remove obsolete entity members". However, this process should be much easier. It would be great if entity members can be deleted easily by hand. Especially, in big databases that would be a huge relief because it wouldn't be necessary to reload the entity and cubes. As a bonus, it would…
Default setting for Relationship
Hello, When there's a parent missing to a child, the Default button becomes visible. But if there are no errors, you won't see the button. Is it possible to set the Default mapping for each Relationship from somewhere else, even if there's nothing missing at the moment? Thank you
How to structure cubes with slow moving hierarchy
1. Abstract A common challenge in a Board Application is to fulfill the request of tracking changes in hierarchies, which by definition are the current snapshot of a relationship. This article describes how to keep track of the historical situation using a cube and dedicated entities. 2. Context Since a hierarchy in Board…
Extract/Import Trees Unsorted
Hello, I'm sure any admin of BOARD has faced the issue needing to refresh Development Cubes/Entities with new info from Production. I'm sad to say that this process is FAR less straightforward than it would seem. It is very frustrating to always have to follow the steps of : A) Remove all sorting of entities (Production)…
Add all entities to the Quick Layout?
Hello, Is there a way to add all entities, used in the related cubes, to the Quick Layout? So far I have only managed to add one entity at the time. This gets very time consuming when you have many Data Views. I saw a post in the Idea Exchange, suggesting the possibility to add the entity hierarchy. That would also save…
Entity with many levels - suggestions
Hello, We have a new customer that has an Account dimension with nine levels (!). It's an Unbalanced Hierarchy. Before we start to build too many objects depended on the Account entity/entities, we would like to ask this creative Community for input and knowledge sharing. This object(s) should fulfill our need of: -…
"Expand Above" in Data View
Hello, Version: B12.6 In data views with more than one entity per row, headers are automatically added for each entity used. Like so: However, if we want to have the summation going [b]down[/b], a subtotal at the bottom is required. This means that we end up with an empty header row, which just takes up space. My…
Show "Entity used in selection"
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to show in the Entity list of the database a hint, if this entity is used in a selection (like “in use in a cube”). In addition, there should be information on which elements the selection are based on. Also where the selection is set (which Screen, Layout, etc.) 2. What specific problem…
How to Format a Report and Create Entity Members
1. Abstract Financial statements often require indentation of account names, and special formatting of account names, values, column headers, totals & subtotals. Such formats may include highlighting, bordering, adding prefix/suffix, number formatting, and more. The dataview object can be fully customized leveraging…
Auto Max Item Number
1. Abstract One of the initial steps of the development phase in a project is the creation of entities. The most important property of an Entity is the Max Item Number which needs to be defined carefully, considering the effect it has on the performance of the application. 2. Context One of the entities’ most important…