Add tools to migrate Roles / Features / Folder security (Life cycle management)
The idea is to add tools for developer to be able to migrate "Roles / Features / Folder" from on the server to another easily You can have many roles and folder security profil in a multiple application context and migrating those from on server to server is a tedious process at the moment. Either an export to csv file or…
🚨 1 security filter's unexpected twist will leave you intrigued!
Hi everyone, I think it may be useful information for some of you to know that the 3 options under Security Filters actually doesn't have the same behavior! In fact the "Select Entity based on Cube" feature can be by passed the user itself! And it's by design *! By following the step bellow : Open a layout editor (where…
Logging Improvement - DbChanges.Log
Hello all, The DbChanges log is a great tool to have. It provides at a high-level what changed, by whom, at what time…but it's a bit TOO high-level. Currently, the log shows: 20230822 09:55:25Cubesadmin 20230822 09:55:25Cubesadmin 20230822 09:55:26Cubesadmin 20230822 09:55:26Cubesadmin 20230822 09:55:26Cubesadmin 20230822…
Logging Improvement - diagnosticYYYYMM.log
Hello all, Within the file "diagnostic«YYYYMM».log", there are various actions that are called out as part of the log. Specifically, if a process clears a cube without selections. [2023-11-01 08:48:10.648 -04:00] WARN { "Username": "x", "CorrelationId": "x", "Procedure": "cap - Update - Volume MS", "TaskId": "x", "Action":…
Automation possibilty for "Sparsity Optimization"
We very much appreciate the new sparsity optimization feature that makes manual export/import obsolete. It would be great if this function could also be automated. There are use cases in which plan data is cleared or zeroed out again, for example, but the sparsity remains full. Therefore, it would be very helpful if the…
Lack of Agility
Agility implies the ability to change course when it makes sense to do so by observing changes in our environment, responding to what we know, changing circumstances, examining, adjusting frameworks, and restructuring approaches to do so quickly and inexpensively. Agility is a core driver and target of outstanding…
Integrated technical documentation functions
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to have the possibility to directly document the application within Board. For example: Entity Comment possibility for each Entity technical name Cubes Naming Convention field / technical name possibility to comment (maybe overall and in addition on Cube Version level) Value explanation…
Overview ApiQuery calls (# of requests) in Cloud Administration Portal
Hi all, it would be wonderful to have an overview in the cloud admin portal how many API requests you actually use per day. Since there is a limit of 500 requests per day, this would help the customer understand if they need to think about increasing the limit soon. Thanks a lot!
Extract/Import Trees Unsorted
Hello, I'm sure any admin of BOARD has faced the issue needing to refresh Development Cubes/Entities with new info from Production. I'm sad to say that this process is FAR less straightforward than it would seem. It is very frustrating to always have to follow the steps of : A) Remove all sorting of entities (Production)…
Board Academy not loading in Google Chrome
Is anyone else having problems launching Academy in Google Chrome? I'm on Mac if that makes any difference.
Server Command - Batchfile not visible
Hello Togehter, i try to execute a batchfile with server command step. I placed a batchfile in folder /Board/Job, but it is not visible. Is there more configuration needed? Thanks for your Help!