Home Screen by User
I think it would help a lot with solution design if we could set a home screen against the user profile, so that we can design different home screens for different people within an organization and have them taken directly there upon entering a capsule.
Reporting Layer: Optimize a report
1. Abstract Users are more and more demanding and are looking for the right balance between the correctness of the result and the scalability of the solution at the same time. Improving response time has always been a top priority, therefore the purpose of this document would be to explain the main best practices to apply…
Drill Anywhere Options: "Drill To" vs "Go To"
1 . Abstract The Drill Functions provide several interactive options, which are: Drill anywhere, Drill-down, Drill-to screen, Drill-procedure. In design mode, interacting with the ‘Drill-to screen’ feature, either in a Data View or in a Chart, there are some notable differences regarding ‘Drill-to screen’ and ‘Go-to…
Add setting to allow horizontal display of "@Selection" substitution formula
In the image below, I'd like to display all of the selections horizontally on the grey banner, which is not possible using the substitution formula "@selection". Current workaround is to create multiple labels for each entity selected (8 in this example) and individually place them side by side on the banner which can be…
Number Scaling - formatting options
The new function is pretty good - but it would be really good, if there would be some formatting options for the number scaling —> e.g. k instead of K or T instead of K etc. Also deactivating the suffix would be great - so just having the value without K/M/B
Google Maps Object Update: Action Needed
A Google Maps security content update is causing all the Google Maps Objects configured in a Board environment to fail execution. Further details on the Google Maps update can be found here. This issue is affecting all Board versions. The issue will be fixed in the upcoming 12.6 Patch release version and will be available…
Drill Actions
1. Abstract Board offers multiple drill options, it’s important to consider the requirements when planning or setting up drill options and to design the solution accordingly. 2. Context Board offers multiple options when drilling into data, which is the right one to use depends on the specific requirements – whether the…
How to design screens & dashboarding
1. Abstract Screen and dashboard design can at times make or break an application – if screens are poorly designed or unintuitive user engagement can be compromised from the off. There are many factors to consider when determining what constitutes a good design - from layout and ease of navigation to the amount of content…
IBCS Standards
I would like to suggest to enrich the dataview and graph settings to help building a BOARD application using reporting standards as suggested by the IBCS® standards (International Business Communication Standards). These standards aim at providing a consistent reporting set for the user, so that he can very quickly know…
Fix the duration in the Gantt-Chart (its off by 1 day)
Hi, it seems like the automatic calculation of the duration, which one can enable in the settings of the Gantt-Chart, is wrong by one day. For example, the duration for an activity from the 10.1.2023 to the 13.01.2023 is shown as 3 days, while in reality there are 4 days: 10,11,12,13. I assume it just calculates…
"Expand Above" in Data View
Hello, Version: B12.6 In data views with more than one entity per row, headers are automatically added for each entity used. Like so: However, if we want to have the summation going [b]down[/b], a subtotal at the bottom is required. This means that we end up with an empty header row, which just takes up space. My…
Is there a way to have rows with no data not displayed in a drill down screen?
When drilling down through data on a report, I would like to be able to make it more concise by not having rows with no data be hidden. The below highlighted rows are examples of what I'd like to not be shown.
How to show the value of different dimensioned cube only in total line
Here is something I have implemented at a customer, and I would like to share with you. It may be helpful when facing a similiar use case. Use case One cube is on a dimension Article and cotains an Order Value The second cube is on Main Class, which is more aggregated than Article and contains a Limit for the Order Value…