"Refresh-Layout - Button" for Presentations
We switched by end of last week to the 12.5. Version, which brought the number scaling functionality. As a workaround we used in the last 2 years a TEC_Divisior-Entity which enabled us already to have a kind of number scaling feature —> BUT: every DataView contained a lot of blocks just for making this possible. With the…
Unreadable Data entry text due to insufficient ability to configure colors
For Grand Total Data Entry, there are three color settings in use: Grand Total ForegroundData Entry Grand Total ForegroundData Entry Grand Total Background When the data has been changed, the Data Entry Grand Total Foreground and Background are used. Prior to the data being changed, the Grand Total Foreground and Data…
Unable to fully set data entry colors, resulting in unreadable text.
For Grand Total Data Entry, there are three color settings in use: Grand Total Foreground Data Entry Grand Total Foreground Data Entry Grand Total Background When the data has been changed, the Data Entry Grand Total Foreground and Background are used. Prior to the data being changed, the Grand Total Foreground and Data…
Enable capsule security the same way we now have Folder security
Problem When users enter the Board main page, they would like to see all the capsules that they have access to in one place. These capsule cards can be customized nicely to show some preliminary information using sparkline/footer, they can be color coded, have backgrounds and icons. However, now, if we want to make sure…
change table/dataview from pivot to flat list
We are regularly getting the question from users if it's possible to change the standard BOARD pivoted table to a flat list. I know this functionality also from other BI-Tools and it would be great if the user can decide via dataview-menu if he wants to have a flat list shown. Default can be still the pivoted view, but the…
Disable layout refresh when switching to design mode
switching to design mode all layouts of a report are refreshed. In case of big layouts the developer should always wait … it wuold be wonderful if the layout are not refreshed as default .. then the user can decide if refresh them or not. It's the same concept of apply function or disable refresh in layout, but applied in…
Horizontal selector should not waste space
Horizontal selectors should not waste space by adding so much free space left and right to the element name. Brings up scroll bars where none is needed.
Matrix object - config nr of rows and columns
matrix can be only square (2x2, 3x3) or horzontal or vertical (1xn, nx1) It would be great have the capability to set any rectangual matrix we want (e.g. 3x2), simply replacing the option alimnebt with rows and columns settings
GeoMap improvements
compared to geo maps in other bi tools (Qlik, Tableau etc.) - the BOARD object is way to clumsy and underperforming. More design options like have a kind of head map per country/region instead of bubbles. Also more available maps (not only google maps and one other) would be great.
Activate number scaling when using DataView Search
currently activated number scaling (e.g. Thousands) is getting deactivated when you use the search function in a dataview It would be great if the set (defined) number scaling remains the same and is not changing. It's pretty irritating at the moment.
more Comment-formatting/placement options
We are having several management reports (basically P&L structure) which need to get commented by all subsidiaries. This commenting needs to be done in an extra table below the main data view (columns not possible due to a lot of columns and scrolling to the right is not an option). This makes it a bit difficult to find…
Password on menu screen link
Hello It would be great have the possibility to set a password to access screens from the menu object. Now, to restrict the access to a screen I have to use a single button.
Rows & Columns - add all entities
Adding possible entities (and its hierarchy) to the Rows & Columns is time consuming. Here are three suggestions to make it less time consuming. Give option to set all possible entities as default in the whole environment. When selecting a Data View in the screen (design mode), give the option to enable all possible…
Improve drop down list.
Context: Currently is it difficult to do a drop down list properly in Board if you intent to work with the stored values. In Layout designer and Data Entry section, you generally use "suggested values from Entity". However, it doesn't work properly if : You have localized the entity but multiple user on the same data…
Master Layout : Add option to ignore a master layout
My Idea : Add the feature to "Ignore master object" for object like dataview / graph etc… My Context : Currently when designing a screen for an object to ignore a master layout you have to set a selection directly into the layout of the screen. However that doesn't allow users to view data matching their screen selection…
📅 Add an culture insensitive variable : @datetimeISO
Currently @datetime is culture sensitive which make it very inconvenient to use in most case like with APIs. I know the following idea has been accepted but still, it would be a great addition to have @datetimeISO with ISO formats. Source :
Home Screen by User
I think it would help a lot with solution design if we could set a home screen against the user profile, so that we can design different home screens for different people within an organization and have them taken directly there upon entering a capsule.
Reporting Layer: Optimize a report
1. Abstract Users are more and more demanding and are looking for the right balance between the correctness of the result and the scalability of the solution at the same time. Improving response time has always been a top priority, therefore the purpose of this document would be to explain the main best practices to apply…
Drill Anywhere Options: "Drill To" vs "Go To"
1 . Abstract The Drill Functions provide several interactive options, which are: Drill anywhere, Drill-down, Drill-to screen, Drill-procedure. In design mode, interacting with the ‘Drill-to screen’ feature, either in a Data View or in a Chart, there are some notable differences regarding ‘Drill-to screen’ and ‘Go-to…
Add setting to allow horizontal display of "@Selection" substitution formula
In the image below, I'd like to display all of the selections horizontally on the grey banner, which is not possible using the substitution formula "@selection". Current workaround is to create multiple labels for each entity selected (8 in this example) and individually place them side by side on the banner which can be…
Number Scaling - formatting options
The new function is pretty good - but it would be really good, if there would be some formatting options for the number scaling —> e.g. k instead of K or T instead of K etc. Also deactivating the suffix would be great - so just having the value without K/M/B