GeoMap improvements
compared to geo maps in other bi tools (Qlik, Tableau etc.) - the BOARD object is way to clumsy and underperforming. More design options like have a kind of head map per country/region instead of bubbles. Also more available maps (not only google maps and one other) would be great.
Activate number scaling when using DataView Search
currently activated number scaling (e.g. Thousands) is getting deactivated when you use the search function in a dataview It would be great if the set (defined) number scaling remains the same and is not changing. It's pretty irritating at the moment.
Change Click-on-Selector behaviour in Development Mode
Currently when designing a screen and clicking on a selector object in order to move, alter or align it, the selection window is opened and has to be closed manually. During development it is more common to configure or move Selector Objects than actually setting up a selection using the Selector. Therefore it would be…
Adding Selection on "Only Dataview" for Export xlxs
Labels are usually used on a screen either to display data or to display selections correctly. However, these are also exported for the entire screen with an "Export Data to xlsx" and end up confusing the user, as they don't know what these additional tabs in Excel mean. So it would at least be good to be able to choose…
Flexibility with procedure step "Show message"
Hi all, it would be great if we could have more flexibility with messages e.g., Custom buttons (additional button - or rename of existing ones) Custom icon / header Custom color Kind regards, Atilla
Multiple roles for same user
in current setup 1 role only can be assigned to a user. in some cases this is not enough. example we have a sales manager that has visibility to his customers only. but at the same time he is also responsible at global level for a product line pricing strategies. So he need to enter in the same reports with a different…
AutoFill on Dataview Columns
Hi! I was wondering if we could add a Fill Handle (similar to Excel) that would allow users to easily enter data in a multiple of cells within the same column, without the need to use lock and spread. This would work similarly to the (>) keyboard shortcut that already works for filling a row in Board > Fills cells to the…
Add tools to migrate Roles / Features / Folder security (Life cycle management)
The idea is to add tools for developer to be able to migrate "Roles / Features / Folder" from on the server to another easily You can have many roles and folder security profil in a multiple application context and migrating those from on server to server is a tedious process at the moment. Either an export to csv file or…
Update decimals numbers
Currently it is possible to display 2 decimal places, although the tool has many more loaded behind it. The problem is that if when updating a number, the first 2 decimals are the same, but it changes from 3 onwards, Board does not update the number because it considers it the same.
Hardcode 'down total' formula to prevent it from referring to another block.
Hi, I've been having an issue where my 'Sales Mix (%)' calculation refers to a moving block from the layout, instead of maintaining the 'down total' function. To calculate 'Sales Mix (%)', I am using the algorithm: (Sales/Down Total (Sales))*100 or c/dt(c)% in the below example. The issue I am having is that the data view…
IBCS Standards
I would like to suggest to enrich the dataview and graph settings to help building a BOARD application using reporting standards as suggested by the IBCS® standards (International Business Communication Standards). These standards aim at providing a consistent reporting set for the user, so that he can very quickly know…
Overview ApiQuery calls (# of requests) in Cloud Administration Portal
Hi all, it would be wonderful to have an overview in the cloud admin portal how many API requests you actually use per day. Since there is a limit of 500 requests per day, this would help the customer understand if they need to think about increasing the limit soon. Thanks a lot!
Do not replicate entities when we flatten the entities by row
When we have multiple entities by row and we flatten at a certain level, we would like not to replicate the members of an entity and merge the cells with this entity, as in the image attached.
Can´t export flat data table
Hi, since a few days we can´t export all views into a flat data table. Only a few views can be exported as a flat data table. At all the other views the option is missing by "Export data as xlsx" . We didn´t make any updates. At the moment we use the Version 12.3, Revision: 1.1.71740. Anyone know this problem and has a…
Capsule screen refresh directs on Capsule's homepage
Hello dear Board Community, Here is a little issue we face regarding one of our application : We have a first capsule in which we navigate through the screens, and when we refresh the web page (via browser) we fall back on the same screen=> Expected behaviour ✅ We have a second capsule that behaves differently: when we…
How to log procedures' execution with timestamps
1. Abstract Admin users often require checking the time execution of a procedure and even the user who launched it. Board provides a standard functionality to review the logs, but it is possible to put in place a customized solution. 2. Context In Board, there is a standard functionality to keep track of the execution of a…
Fix the duration in the Gantt-Chart (its off by 1 day)
Hi, it seems like the automatic calculation of the duration, which one can enable in the settings of the Gantt-Chart, is wrong by one day. For example, the duration for an activity from the 10.1.2023 to the 13.01.2023 is shown as 3 days, while in reality there are 4 days: 10,11,12,13. I assume it just calculates…
Broadcasting & Notification Tool
1. Abstract Board offers the possibility to have a notification system to inform people about different events that are happening in the application, it also offers the possibility to share information with a larger population outside the application. 2. Context Three different features allow us to spread and share…
How to compare the same days of a different year
Hello, I need to create a cartesian chart in order to show how much my company has sold this year and how much last year. The main problem is that we sell more on weekends, so if the first day of the year is satuarday, the year before it was friday, and it's obvious that this year performance is better than the last year's…
rows & columns - control execution button
It would be great if there would be a button in the rows & columns function where the user can start the execution/update of his changes —> currently BOARD is loading every step you make in there - if you made a mistake (choose wrong dimension or pull it into the wrong area) the execution in the backend/running tasks is…