Dynamic links in Procedures
When changing a Cube name that exists in a Procedure step, the Procedure will not update the name, but the linking remains. However, if a Procedure name is changed, the Call Procedure (a Procedure step) link is broken. This is regardless if it's a Data Model Procedures or a Capsule Procedures. Changing Group names (Go To…
Default Entity Member Labeling Convention to Excel Tab upon Export
When exporting a Board screen to excel and choosing to page by a given entity that within Board has been set to "code" as the default setting for that entity, the exported tab pages within the excel document appear as the description of the entity member and not the desired code of the entity member. It would be helpful to…
Dynamic filter on Layouts - for flags
Hello! I was wondering if there is a way to introduce dynamic filters for binary flags/indicator variable that only take values that are 0 or 1 and can be displayed as tickboxes on the dataview. For users that wish to filter for materials in a drill down for example, it would be super helpful if they were able to select…
Feature to add a "+" symbol in front of positive values only.
Currently this can only be achieved by using text algorithms, which can be very time consuming and difficult to manage across multiple screens/objects. Using the image below as an example, can we add a feature to add a "+" value in front of the 89.0% without writing it as an text algorithm in the data view? I understand…
Add extract button in profile Security TAB & Automatize user & profile extract
Need: 1- Button to extract information from profile security tab as user tab already has 2- Automatize this information (ie: perform the extract inside a procedure, from a .bat or similar) Uses: This would be helpfull when searching information about user's information/loggings to find candidates to be deleted in order to…
Clear cubes selectively
In addition to clear an entire cube it would be convenient to be able to clear a cube selectively, for example: select one or more elements of an entity or select elements of more than one entity before clearing the cube.
Procedure - DataFlow - Algorithm of dataflow (c=a*b) should show the headings of source blocks
When editing the blocks of a DataFlow LayOut, it's possible to set headings to each blocks. When saving the DataFlow, the heading of the target is displayed in the algorithm / detail, but not the heading of the sources. It could be usefull to have the headings set in LayOut for sources as well.
Broadcasting - Formating Orientation
it would be great if there are more formatting options when presentations are getting sent out via broadcasting —> similiar to the options when exporting a screen to PDF (Header and Footer, Orientation (landscape or portrait) etc.
Ability to keep notes visible in a presentation
Currently the notes display for a few seconds and then remove unless you manually click the notes icon. The ability to extend the display time or keep displayed on the presentation. This has come up with a customer that queried how they could keep the notes on show :)
Export procedure steps detail / cube/entity information to excel
Many our customers would like to have a function to export board setting information to excel like procedure step deitals , cube sturucture, entity info etc. They would like this fucntion for document purpose. If we have this funciton, they can create system document easily and this would improve maintenance quality.
Customize available shapes and sizes in graphs
In graphs, we do not have many possibilities to customize icons and sizes. In the graph above for example I would like to have something else than a triangle, circle or square, and be able to adjust the size (the yellow triangles, I would like them bigger).
Broadcasting multiple presentations
I'm currently limited to broadcasting a single presentation to recipients. As a result I end up broadcasting several times to a recipient. I want the ability to send multiple presentations/pdfs in a single Broadcast to recipients.
Add a way to maintain Master Layout selection after procedure ran and refreshed data in the screen
Currently, when you have a Master Layout in your screen and the have data entry enable in either the master dataview or a slave dataview, you will only keep the Master Layout selection if you use a default "Save data entry". If any procedure is required to do some calculation and therefor you need to refresh some…
Screen feature : Ability to abort a layout directly from the screen
Sometime user may request to many data from a screen and are stuck waiting for a layout that will took many minutes to completed or more likely failed. While it's possible to abort these layout from the "Running tasks" at the moment, the feature is restricted to developers. My idea is to add the ability to abort layouts…
Option for logical/automated selection of Procedure on a DataView/other button
Giving developers the option to set-up a selection criterium (Algorithm) which runs one of multiple saved Procedures in the background. (see screenshot) That is to be seen as an addition to the manual selection of the Procedure by the user currently available.
Not to show unnecessary repeated details from last data row in grand total
Details from last data row shown in grand totals (see above). As suggested by helpdesk (ticket 00080530), I have managed to hide these unnecessary repeated text by using workaround - using a font color that is the same as the background color. This is a known limitation of the software, and it is totally UNNECESSARY to…
Proper end user help system for Board please
I am NOT talking here about those users building Board solutions. I am talking about the end user, how can they get help on the Board application they are using!?! Today the solution we have is far from ideal. We have a yellow question mark on every screen in our Board application. The user can click this to get help. The…
Add functionality for "folder-type" capsules formatting
We would like to be able to modify the background colors, title colors and icons for capsules and size of capsule display for the "folder type" ones. For example in the screenshot attached, I would like to modify the appearance of the "Countries" folder capsule. Currently we cannot do that which makes the adoption by users…
Matrix object - config nr of rows and columns
matrix can be only square (2x2, 3x3) or horzontal or vertical (1xn, nx1) It would be great have the capability to set any rectangual matrix we want (e.g. 3x2), simply replacing the option alimnebt with rows and columns settings
Horizontal selector should not waste space
Horizontal selectors should not waste space by adding so much free space left and right to the element name. Brings up scroll bars where none is needed.
GeoMap improvements
compared to geo maps in other bi tools (Qlik, Tableau etc.) - the BOARD object is way to clumsy and underperforming. More design options like have a kind of head map per country/region instead of bubbles. Also more available maps (not only google maps and one other) would be great.
Write-API for Data-Models to enable Infrastructure as Code
Currently, all elements are manually updated via the UI. However, we would rather like to have a possibility to create entities, kubes, relationships etc. with an API. This would enable us also to provision our data models using infrastructure as code (e.g. Terraform). As e.g. Terraform can also be used to provision…
Change Click-on-Selector behaviour in Development Mode
Currently when designing a screen and clicking on a selector object in order to move, alter or align it, the selection window is opened and has to be closed manually. During development it is more common to configure or move Selector Objects than actually setting up a selection using the Selector. Therefore it would be…
Search and/or sort among Mask screen
When working with the screen selection for Masks it's very hard to find the correct screen when you have a long list of screens. Ideas: - Make the list searchable and/or sorted in alphabetical order. - Make it easier to remove/add screens from/to a Mask. Now you have to do it in two steps - first remove and then add. Have…
Connection alias on Cloud Administration portal
When you create the connection alias on the admin portal, you must have an existing connection configured on the Datapipeline portal. So when you map the alias to the existing connection, one should not need to type the connection name, it would be better to have a drop-down list only showing the available connections so…
Export to Word
We are working on a project where information on Board needs to be exported to word to allow creation of documents with embedded information from Board. Currently if we export, we get a screenshot rather than exporting to word with the use of Board word add-in. I can see this being useful for lots of customers as financial…
Show cubes with data entry in Impact Analysis
Problem When mapping out the flow of data in a Board application it's currently difficult to identify which cubes are open for on-screen data entry. Currently the only way to do this is to manually check through each screen in a capsule. This is particularly relevant when using cube-visibility for datamodel security.…
Activate number scaling when using DataView Search
currently activated number scaling (e.g. Thousands) is getting deactivated when you use the search function in a dataview It would be great if the set (defined) number scaling remains the same and is not changing. It's pretty irritating at the moment.
Option to Hide default Home button/ other buttons
Problem Statement: Users have been provided with a specific screen URL to be added to Favorites and used. This has been done to avoid users viewing the folders created for capsules. Issue: Now when users log in and navigate to capsules from other folders from the Landing/ Super Home screen, they have the default "Home"…
Additional Features in Folder Security
Problem Statement: The users don't want to view all the capsules/ folders and instead would like to navigate from a main Landing capsule to all the other Capsules based on Go to Screen navigation procedures. Issue: The existing Folder security when applied so that the users don't have visibility for other folders, impacts…