Option to prevent saturation of an entity and corrupted data
Add an option to prevent datareader from loading data into a saturated entity and a second option to stop if creating an member would result in a saturated entity. PS : If this should be separated options fromi"On Error Stop" since we might want all rejected data logged into .log file and not stop at the 1st one, yet not…
Manage Period Offset in Time Functions
1. What is your idea? When using the Time Functions I would like to make it more straight forward and easier to understand how the function works. I would like to be able to set the period offset AND tell Board that this will be in Months, Years or days, or any other time entity. 2. What specific problem are you trying to…
Option to change storage drive in File Upload functionality in Cloud
1. What is your idea? Add option to change storage drive in File Upload functionality in Cloud or change storage drive C to Z for File Upload in Cloud 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? In current File Upload functionality, files are uploaded to C…
Mirror option for label pictures
When adding a picture / label. Board has now a standard set of Icons. Also "own" images can be uploaded into the capsule. Also we have the option to ROTATE these images/logos. However, I had a case in which I wanted to MIRROR my image. And instead of using PAINT skills and manipulating the picture, it would be a great…
Auto-Update (Screen) in Developer Mode (11.2) optional
1. What is your idea? Currently, the screen (in developer mode) updates automatically when changes are applied to single objects. It would be nice if this feature could be switched on/off during development. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? If a…
The angle of the category label of chart
It would be great if I could set the angle of the category label of chart to only 45? and 90? to any angle. Or make the steps finer (30?, 45?, 60?, 90?, etc.). Thank you.
Missing options in bubblechart
Hello, I'm writing about the bubblechart object; currently, it's impossible to increase the size of the bubble radius, and also of the bubble markers. The size of the bubbles can be determined by a certain quantity in the layout; the point is that the quantity seems to change only the relative size from one bubble to the…
In screen Designer : Add contextual toolbox "Word Style"
When editing object in the screen designer, It would be a time saving features to have a contextual toolbox appear right next to the selected object(s) like in Microsoft Word. Obviously the action would be drastically different but the concept apply well to Board.* For dataview we may have option like this in the toolbox…
Option to pinned down every lateral bar
These things are as elusive as Leonardo Di Caprio in "Catch me if you can". Would help user experience a bit to have this feature.
[Released] Fix Search Fields in Rules
The bad boy in the picture refuse to work (tested on 10.6 and 11.2). Please fix.
(SOLVED) Copy Values from BOARD Web pages.
Please could I request that the ubiquitous behaviour of copying web-viewed values and text be extended to BOARD? As a developer, I received these requests from external users as they believe it is me that is preventing them from being able to carry out this function. I do think it odd that this action is not permitted but…
Interactive Selection with nothing selected
In Board 10.3 Web: the behavior of the Interactive Selection is now coherent with the Selector's https://help.board.com/Board_10.3.0.50924_Release_Notes.htm The problem with the above implementation for our use case are: * As we limit what the user can select in the Interactive Selection, all the entities displayed are now…
Add native Excel Datareader functionnality
Today to read an Excel file you can either create a ODBC connection or save it as CSV. The idea is to add the native abiliy to create a datareader to an Excel Sheet, like it exist in other tools so that you just have to select the file to upload it.
Switch button
I would like to have a switch button to manage binary parameters. Currently, we can get the same functionality with a tick box. The switch button is already in BOARD but not available for front end developers.
Active Selection view/hide panel
Introduction BOARD allows for developers to switch on or off a flag allowing current selections to be applied to another screen. However, this method, has a number of problems in that firstly, it is hard to keep track of the current selections; substitution formulae does not function correctly on html5 platform. Also, it…
DataViews with dynamic column width
Currently, a fix column width needs to be set in order to display the largest number in a data view. If this is not properly set some digits are hidden, misleading the users. However, the largest number possibly displayed can change a lot based on the screen selection. Therefore, a large column width needs to be set to…
Identify procedures that utilise a cube
The existing Search functionality in capsules can be utilised to easily identify usage of a cube in screens and capsules.. However, the search does not return any results for use within a procedure or data reader. This functionality will be very useful when trying to identify how and which procedures or data readers update…
all charts having axes > add title and unit for each axis
1. What is your idea? a common feature of charts are labels around the graphical visualisation, to describe to the reader what he is looking on. These labels are: * chart title * legend * axes titles (for all X, Y1 and Y2 axes) * axes units * ... My idea is to wish that BOARD charts let the developer define the points 3…
Insert New Member Trigger in ATO
It is sometimes needed that when you create a new element (a version for versioning for example) in an ATO a procedure is started, however triggers can only take place when we change the element inside and not when we create a new one. In the example from versioning maybe we want to create a new element with an ATO and…
Label: Selection_Ex doenst work for the first screen
Using a label with select_ex doesnt work for the first screen after board was started - label remains empty. Only if you select the affected entity the label shows the desired result. Label on the first Screen: After selecting the entity: I tried a screentriger with several procedures - without any success. It would be…
Disable "edit layout" by report
Hi, i would like the "edit layout" option to be active only in specific reports. In fact often the option in security level is too restrictive, because we need to freeze specific reports for complexity reasons but mostly for SECURITY reasons (many times we are obligated to set a specific FILTER for security reason and we…
Home Screen - Screen Triggers disabled
Idea: Enable the Screen Triggers function to operate in Home Screen. Reason: The screen triggers function - allowing procedures/actions to be completed when opening or closing a screen - is used extensively on other screens, and would be useful to allow this function to work on Home screen also. Is there a reason why it…
Logfile in version 10 contains unnecessary warnings concerning zero values
The new data Reader logfile in Version 10 contains unnecessary warnings concerning zero values (see screenshot below). It is not possible anymore to see the real ERRORS at first sight. You first have to load the logfile to Excel an to filter the data. This is very uncomfortable for our Clients and a lot of them have…
Integrate drill through results in reports
Hi all, I want to use drill through results in dataviews and charts. If I'm not mistaken the drill through only opens a table with the results from the query. The idea is to integrate relational elements with the board elements as if they were the same. That way I can have a quick analysing tool with a small DB footprint…
Format "GroupBy"
It would be nice to have the same format in the "groupby" as it is defined in the block. The total cell doesn't keep the format (colour for example) set in the block, it's a shame.
Drill down in web in flattened mode
Hi all, For excel export reasons (see Export Data to Excel in Flattening mode for Web client ) I built a layout using the flattened presentation, with 2 entities by row (Legal Entity then Material). Before using the flattened option, I could drill down by clicking on my Material entity. Now that it's flattened, I can drill…
Custom ETL functions
There are a wealth of etl functions available in the ETL Function Reference, but I would like the ability to write additional custom functions which I can reference in layouts and dataflows. As as an example, I would like to define variations on the lending calculations (PMT, IPMT, FV, NPV) that use our custom business…
Aligning Screen objects over multiple screens
It would be nice to have the possibility to align a screen object within screen A with a screen object within screen B. At the moment it is only possible to align screen object within the same screen. Alignment over multiple screens would make it much easier to achieve consistency regarding placement of pagers, selectors,…
Set a password at screen level in the menu object
It would be useful set a password at screen level, that will be requested when an user try to access to the screen from menu object. The pw setup can be managed from sitemap settings. As alternative it could be set from the screen setup: in this case it will be requested not only from the menu but also when the screen is…
Hello, i had this idea for improving object annotations which are today not so much of use or are not leveraged the way we could i guess * What is your idea? Annotations should be empowered and transformed in terms of functionality and use. Annotations should: * Be more visible when “active” or filled with…