[Released] Fix Search Fields in Rules
The bad boy in the picture refuse to work (tested on 10.6 and 11.2). Please fix.
Add templates for drill down layouts
It would be great if we could add templates to drill down layouts. There is a work around by creating a drill to screen but adding this additional functionality would be useful
To apply open screen triggers using Broadcasting (B12.4)
For our monthly reporting we have a few screens with open screens triggers, because this is the only way of getting a good selection on screen. We face the issue that open screen triggers are not applied when using presentations/broadcasting. The only way to make it work is to run the presentation first, so all the pages…
First column size 0 should show border of data view
If you set the first column in a data view to width of 0 the border of the second column should be shown normally. Alternatively a column width of 1 should show the border of second column. Currently you either have no border (width = 0) or a randomly thick border (width = 1)
Label object: Able to change font size in Tooltip
1. What is your idea? Add tooltip font size field in Label object properties to change font size. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Tooltip font size in Label is too small and it's hard to see 3. What workaround have you found and used so far (if…
Sorting across multiple entities
As of now, Board supports sorting on a single entity and the moment we introduce multiple entities into the axis, the sorting only works within the lowest entity group. It would be great if a new feature can be introduced for sorting across multiple entities within a dataview. (Even if it works only in flatten mode).
Grouping of procedures
It would be a great improvement for organizing the procedures if it would also be possible to add procedures to groups. These groups could then be used for the grouping of the procedures in the procedure overview.
Modify Power Point and Excel Extract
It would be helpful if you could modify the Power Point and Excel Extract.
Dynamic Block Header
it would be very helpful if you could work with dynamic Block Header in the data view. In the best case with an own layout to modify the header like it would be a label.
List to with dynamic email text
It would be great if you could add dynamic figures based on cubes in your automatic emails from "list to" or also subscriptions
Board API endpoints that can identify last time Application objects were used
1. What is your idea? Board API endpoints that can identify last time Application objects such as, capsules, cubes, data readers, procedures, screens, etc. were used. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Automate the identification of unused objects…
Running same Program many time without crating multiple schedules in Scheduler
Hi, We have requirement to run Data Load from Oracle to EPM every 1hrs but do not have option in EPM to set the frequency based on need. If we have to run this program every 1hrs then Board suggest to schedule the same program 24 time in a day which is really painful. Maintainacne of the program will also be problem. I…
Same procedure being open in multiple tabs
We have had some potential issues due to the same procedure being open in multiple tabs in edit mode. No doubt it is not a potential issue (but could lead to one) as if one wants to debug that procedure, we need to keep it open in parallel to inspect some layouts in debug mode. However even when not changing anything in…
Improve form formatting.
It would be necessary to be able to modify several columns at the same time and not to be obliged to treat column by column
Maintenance mode activated by default while transport operations
Today the "maintenance mode" is disabled by default while you run a transport package. It would be safetier to activate this option by default. Thanks. Karel K.
Transporter Tool - Options to include Checksum/CRC options for Entities/trees and Cubes
Idea : Add an options to have a CRC* / Check Sum included in the Snapshot of a database to facilitate comparaison of entities, trees and cubes. And when transporter package is run (or created) report the differences. Would facilitate Pre-production go lives dry run, verification that "static" entities are properly filled,…
Tab container : Tab name / Allow images and shapes
Idea : In the Tab container, the tab name is currently restricted to text. My idea is to add features to have :* a tool tip when hovering the tab name (particulary useful if using emojis as name (i.e. : ?????) * shapes instead of text tab name (like in labels) * small images to use as icones instead of text tab name Why :…
Ability to single click buttons in a dataview
Hi, It would be good to be abe to change between a double click and single click when you add a procedure to a dataview block. Many customers have asked for a single click as apposed to a double click. Thanks Jack
Show code and description separately in layout
In over 20 years of experience with Board I've been asked hundreds of times to show dimensions by row in a dataview with separated columns for code and description. As far as the last dimension by row is concerned I always use a workaround to show the entity description as a block but the problem is not so easy once you…
Presentations - Folder-Structure / Categorization
As we are having already a lot of Presentations in use, it would be great to have a possibility for structuring Presentation via Folders, Categories, Tags or similiar. Currently they are all in one list, which is getting soon very confusing. Also a search function would be great.
Power Users - Restrict Data Entry Ability
Currently Power Users have the ability to turn on Data Entry. This introduces a huge risk in that any power user could turn on data entry and clear any of cubes of the data. Can this be included as a capability for the user type? i.e. so they have the ability to build layouts and screens but not be able to enter data into…
Currently, we are not able to search in a dynamic way a cube in If Then Else action. Even if we can type the begining of the cube name, this is not flexible. Please add the search bar in the If Then Else action as we have it in the Clear cube action.
BOARD Cloud - Admin Portal - Enable Schedule for Services Restart
In BOARD Cloud platform, it's not possible to schedule Restart of Services. It could be nice to be able to schedule the restart of Board Engine service and Board Web service. As well as being able to schedule the "Unload" (of a DataModel in RAM). These schedules would ensure to have a Re-set of application on a regular…
Same Data Entry Rules when dataview is vertically aligned
Hi, It would be good to be able to use the same data entry functions when a dataview is vertically aligned. An example is when I have a dataview formatted by 5 cubes with the Years in the columns I cannot use the ">" function to split the same value across every year. Thanks Jack
Monitor sparsity in B12
Hi, It would be good to have a section to monitor sparsity in B12 (in particular in the Cloud) - like we use to have in B10. Monitoring by cube, as currently available, is not efficient. Thanks. Bests, Quentin
SubHub - List of Users with Microsoft Office Licence
The current extract of User from Subscription Hub doesn't specify if the user has a Microsoft Office Licence Assigned. The Licence menu in SubHub only shows us total number of licence of Microsoft Office but not the list of users. It was available in older versions of Board. The old extract of Users from System…
Add database procedures grouping
Hi, it would be great to have a grouping funtion like in the Entity or DataReader Manager. Thanks. Best, Jannik
Sending parameters to REST API
I want to import weather data to an application. I have an api from the Swedish Weather center that allows me to retrieve min and max temperatures from several weather stations https://opendata-download-metobs.smhi.se/api/version/latest/parameter/19/station/159880/period/latest-months/data.json Parameter 19 is min…
Interfacing the SubHub with an authorization management system
Allow data exchange (API / CSV) between a third party system that manages authorizations in order to allow : - Creation / Modification / Deletion of users, with in return a log file indicating the status of operations - Program the extraction of a daily audit file This functionality is sometimes a prerequisite for certain…
Visualize procedures with breakpoints
Hello, during development I use breakpoints regularly, and sometimes if I got locked out I forget removing some of them. Until a user calls for help. Can board mark procedures with active breakpoint in red to allow a faster identification? Regards, Walter