Export as Picture/Image
Provide the ability to also select 'Picture' (or PNG, JPG) when exporting from BOARD via a procedure BOARD currently allows you to export as PDF/PPT/DOC/XLS from a procedure, and also has these option when setting up a BLOB cube, but BLOB cubes also allow for pictures (in 10.5 at least), however BOARD doesn't allow you to…
Add Options to sort entities in descending fashion
Currently, you can't decide to sort entity by * "None" = insert order * "Code" * "Desc" However, it would be more than nice to have the possibility to choose the sort type between descending and ascending. It is especially usefully when creating version,scenario, sandbox, where often the latest ones, are the go to. For…
Text with placeholders to be filled with blocks
There are some reports with lots of recurring text and numbers that change. So I want to be able to use the label field and the dynawrite with not just one block, but with many. And in between put some text. e.g. "The National Association of Realtors said Thursday that its pending home sales index fell 1.5% to a reading of…
Allow Reverse Algorithm on a TEXT algorithm
Currently you can only populate a text cube via a reverse algorithm if the algorithm is numeric. This seems somewhat pointless as we have numeric cubes for these. What would be more useful is being able to apply a reverse algorithm on a text algorithm into a text cube. It doesn't come up often, but the workaround to get…
Improve the Selector display used within a procedure
When performing data input over the web, we're triggering procedures relying on the "Interactive selection" feature. When the selector pop-up is displayed, it always shows the "code + description" of the entity member, which is, in a data entry user point of view, sometimes not convenient. Technically speaking, we'd like…
Drill down in maps
Would it be possible for data that is being displayed in a map object to be distributed to a lower level of detail as you zoom on a map. Say for example, my Geography hierarchy is * Country * Region/State * City * Suburb/Postcode * Street Currently you would need Lat/Long cubes for each level in this hierarchy and 5 map…
Improved DataView formatting configuration
It should be possible, from the DataView settings/configuration screen to: 1 embolden/italicise the axis titles 2 left/right/centralise the axis columns My thanks to interested typ for suggesting I do this - lol, that WAS a long time ago . Better late than never!
Blur Other Objects
After reviewing some of the e-learning materials, I noticed how the videos blur the background while text is the focus of the video. From a visual perspective, it draws the eye exactly to the text, removing distractions from view. We already have a property to hide objects, but I would like to be able to focus attention…
Broadcast function to send SMS
Currently BOARD can send alerts to email via the broadcast capability, could this be extended to allow the sending of alerts via SMS? I haven't fully researched but a quick google suggests that there are a number of subscription services for redistributing an email to an SMS that may work. Does the community think this…
Blockchain Datareader
Background Blockchain projects represent a new datatype with some fascinating properties. These global, distributed, decentralized, immutable ledgers use cryptography to account for digital tokens. Just as we need to pull from databases and ascii files, loading a blockchain into BOARD could prove to be a helpful tool in…
BOARD Community Navigation frustrations
I am finding it increasingly frustrating when reading through forums. I am used to using forums, scrolling down, selecting an article to read and then returning to the point in the 'stack' that I left by using a browser 'back' button. However, on the BOARD forum, I will scroll through a forum and select an article to read.…
Cube Title as a Combobox
When I view the structure and versions of a cube, the text box can be changed to change the name of the cube. This is helpful when setting up new cubes, but doesn’t facilitate reviewing multiple cubes quickly. I would like to see a selection arrow at the right end of the text box that allows a user to select a different…
Drill Peek
When navigating a grid dataset, we already have the option to make each cell a button. From that button, we can drill to a screen or protocol for more information. Doing so opens the target in either the same tab or a new tab, changing the focus to the new screen. I think it would be nice to provide a peak tool, such that…
PDF print option orientation page
The request is to allow users to choose the orientation of each page during printing (between portrait and landscape)
Chart labels - define default color background
Make the default chart label background configurable for each current and future occurrence and not have to change it for each new occurrence entry.
My view improvement
Give the possibility to apply my view by default at screen opening (without having to re-enter it at every screen opening or at least keep it during the time the user remains connected (time between log-in and log-out).
Number scaling available for the screen
Number scaling is available for dataview object (will be available for graphs in 14 version). It would be great to be able to associate this functionality with the screen directly, whatever the objects present on this screen, and thus benefit from it for each of the objects visible on the screen.
Excel - Export multiple selection
When we select more than 12 members in an axis, these are not displayed , only the selected number out of the total number. This may make sense in the application (as space would quickly run out to display them all), but could we have the entire selection exported in Excel ? There is more space to display all of them in…
Dynamic select for Fiscal Year to date
Currently within Board functionality you can dynamically select based on calendar year to date. Numerous customers like to report based on fiscal year and not just calendar year so the option to have the fiscal year to date would be a much more efficient way to create fiscal year to date reporting satisfying both customers…
Native User Entity/Dimension
Ask/Idea It would be great to have a native database entity containing a member for all licensed users within the data model - to be exclusively used for cubes containing user selections that can be dynamically applied/passed through screens. Current Situation Currently you can create a custom User Entity and use the…
Dataview/FlexGrid – Make Bookmarks from a dragged selection
When: In a screen there are no selectors The "deny selection editor" is enabled in the profile settings and disabled in the screen options You cannot save bookmarks by dragging a selection on the rows of a dataview/flexgrid If the "deny selection editor" is disabled in the profile settings and enabled in the screen options…
Name orientation for collapsed nested entities
Hi Today the alignment is presented to the right for Name orientation for collapsed nested entities. Can you make us have the option to chose left or right. Lars
FlexGrid - Add more settings to the embedded charts
The embedded charts in FlexGrid are still very limited. It is therefore necessary to integrate the settings of these charts with the same functionality as the chart object (or at least the main ones): Some reported issues from our customers: It is not possible to adjust/resize the X-axis labels in such a way to maximize…
Ability to enable data entry at groupings when hide totals row is enabled
Hi, we have a customer who's asking if we could enable data entry at a grouping level when multiple entities are by row when the total row within the grouping isn't enabled through the feature of hide totals row. Since there are multiple entities by row, it is proving to be a hassle to locate the total row for each…
For multi-tab screenshot output functionality.
With the second or later tabs of a multi-tab open If a screenshot is taken with a second or subsequent tab open, the image of the first tab is output. Therefore, if you take a screenshot of a screen with multiple tabs, We would like to be able to take a screenshot of the currently open tab.
Enable Substitution formula for Waterfall chart objects
The substitution formulas @Selection and @Month doesn't work in waterfall chart. Need to enable this as chart details won't give meaningful insights without this function
Changing font color and size on B14 screen.
Hi all, B14 screen shows light grey font in some place. They are small and difficult to read for the user. Would you consider any function to change the font property or dark mode for easy to read depend on the user? Masa,
Error handling of "DR" and "Procedure"
Hi all, Please merge this idea if we already have. I cannot find same one. Board cannot detect the odbc/ole error even if SQL Error log we have when error occurred. All most of customer need to error handling for their system. In their system, Board is a part of whole system and they need to retry when they have the error…
Broadcasting – Select Presentation Owner When Making Changes
In the Broadcasting feature, we have noticed that when a user makes a change to an existing presentation or its mailing list, they now become the owner of the presentation. However, this can break the presentation if this user does not have the same permissions as the original owner. Could we please have a way to mitigate…
improve bullet chart object formatting
Hello, I suggest these improvements for the bullet chart object for Board 14.x: provide ability to display a char title (e.g. taking the layout title) as it is possible for the cartesian chart. provide ability to let the developer select the place where the label of the axis dimension is shown (currently it is only above…