Support Icons in menu for the web client
Hi all, to my surprise, the icons included in the capsule menu, that could be managed in the Windows client, cannot be managed any more in the web client. I opened a support question about it and Andrea Mo suggested to post it as an idea... so here it is ! Please include the option to manage menu icons in the web, same as…
Some tasks are launched and, as an administrator, you can't stop them. It's very annoying, especially as there's no explanation. So you may have to open a ticket Would it be possible to have clear information about why a running task cannot be stopped? And perhaps have the means to stop it anyway, knowing the consequences?
Line break in Tooltip and format options
Tooltip should automatic create line break if original text has no break in it. Furthermore a format option for size and colour of tooltip text would be appreciated.
Export List of Scheduled Tasks from Cloud Admin Portal
Can an option be provided to export the list of tasks setup in Cloud Admin Portal either to CSV or Excel? It will be useful for audit review as well as determine if any task schedules are overlapping.
Extracting list of cubes via Entity analysis
Currently the list of cubes for a particular entity can be extracted through Impact Analysis which only provides the cube name and not other details. If the user is able to extract the list of cubes via Entity Analysis (by clicking on Go to Cubes), it will provide details such as Group name, Data Type, no. of Versions and…
ALM enhancement to update connection details with SAP DataReaders
When deploying a DataReader that uses the connection type SAP via Board SAP Connector the URL to connect to the source is not updated accordingly. Although the connection string looks correct the process is executed on a different server (QSS in this case). You'll have to manually change each DataReader (adding a field to…
Board Hackathons
Anyone ever participate in one? How was it? It seems there have been three in France so far (2020, 2021, 2022). I'm curious if Board is planning to bring the same format to Germany or UK any time soon … Thanks for your input !
Fix Entity in Quick Layout
Would be great if we could fix dimensions within the quick layout. This is very important to allow mid flexibility within the quick layout function. Its specially important when we have a rule within one of the dimensions, that must always be there to be able to display data correctly.
Keep data when adding or removing an entity to/from a cube
As-is status: If you either add an entity to a cube or remove an entity from a cube, the cube will be empty afterwards, containing no data anymore. Idea: It should be possible to keep the data (optional), by either: when adding an entity: choose an element of the entity (to be added) to shift all the data of the cube to or…
Adding entity variables to pdf / printable export
Hey guys, I have customers that are exporting a lot of reports for their customer as well. So it would be good to write down the selected entities inside the name of the pdf file, so they dont have to do it all the time for themselves. Greetings Julian
SubHub : Sync To Data Model : 3 improvements
Ability to have different mappings per server. If you are developing changes in the security as require by a new organisation in the company and you already had metadata sync to entities in your datamodel : current solution can be a pain to develop the changes. To do so, you may want to keep using the same targeted entity…
Copia e incolla da 1 cella di Board a più celle in Board
Buongiorno a tutti, il cliente ci ha fatto notare che non è possibile copiare un dato presente in una cella di board ed incollarlo in più celle contemporaneamente, similmente poter copiare una riga di dati e di applicare la copia a più righe selezionate. Si tratta di un'idea molto interessante e il cliente ne sarebbe molto…
More standard time range entities
I would like to see the following time range entities become standard going forward: Descending year - to allow sorting from newest to oldest left to right in dataviews, etc Descending month - see above reason Week number (first week of each year as 01, second as 02, etc. This again would make visualization by week much…
Excel-Like Data Types
Instead of adding a "$" symbol to the beginning or end of the number in the cell, we'd like there to be a setting similar to that in excel where we could set the data type to currency. This would alleviate the issue of the "$" changing the number data type to a text/string type. This setting would make those values…
users log from subhub
with the subscription hub the files UsersCreated.log, UsersModified.log, UsersRemoved.log are no more available. Such information can be retrieved from AUDIT LOG file, but it's a manual extract on demand and the information are not easy to analyze. IDEAS: have again these files available or set a API END Point retrieving…
Hello, It would be very nice if the block format could be modified by group of columns rather than column by column Thanks for your attention
import data from subhub - API improvements
with the export function in users sub hub panel a csv file is created with all users information. It would be useful have an API End Point containing the same information of this manual export.
Mandatory dimensions / consistency checks in quick layout
Context - When designing data entry screens, we are often in the situation where we want to give a maximum flexibility to the end user to choose the most relevant axis. Quick layout is great for that. Issue - However we often have the situation where at least one dimension is mandatory, otherwise figures don't make sense.…
Predefined PDF-Export
My client has a requirement to export their P&L report, balance sheet report and other reports as a PDF. The structure of the report has 3 elements: Report information: Name of the report, name of the company, additional information such as "YTD view" and "Disclosure in TEUR" (position: top left). Logo: Logo of the…
Flat data table for enduser
There should be a possibility for endusers to adjust a data table to a flat data table by theirselves. Due to the quick layout (and the possibility to drag several entities in the rows) it might be useful to adjust a "normal" table to a flat data table in play mode for a better overview.
Horizontal selector should not waste space
Horizontal selectors should not waste space by adding so much free space left and right to the element name. Brings up scroll bars where none is needed.
Is it possible to Add "Service Status" page from Administration Portal to Application for Power User
Requirement is to Provide only “Service Status” access to Particular Power User either in the Application or separate access of this Administration Portal with only access of “Service Status”. It is required Just to Restart Board Engine and Board web in case if application is having some issue/Locks. we do not wants to…
Matrix object - config nr of rows and columns
matrix can be only square (2x2, 3x3) or horzontal or vertical (1xn, nx1) It would be great have the capability to set any rectangual matrix we want (e.g. 3x2), simply replacing the option alimnebt with rows and columns settings
GeoMap improvements
compared to geo maps in other bi tools (Qlik, Tableau etc.) - the BOARD object is way to clumsy and underperforming. More design options like have a kind of head map per country/region instead of bubbles. Also more available maps (not only google maps and one other) would be great.
Add information note in Data source connection creation
In System Admin portal, a connection should be created to link the Data Pipeline and Board. It turns out that for the alias of the connection, a maximum of 32 digits is allowed. It would be helpful if it would either not let you save the connection if the alias is too long, or at least show an information about this below.…
MS Word Add-In Lacks the Formatting Functionality Present in Board Web
During the development of a report using the Microsoft Word Add-In, it has come to our attention that some of the formatting functionality that is present in Board web is not offered by the add-in. Border thickness cannot be configured in the add-in, but it can be in Board web. Unfortunately, any native MS word formatting…
Write-API for Data-Models to enable Infrastructure as Code
Currently, all elements are manually updated via the UI. However, we would rather like to have a possibility to create entities, kubes, relationships etc. with an API. This would enable us also to provision our data models using infrastructure as code (e.g. Terraform). As e.g. Terraform can also be used to provision…
Delete inaccessible data model command for Board Cloud Administrator
When a data model becomes inaccessible (e.g., due to data corruption), the data model "Delete" command on the GUI is greyed out. This prevents the creation of a new data model with the same name, when there are no usable backups that can be restored. Currently, the only option for Board Cloud users is to create a Support…
Add capability to wrap text around an image in an RTF cube
Use Case: the creation of high-quality Presentations that include text, images, and data. Idea/Minor Feature: Add the capability to wrap text around an image in an RTF cube.
Connection alias on Cloud Administration portal
When you create the connection alias on the admin portal, you must have an existing connection configured on the Datapipeline portal. So when you map the alias to the existing connection, one should not need to type the connection name, it would be better to have a drop-down list only showing the available connections so…