Showing 3 different dates in a report
Dear, One of my clients would like to have a supply chain report wher in 3 dates are available. Creation date, shipment date and requested confirmed date. So creation date of the order and shipmentdates and requested dates of the order. I don't know what is the best practice is creating something like this. Do someone has…
Board 11.3 : Initial thoughts
Hello all, After one week with BOARD 11.3 here are our initial thoughts What I like - For ADMINS - Data management : With Board APIs we can now share data with other softwares like an intranet portal - Reduce administration time : We are now able to sort members freely in entities. It will save us a lof of time! Another…
What is the best way to "move" a value from an entity member to another member ?
Hi everyone ! I hope everybody is doing well. I'm currently facing a nice challenge in my new board application, regarding a quite classic "Phase in / Phase out" process. Context: It is a budget planning application, nothing very original about that :) In this application, we initialize the process by copying the latest…
Services restart not working consistently
Hi, I restart the services each night via a batch file. According to Task Scheduler, the task is completed every night. Yet, half the time, databases are loaded into memory that have not been accessed since the previous day - indicating that the services did not restart. The main issue is high memory usage before the…
Drag and Drop an existing objekt of a screen in the container tab object in Board 11.3
Hallo everybody! I would like to drag and drop an existing object of a screen in the container tab object. This existing object should be a new tab of the container object. The existing object has an individual format. I only find the possibility to drag and drop objects from the the left object list. After using this way…
How can I export all tabs of a screen into one PDF?
Hi Experts, I have a screen with multiple tabs (one tab for each Business Unit) that show MTD data. When I click on Export Printable Report --> PDF, it only exports the first tab. How do export all the tabs into one PDF, with a page for each tab? Thanks! ------------------------------ Jon De Leon Manager, Financial…
Pattern Style in Labels, Data-Views, Charts
Hallo everybody! Is ist possible to use a pattern style in stead of a colour? At the attached Excel-File you can see an example at the bar FC. ------------------------------ Thomas Schendl Bereichsleitung Finanzcontrolling Holter Verwaltungs GmbH Austria ------------------------------
Add widget to screen?
Is it possible to add custom widget to a screen? Does any control allow to insert custom HTML5 code into a screen? ------------------------------ Giulio Vialetto Consultant KVALUE SRL Italy ------------------------------
BLOB Cube for Importing Image
Hi Team, We are using Data reader for loading BLOB cube with Name and Image Path. The Images are getting uploaded for only few and not for others. Step 1: Extract entity where name and path is present. Step 2: using the data reader upload the extracted file to BLOB cube After step 2 , we verified the BLOB cube , we saw…
Unable to display at the same time the split per month and the last month selected ?
Hello all, We are trying to migrate our reports from our previous FP&A software to Board and are facing an issue with a requirement which seems to be basic : The requirement of our management is always the same on nearly all their screens : * 1. The user should be able to SELECT the month he want to see (eg April) * 2.…
Dynamic Time Selections
What is the most efficient way to make a selection based on a custom time range? For example, I want to see data from the last 90 days, or the last 6 periods. Thanks! ------------------------------ Mallory Lindsey Business Reporting Analyst Pepsi Bottling Ventures United States ------------------------------
Hallo everybody! I would like to create an P&L Statement with the following structure: Column 1 to 6: Information to actual month Column 7: row structure of the P&L Statement Column 8 to 13: Information to the cumulated value It should be also possible to expand or collapse the row structure. An Example is shown at the…
Annual Averages
Hello, I would like to display the annual averages for several years per block and year. How can I do that? greetings Marco ------------------------------ Marco Kuemmel Administrator BI Landkreis Vorpommern-Greifswald Germany ------------------------------
chart marker position in webclient
Hello all, does anyone know how I can determine where my marker in a chart is positioned? For Example I like to have the marker above the bar and not within it. Like this: Currently I'm just getting a wrong depiction of it like that: I compared both configurations and they are exactly the same. I can't make out any…
Use of WebViewer and PDF files
Hi, I wounder if there is a way to view a PDF'document through the webviewer fuctionality in Board? ------------------------------ Regards Hakon Helgesen Agder Energi AS ------------------------------
rule-based Total calculation in P&L
Hi all, I want to get a total column based on rule calculations (f.e. sum or avg) My Layout: Cube a - hide. The Cube contains the actuals. On the cube is applied a rule to calculate some positions of P&L. Cube b - hide. The Cube containg the plan values. Cube c - hide. Actuals total by month. Algorithm d - if(c<>0,a,b) -->…
Multiple Dec Digits Options
Hi all, I'm wondering, if it would be possible to show different number of dec digits for one entity. E.g. cube a with entity x (values a,b,c) and month: JanFebMara1,1231,2341,456b-2,43-4,34-6,34c1,55,42,1 The value "a" must have 3 Dec Digits, "b" 2 Dec Digits and "c" 1 Dec Digits. For value b would be nice to use…
Getting data into BOARD with different granularity
Hey there We are currently setting up BOARD as a reporting tool in our company. We use v10.6. We are trying to get our sales budget data into board to compare them with our actual data. Thus, there is no data entry or anything at that point. Unfortunately, we have encountered a problem: Our sales budget data comprises…
Conditional Calculation and formatting
Hi all, I have a dataview with KPI as row and month as column. I created two different cubes with the same structure: Cube A with actuals and Cube B with the plan data. I'm looking for the possibility in board to automatically switch the cube values when the new month begins. Means as soon a new month begins (f.e. Sep 20)…
Commentary Field?
Hi, I have a layout where I have a SKU entity as my Row and Sales and Margin data cubes as my columns. Is there a way to add a "Comments" (as a column) field for each SKU where I can enter comments, and then each time I review this screen (or anyone that views this screen) can see the comments for each of the SKUs? Thanks!…
Design reports: formula for "Right" side of a cell
Hi Board Community: I'm designing a report. I have a column of info that has a code like this: 1021981.001.002.003. We call this entity "Subworkplan." I want to create a formula (or algorithm?) that will show me the right 11 cells, of what is in this column. For example, show me 001.002.003 in the above example. In the…
Printing a presentation to pdf landscape
Is there a way to change the default orientation when printing a pdf from a presentation? I'd like to use this for our financial package and have to generate paper copies for some of our leaders. ------------------------------ Ian Bradley VP Finance (CFO) T&S Brass and Bronze Works, Inc United States…
Code and Description in two different columns
Hi All, I have an entity "Material" with Code = ID and Description = Name. I choosed the option "Display Code&Desc" in my dateview, to display both. When I export the report to excel I get one column with Code and Description together. Is there any possibility to get two separate columns: one for code and one for…
moving total column
Hi All, I'm wondering if here would be a possibility to move the total column. I have a report like below: Material | Day1 | Day2 | Total and I need something like this: Material | Total | Day1 | Day2 Is it possible? Thanks! Regards, Lina ------------------------------ Ellina Mnikh Controller Germany…
Mapping/ Join SQL and CSV Data
Hi all, I'm quite new in Board and would be happy to get an advice to my topic. I use ASCII Data Reader to get the inventory data from a csv. To get some additional information like material description I add a database table Material via SQL protocol. Both of them have a common column calling Material code. I would like…
Using new MS Edge with Board
Hello I read in a discussion that "The recommended browser to use with Board is Chrome, using a different browser may well cause some issues." We use latest version of Edge, Chrome is not provided and maintened by our corporate IT. We still use Board Client, and plan web migration in the time being. My opinion is that…
Repeat Parent of Nested Items - Like Pivot Table
Hi, I'm a new Board user. I have the following Layout that I'm doing in Excel-Board add-in. Under the By Row, I have our company's categories and each customer under that category (i.e. Toys -> CustomerABC). I'll be linking this table to another tab in this workbook where I need to pick up this combination via a sumifs. Is…
Opening Multiple Instances of Board
Hi all, How do I open a second instance of the Board client (ver.10.3)? Should be easy, but it's just not happening - I'm almost embarrassed to ask :) Thanks ------------------------------ Andrew ------------------------------
NEXEL writeback not working
MAXIMUM URGENCY Hi everyone, I have a problem concerning the Nexel writeback. As you can see from the picture attached (which is the Nexel layout shown in the debugger), the procedure enters the writeback with the proper selection, therefore the layout is not too big. It writes correctly on the target cube but then, after…
How Do You Display Percentages on Pie Chart
On a Pie Chart is it possible to display the percentages on each slice of the chart.