Erroneous dataflow from text to single type
Dear all, While doing some tests, I came across a problem with a dataflow from text to single type in BOARD 10.3 (Didn't try in older versions). Let me explain the whole business case. 1) I pull in a "creation date" column from an Excel file and apply an ETL function on it during the data reader. The ETL function is…
how to add a new screen
This might seem super basic but how to I add a new screen to a capsule in Board? A consultant set-up the cubes and I attended the training (over a year ago) so I'm very rusty. Once I have a blank screen I think I'll be ok to start using the cubes but I just can't remember how to get there and I also can't find anything in…
Analytical functions > more details regarding "average"
Hi, I would like to use one of the availableanalytical functions : average According to the help, Average: it returns the average value of the series (Total/Time Length); Can anyone give more details on how the average calculation works ? * how happens the aggregations ? * Does the function apply after all aggregations and…
Date-time to be shown in label with a different time-zone. Ideas?
Hi everybody, I would like to show in a label the current date (@date) and the current time minus 1 hour. That's why Board server is running in italian time, I would like to show in the label the UK-time. I've done it with a very complex nexel Is there someone with a smarter idea? Thank you, regards, Edoardo Tags: dates…
Dates shown in Browse and used in WHERE are offset by 1
Just wondering if anyone in the community has come across this issue before and found a robust/correct way of dealing with it. BROWSE doesn't match what is loaded into a CUBE. The Browse on a SQL query shown below lists several dates by employee. The Dataview below shows what is actually loaded into the relevant date…
select on higher level in hierarchy
Hello all, I have this dataview where the products are on the rows. There are a couple of columns that are higher level entities: Now there's always the possibility to select by the rows' axis in the context menu of the dataview. I would like to expand that feature, by means of procedures, and build a context menu like the…
Dataentry directly on DYNAWRITE
Dear all, does anyone knows if is possible to enable dataentry on a dynawrite with text cube? Thanks
How to Calculate a Day and Today?
Hi All, I want to calculate day and today, How Board handle this case?
Broadcasting & pager
Hi, I would like to use broadcasting to create a series of files (subdivided by a particular entity) each of which has inside it, a panel container with "n" objects (dataview, graphs). Obviously, there is a pager for this entity. There is also a dataview to which the broadcasting refers, always expressed for the same…
How to filter data with (not)exists?
Hi all, I'm trying to select customers that buy a certain product (sql equivalent of exists). And I want to display their total sales, not just those of that product. Similarly I want to search for customers that don't buy a certain product and display their sales. How'd you best achieve that in a dataview or for the whole…
How to align graph with 2 axes
Hello All, I have a graph with 2 axes, first axes for EBITDA and second axes % EBITDA vs revenue. The 2 zeros of the axes are not aligned as you can see in the attachment. Any suggestions? Thank you and best regards Marcel
WebClient: How to change Display mode of "Entities & Relationships" in layout builder?
Dear community, I have received a seemingly trivial question from my end user, but I was perplexed to not find the answer. I am searching for an option to determine the display mode for an Entity inside the layout builder of the web client. More specifically I am searching for the web client equivalent of this: I found the…
How to programmatically (re-) load a database?
Hi all, we need to reload every other day one of our databases as there is an odd effect (potentially bug) that is solved by unloading the db and then reloading it into memory. The effect is that analytical functions will not have results although they should. Now we would like, as part of our daily routine unload the…
Change PDF page size in the Export procedure
Hello, I did a procedure which extracts the objects contained in the screen. How can I set the output pdf page size? Currently, the file has the dimensions of 76x50 mm. Thank you
Drill Through with total
Dear Boardville Citizens, when I perform a drill through, I see i.e. the single document reference of a combination account/cost center but I have no total. Has anyone a way to explain the total in a separate column? Thanks a lot. sqls drill-through
Age banding
Hi Board community. I need to show claim amount by groups of ages of the claim e.g. 0-16, 16-31, 31-46..... How do I do this kind of age banding in Board? Regards Thora
Problem Statement- (a) Cube A contains Data from year 2010 to 2018. I want to plan for year 2019. My Selection contains reference data from year 2014 and I need to copy it in year 2018? Please suggest how to achieve it.
Webclient known issues
Hey, is there a documentation or tool tips on using the webclient? And does it contain known issues? For example, layouts that work good and normal in the desktop version but in webclient: - waterfall charts that do not work properly (empty layout)? - "Oops"-Layouts just not working? another empty layout! - zeroes shown…
How does BOARD handle concurrent execution of procedures?
Hello, We have a procedure which clears some cubes and then runs some data flows to reload the cubes. The procedure may be triggered by user activity. If two users cause the procedure to run at about the same time what happens? Does one run and complete before the other is executed? If not is there a way to single thread…
Can you run multiple procedures concurrently
Wondering if anyone can point me in the right direction here. I'm sure there is a way, it could be in procedure setup or it could be in BOARD server setup, i'm not sure, but keen to hear what suggestions others have. Is there anyway to get BOARD to run multiple procedures concurrently? At this client there are several…
How to give control to delete/remove an entity member to end user?
Hi all, I am currently building an retail planning application in which the we are giving the flexibility to the end user to load the master data (Store details) into the entities. In addition to this, we want to give the flexibility to remove a particular store detail in case the use want to do so. Let's suppose the user…
Creating a metric in board
Hi all, We have only just started using board so this may be a pretty basic question but any help/guidance would be very much appreciated! In order to get an understanding of how Board works we started with an example. In our example we are working with product groups, products (each product has a corresponding group) and…
Using Date Cube as a Time Entity
Hello I've some peculiar report requirement that has to be done in BOARD. I have 2 cubes, let's say cube A holds an transaction amount value, and cube B holds a transaction payment due date value. So the data type for cube A is double, and cube B is date. The cube B data is from a calculation that has been done inside…
ASCII Datareader file location
We've recently upgraded a client from B9 to B10 and we now have an issue where an #ASCII #datareader that works in B9 no longer works in B10 because it cannot find the file which is in a different network location to BOARD. The file is saved to the 'finance' network drive, and in the B9 (production) datareader (below) you…
Export DataView in Excel: what about alerts?
Hi all, just a question regarding the export in excel (flattening mode) of a DataView. In Board Client if a User performs an export in excel (by right-clicking on the dataview and then clicking on "Export in Flattening Mode"), the generated excel file will not show all the alerts actually shown in Board's dataview. In…
Not wanted behaviour of Export Excel Flattened
Hi all, we are currently struggeling with a function (or bug :-) ) with the export of a flattened excel file. WHAT? We got a procedure, which has nothing more in it then two info messages for the user and the function Export Excel Flattened (see attached). The screen which should be exported has a P&L dataview in it, which…
CSV inbound data with multiple columns per product
I have a CSV file, which contains inventory levels and stock movements by location. The file is structured that each line contains detail by location, with multiple product headings in the columns and the volumes then in the row. How do i go about mapping this to the various entities? I have set up a product, movement and…
How user will upload a file ??
Hi, I want to give an option to user to upload a file (he will be able to browse to a specific file he want to upload). Helmut HeimannOliver BeirneSimon Scullion
Use webclient and desktop at the same time?
Hey, is it possible to use webclient and desktop version at the same time? Or will it usually lead to user- oder licsenseproblems like getting blocked/banned (like formerly using to instances of board desktop)? Or is it a question only my office it can answer :-) ? Cheers Hannes
Dataflow processing time - what is happening under the hood?
Hi, apologies for this being a bit long but I really want to know what is happening 'under the hood' in this instance to make two almost identical dataflows take very different lengths of time to process. I discovered the following when looking to speed up a procedure (now that a client is finally on B10). A dataflow was…