(FIXED) 10.5 Functions: WEB Object Copy and Paste
A new BOARD release is a very exciting time. Scrambling to read the release notes, diligently comparing version functions from one to another and then writing up the upgrade strategy utilizing the best 'agile' means to ensure the quickest and most efficient pathway to the update and release of all current models. Ah, the…
Summarized Forecast Rollup from different screen totals
I have multiple screens for forecasting based on different types of revenue. Because these sections belong to different areas of our company, the forecasts are data entry enabled. We don't just use a growth % assumption and calculate. I would like to take the totals from each of these screens and roll them up into a…
Use of @user / @username to segregate data
We have a capsule which does some kind-of complicated processing such as writing to a text file from a dataflow and reading it back in to some work cubes and then displaying a screen based on the work cubes. If more than one user is using the capsule it works alright. When user A loads the work cubes and displays results…
data entry in a dataview with filters applied
Hi all, I have a cube which contains both future forecast and past forecast (forecast created previously). There are three dimensions for the cube - Product, Market and Month The requirement I got is to show both past forecast and future forecast in a chart, but only show the future forecast in a dataview which allows…
1 Dataview serving 2 other DataViews
Hello, What is the best approach to do the following: I have 1 main DataView. The user selects a row in this DataView to load more details in 2 other DataViews (each with its own specific details) on the same screen. In other words, have the Drill-Down row functionality but then in a separate DataView on the same screen.…
maximum number of axes
I am trying to build a report using a data viewer, however firstly I had to put entities in as axes so that they can be flattened out rather than having them in the data block, which just returned the total count in that entity. However I now find that if I have more than 2 entities in the axes the screen does not display,…
[bug] Screen corruption after cube deletion
Hi, I have a screen with dynamic selection based on cube. Unfortunately, I forgot and I delete the cube. Now the screen is unusable. Every layout in the screen show an error - Database is modified by another user. My suggestion is that the screen should ignore the deleted cube. Hope other users will not encounter this…
Export to Excel error
Anyone in the community had this error pop up before when extracting to Excel?
Dataview converts text to figures format when using Vertical Axis
(BOARD Version: 10.1.4) We are all aware of the restrictions when displaying Data-views vertically; no drill downs, formatting issues, etc. Recently, I discovered another one BOARD will automatically coerce entity members comprising of a string of figures into a numeric format with thousand separator and right justified.…
excel column limit
hi community, i have a datreader from excel file, i wanto to know if there is a column limit to import data from excel. Regards Andrea
Installation details
Our organisation has just signed up as a partner. I have completed the initial courses and am looking to move onto the exercises. My question is what version of Board should i be downloading and installing? Regards, Andrew
How to create a report with several cubes grouped in lines?
Hi, In Excel I have a report that looks like this: What would be needed in board in order to create a similar structure, where the different cubes are over each other (by rows) instead of side by side (by colums)? BR, Ray
Change web interface
Hi, i was trying to change the HTML5 interface, trying to customize the ribbon bar and web landing page login. How can i change those? I have been mentioned these can be configured and changed but was wondering how Thanks in advance,
Why aren't my percentages correct for the Total columns/rows?
Hi I'm a fairly new user of Board, so this might be something obvious - I've been building financial reports, but with my percentage calculations, through using rules, the percentages are correct on the data columns, but incorrect on both the total columns/rows. Values are all divided by 1000 to get $'000 for my financial…
Refer-to + rules?
Hi all, is it possible to use the refer-to in the layout and have the cube take the value of the rule that is used in combination? Say I have a cube a, with a rule "measures" (in functions) and also a "refer-to" to a value that is computed in the rule. In my case the result is empty. How'd you do that? BR, Ray
Data Picker -
Hello all, today i started to familiarize myself with the topic nexel and data picker. Now I tried to enrich values from one cube with a column from another cube. Here I come also fast to a result, which I cannot explain to myself however. The dimension of the value seems to overflow. Can anyone give me a hint which…
Is dynamic entity selection slow?
Hi all, so recently we were trying to create some kind of 'save my current selection' button. You could also call it report variants, or saved queries,... One of the ideas was to filter all the entities dynamically. See Dynamic Select. Now the thing we were working on, didn't really work the way we intended, but we kept…
How to save the current selection (to file/db/cube/...)?
Hello, I'd like to save the user's current selection via a procedure (click on button to save), in order to be able to restore them later (click on button to retrieve and set). This way user's would have their own saved queries (I intend to limit the amount to 5 and have 5 Buttons). What I've tried doing is storing the…
Rolling Up Time Stamps into Hours
Greetings! My problem is this, I need to be able to track the number of records being entered into our system by Day and Hours. I currently am loading a cube from SQL that contains a Date/Time Stamp field. I am cubing off the Date by Day but need a way to delimit the Time Stamp and find a way to roll up these times into…
Total By on 1 dimension cube
Hello, My use case is as follow : In one screen some users mark members of a dimension using a cube with checkbox. In another screen, different users should see the percentile of member marked that represent the selection they made. Therefor, in one block I need to do a "Total By" to count how many member are marked…
Apply Master Layout Selection to Drill to Screen
Hi, I have an application with two(2) screens(lets say Screen1 and Screen2). On Screen1 are two(2) dataviews(lets say Dataview1 and Dataview2). Dataview1 has Master Layout enabled and Dataview2 has a drill to Screen2 configured. My problem is when I do a master selection in Dataview1 and then a drill to Screen2 from…
Error after 10.3 autoupgrade
Hello Running the client autoupgrade in some PC's apperas a warning message that only says "Access denied" (see picture) but just pushing OK it regularly connects and works. Has anyone experienced this? What could be the reason?
Merge Capsules
Hi, I am working on an application in which the application is divided into multiple modules. Each module have its capsule but one database. now the requirement is to merge all the capsule into a single capsule. How to do that ?? Any help or idea.. Thanks
Client Web - Create PDF Report not working
Hi Guys, I have a Board application running on Board 10.3 for which I don't manage to create a PDF report when using the Web client. When I click the create report button (either in the top-right corner menu or directly on a screen object), the loading circle displays on the middle of the screen and nothing else happens…
Export DataView - keep column width
Is there a way to maintain blocks width in a DataView export, with formulas, to Excel?
Add entity - Limit Relationship entities
Hello, in our planning module users can add new projects with ATO where they can also set the relationships. For example, they can choose to which segment the project belongs to. As you can see in the screenshot there are four segments in our database. Is it possible to enable users only to choose segment 1 or 2? Segment 3…
DateHour view
Hi community I fed up a date cube with a string like this (including the hour) Figures are correctly stored in the database but in the data view I'm able to see the day only If I export such layout in a procedure action I see it...Is there a way to see the hour in the data view also? thanks!
Dataview block with Numbers & Text
Hi Guys, I've a formatting issue with a dataview for a accounting report. In one block, I need to have a percentage resulting from a calculation of 2 other blocks when a condition is fulfilled. Otherwise I need "N/A" to be displayed. So far, I did the follow in my dataview : - created 1 algo block for the percentage…
Usage Statistics Dashboard
Hi Guys I would like to create a Board dashboard that displays usage statistics for Board dashboards. At a high level, I would like to know who is using which reports and when, but I would also like to gather figures that can inform future report and dashboard development. For example, I would like to be able to tell how…
dataflow hbmp+ or CellBased+
Hello, I create a dataflow to divide the planed article sales on the customers. First cube (ZW2_Umsatz) has the dimensions month and Produktmodell (article). Second cube (percent per customer) has only dimension customer . If I calculate this two cubes to a new target cube (ZW3_Umsatz) with the dimension month,…