Set Data Entry to All Row
Hello, I want to set a date in data entry. I just want entry only once, and the another row automatically filled based on entry the first data. Can BOARD possible do that? and How? Thanks, Best Regards
Read Only cubes and data readers
If a cube is read only as configured on the Database Security for a database profile is it so that in a procedure that clears will work (clearing all cube data regardless of entity access the user may have) but that data reader will not load anything into the cube? We are seeing this behavior but somehow I'm surprised by…
Office add in for Office 2016/2019
Hello all, the IT department in our company will update the Microsoft Office to the Version ...2016 or ...2019. We have the Board Version v10.1.4. The clients are connected with the web client. Is the office add in from Board compatible with this office versions? Thanks in advance Stefan Batalia
Board running in faulted state
One of our users created a fairly complex rule that when attempting to save threw a couple of errors in the calculations. In so doing, this user got an error that the client was running in a faulted state and they should restart the client. After they exited the system, I entered Board and attempted to first modify the…
Best Practice: Web Client Presentation Mode
Dear all, One of our customers is a big fan of the presentation mode in the web client to save and share custom reports. Practically what happens, is that they create a report from scratch using the layout builder and save them in a presentation. However what might happen is that they are happy about a custom report, but…
How can i map addresses to (latitude, longitude) coordinates?
I have a dataset I would like to visualize on a map. I have addresses for each of my datapoints, but I need a way to convert those addresses into latitude and longitude coordinates for displaying on the map. Does anyone have tips or an approach to lookup (latitude,longitude) coordinates from addresses? There are free web…
Server Saving Policies
Does this article board-server-saving-policy ok the KB also apply to the webclient? We have a client who requires to manually enter quite a bit data on a daily basis, but in very remote locations using satellite connections, with a roundtrip latency of 700ms. We've been testing with this latency applied and it has…
Design : what Layout for just a Key Value to restitute ?
Hi, I have a simple question about design on Board 11. I'm trying to duplicate one of my BI app to test the tool (reporting + scorecarding). Unfortunately, I can't find a simple Layout: the label (or idk its name in Board). Actually, I would have liked to restitute only an entity value (for example, I have an Entity "Age",…
Is there a good instruction guide on how to start using Board as a user to create dashboards and rep
Dear all, Is there a good instruction guide (webinars, trainings, docs) on how to start using Board as a user to create dashboards and reports? Is there a german documentation for Board available? Thanks in advance for any help
Hello, I am loading a CSV file (utf-8) with 2 decimals to fill a cube. On the reader and its ETL, the decimals appear properly but once the load is done they don't appear in the cube. In this example, the cube contains the value 2602,00. In my other CSV files, I see that the decimals are separated by a dot instead of a…
Dynamic filter on dataview
Hello, I have a dataflow that contains revenue and costs for my projects. Is it possible for users to filter dynamically on this dataview over several cubes? For example * one user only wants to see projects that have revenue greater than 2.000 and total cost greater than 1.500. * another user wants to see projects that…
Dates format EU vs US
Hi Community our server is in Italy, with local settings dates in reports are viewed in the format dd/mm/yyyy Some US users would like to view dates in the format mm/dd/yyyy Is it possible to do something locally, without affecting same reporting when used by EU users? thanks
Month selection based on a Start Date and End Date
In order to create a Project (i.e. promotion) management function (which allows end users to add and edit promotions in Board), I've created two Date type cubes for a project Start Date and End Date respectively, which contain only one dimension - Project ID. The requirement is after both dates are entered by users, the…
How to sort by a value for a axes combination in DataView
As shown in the screenshot below, we have a Sales cube and Budget cube, which have the same dimensions - Item, Area, Month, UoM. We tried to calculate the Severity (i.e. bias) and present the data in a flatten dataview showing Severity in descending order so we can find the most problematic Item/Area combinations as shown…
Alignment and hierarchies in Board 11
Hi all, as in Board 11 the engine is taking care of the versioning I was wondering about the following scenario: We have an entity customer and a second called customer group. They are connected in a hierarchy. Unfortunately customers can change customer group. In that case we reload that part of the tree. Now if a cube…
Data readers moved to Unassigned Items
Hi community In a database I found all data readers moved to a unique group "unassigned items" All is running regularly, entities and cubes are still in their groups No strange things in reports or processes. Why this behaviour? How can I fix it? Are there consequences related to it? Hope someone can help thanks a lot!
Community edition of Board available ?
I have been working with EPM products in past and would like to try out BOARD and its EPM capabilities. Is there any community edition version of the product available to download and try out? What are other options to get started with some hands-on on the product ?
User list as entity members
Hello community! Is there a way to automate extracting the list of users from the system/security tab in order to easily data-read them and add them to a User entity (I would like to create a log cube by date and user to record the connexions to the capsule). Thank you for your help! Paul
Calculate projected inventory
Hello Board Community, I would like to calculate projected stocks with the following formula : Stocks = Previous month stocks + current month Supply - current month Sales. I have 3 cubes : Sales, Supply and Stocks. All cubes have 3 entities : Month, Part number and Market. Sales and Supply have values for 2019 (Actual…
make a new line in dataview
Hello everyone, I have a dataview like this (see below): Is it possible to have a new line below TH-611AL with the same name? I want my dataview like this table: Thank you.
Board 11 capsule images
Hi all, I guess that Board 11 will still support capsule images. If not, it's just something to plan for. My question is: do the images get loaded each time they are requested or are they cached by the browser? BR, Ray
Possible bug?
Hi, As a power user I can modify a process flow and run it, even if I don't have the rights to save the changes. 1) select a procedure 2) modify any steps (adding/removing also possible) 3) click run. Board will ask if you're sure you want to save the procedure 4) click yes. An error message "Cannot save procedure" will…
BOARD11: Select based on cube (Screen)
Hi everybody, I have a question regarding to the dynamic selection feature in BOARD 11. I'm trying to set a dynamic selection based on a cube in a screen and inside the selection It allows me to enable it but not to select the cube (I attach the images). Does anyone have the same issue or can help me? I know that it allows…
(FIXED) Web Capsule Tiles - Issue When Changing Capsule databases
ISSUE: When changing the database from the developer version to production, it is vital that the Web Capsule Tiles are manually updated too. Failure to do so will result in the capsule failing to open in web. Having upgraded to BOARD 10.5, I can confirm that this issue is still current. BACKGROUND: I develop in several…
Data flow no more working
Hi community I have a data flow using join that regularly works with version 10.1.2 and is not working with 10.3.0 (last release) See the picture
Filter / select in Data Flow
Hello, is it possible, to apply a filter or a select on a data flow? The source cube has different entities like customer, productgroup, product. Now i want to start a dataflow with a procedure to select or filter one productgroup (fix) and copy the values of this productgroup to the target cube. kindly regards Uwe
Alert on calculated Label seems not to work in BOARD 10.5 Web
I created a label which I used to show a trend arrow with this formula: if(a>0,"?", if(a<0,"?","→")) where "a" is a simple numeric cube, which is also part of the label layout. The result type of the formula is set to text. The formula is working correctly and the right arrow is displayed. If I set an alert on the formula,…
Data flow: How to distribute a value on different entities
Hi everyone, I have to distribute one value per customer and month on a cube per customer, month, item and agent, based on the turnover cube, also with customer, month, item and agent. On these 2 last cubes, "customer", "article" and "agent" are in sparsity. I made a dataflow with the following steps: a: value per customer…
Rolling Forecast
Hello, i want to build up a rolling Forecast modell for monthly data entry and adjustments. I have 2 Cubes. One with actuals and one with forecast (incl. Version). Now i want to select a time-frame for the past month (like 01-03) and a Forecast-Version (like April) an fill the Forecast-Cube with actuals from the previous…
Cumulated values on selection
Hello, I have a chart where I show actuals per week (primary axis) and cumulated values (secondary axis) of milestone progress. The cumulated values are YMT with a cycle of 999. As you can see in the graph the cumulated values are in week 02-2019 about 1,200. Is it possible to start the cumulation of the values in the…