Option to Hide default Home button/ other buttons
Problem Statement: Users have been provided with a specific screen URL to be added to Favorites and used. This has been done to avoid users viewing the folders created for capsules. Issue: Now when users log in and navigate to capsules from other folders from the Landing/ Super Home screen, they have the default "Home"…
Detail By - Column Headers not showing
Hi all, I wonder if anyone has any experience with the detail by column names not appearing? In the example below I am detailing by this entity "Hub Source Stock Location" and the screen has 3/10 selected currently. In my dataview, I am able to view the 4 columns (which is correct, the 3 from the selection and a total…
Order of filtering in Layout Selection window overrides Custom Sort order ranking on Entities
Hi, I noticed that my custom sort for this entity was not being followed on the data view the way I ranked it in the data model (image 1). It took me a while to realise, but I wanted to make it aware that the order of ranking in the layout selection window overrides the Custom Sort. This is misleading. I believe the Custom…
Hardcode 'down total' formula to prevent it from referring to another block.
Hi, I've been having an issue where my 'Sales Mix (%)' calculation refers to a moving block from the layout, instead of maintaining the 'down total' function. To calculate 'Sales Mix (%)', I am using the algorithm: (Sales/Down Total (Sales))*100 or c/dt(c)% in the below example. The issue I am having is that the data view…
Add setting to allow horizontal display of "@Selection" substitution formula
In the image below, I'd like to display all of the selections horizontally on the grey banner, which is not possible using the substitution formula "@selection". Current workaround is to create multiple labels for each entity selected (8 in this example) and individually place them side by side on the banner which can be…
Hide Screen List configurable depending on users
hide screen list options is a ON/OFF option it could be useful have the capability to deactivate it for some users (e.g. administrators or process owners for an application). It could be made on different levels: as default, in security profile settings (e.g for administrators) at capsule level, defining exceptions on some…
Ability to set the color of background of the value on a card
Currently the background color can be set for all elements except for the background where the value is shown. This does not allow for the card to be to fully formatted to the company branding, as shown with the white box around the number. My client would like to set this to transparent. While this can be achieved with a…
How to design screens & dashboarding
1. Abstract Screen and dashboard design can at times make or break an application – if screens are poorly designed or unintuitive user engagement can be compromised from the off. There are many factors to consider when determining what constitutes a good design - from layout and ease of navigation to the amount of content…
Capsule screen refresh directs on Capsule's homepage
Hello dear Board Community, Here is a little issue we face regarding one of our application : We have a first capsule in which we navigate through the screens, and when we refresh the web page (via browser) we fall back on the same screen=> Expected behaviour ✅ We have a second capsule that behaves differently: when we…
Culture-sensitivity with @datetime in Smart Import
Hi, I have a bit of trouble with culture and the formula @datetime. I have a cube that is populated 2 ways: either the user uses a smart import object to fill other cubes, and then the datetime information arrives into this timestamp cube using a formula. Or, if the users don't want to input anything, they can click a…
Navigating from one capsule to a specific screen in another capsule
Hi All, I am trying to find a way to navigate from one capsule (A) to another capsule (B) but instead of landing on the default screen of capsule B I want to navigate to a specific screen within that capsule. Currently I have built a procedure that uses 'Go to capsule' and then 'Go to screen' but since I am in capsule A…
Board 11 - Personalize Design
Hello, I'm working on Board 11. I have 2 questions concerning Design Capsule : * How can we import new Police ? * How can I apply effect type on an object ? For example, I have a button and I would like to change its color when we hover mouse cursor. I don't know if I need to make a rule or a procedure or if I can use some…
Database object audit
Is anybody aware of the optimal way to get a list of DB related objects e.g. entities; cubes etc. Likewise for capsules and their associated objects e.g. db's; screens; screen triggers; procedures etc.
Master Capsules and Editing at Scale
Have you ever built different capsules, maybe because some users should see something that others shouldn't? Maybe the Sales team should see only some screens, while the management should be able to see all the screens? Most of the times, great part of the screens are identical through the different capsules, except for…
Starting a Capsule Procedur through another Capsule Procedur
Hi all, We are seraching for a way to start a capsule procedur of a capsule through another capsule procdure. So far out starting procedur fails because the procedure in the other capsule cannot be found. Is there any way to this? Regards, Jörn
cart function doesn't work properly
Hello community, we have a problem with the cart function. One user has reported the problem that the pinboards are no longer present in the cart after closing BOARD. Does someone have a solution or idea how to address the problem? Kind regards Jonas
Can we open multiple screens at the same time while we opening any Capsule ?!
Hello there, I am just curious to know that is there any possibility to open Multiple screens at the same time while opening any capsule, what currently i am facing is while i open any capsule i am just able to see one screen , what i want to do is to get 3 screens open when i open any capsule ( I am aware about containers…
switching between the two versions of board 10.3.0 and 10.1.4
Hello Community, Well I have a problem switching between the two versions of board 10.3.0 and 10.1.4 I have capsules that can only be open with Board 10.3.0 and others with 10.1.4 and every time I have to work with a different version of board I delete the current version and install the needed one . is there any way to…
Capsule Logs
Hi, Is there a log file in BOARD or a way to find out when a capsule/screen was created and by whom? Many thanks
The requested screen does not exist inside this capsule
When I create a new screen in a Capsule (not all capsules, just one) I get the message: The requested screen does not exist inside this capsule The screen is created and can be closed and re-opened (whereby I see the same message again). Initially thought it might be because I have a Mask with the same name, but this is…
Capsule Creation Restriction
peperHi, Is there a way to restrict power users to create new capsule to the root/other folders and only give permission to create new capsules in a dedicated folder e.g in a developement folder?
Read Log Files into a Capsule
Good morning I have a personalized admin capsule where i do administrative jobs like load cubes data and i would like to reads the logs file generate from the import into a screen. do anyone has experience on that matter ? A good example is the task manager screen where you can see e formated log with head columns
All masks disappeared!!
Hi, all of a sudden, all of the Capsule Masks disappeared and i cannot browse through them even though i can see which one is associated to every screen using the Screen Settings options. What happened? Does anyone have this situation or has faced this situation as well? Thanks everyone for your help! Regards
Opening a Capsule from a Command Line
The following article, describes a common approach for deploying BOARD Client applications to non-experienced users. You might want to have a look at the BOARD Procedure Launcher synthax as well to read how to automatically schedule BOARD procedures or to run BOARD procedures using a command line To open a Capsule from a…