Dataview - Dynamic Underline
In our Dataview we have oppurtunity to add a underline to highlight a column. The options are static and can't be influenced by shown data. I dream of a dynamic underline like our Alarm-Feature. Depending on block-values or another block a underline or different underlines could be shown. Example: In a Forecast-Report i…
"Refresh-Layout - Button" for Presentations
We switched by end of last week to the 12.5. Version, which brought the number scaling functionality. As a workaround we used in the last 2 years a TEC_Divisior-Entity which enabled us already to have a kind of number scaling feature —> BUT: every DataView contained a lot of blocks just for making this possible. With the…
Dynamic filter on Layouts - for flags
Hello! I was wondering if there is a way to introduce dynamic filters for binary flags/indicator variable that only take values that are 0 or 1 and can be displayed as tickboxes on the dataview. For users that wish to filter for materials in a drill down for example, it would be super helpful if they were able to select…
Cube Visibility & Cube cells locked by
Cloud version: 12.6 0288217 Hello, I can't get Cube Visibility (Deny cell editing in Database Security) combined with Cube cells locked by to work, even if the cubes are not conflicting. This is the error message shown on the Screen when you log in as a User (not Developer). The error message itself is not explanatory. Is…
MIN, MAX and Last Value in summary settings
When in a layout it would be great to have an option in the drop down for Last Value, Min and Max when looking at sub-totals. When we look at a rolling balance of inventory or finances, sometimes seeing the flow by week and then into month it would make sense to see the last value. Currently we can show total, average or…
change table/dataview from pivot to flat list
We are regularly getting the question from users if it's possible to change the standard BOARD pivoted table to a flat list. I know this functionality also from other BI-Tools and it would be great if the user can decide via dataview-menu if he wants to have a flat list shown. Default can be still the pivoted view, but the…
Fix Entity in Quick Layout
Would be great if we could fix dimensions within the quick layout. This is very important to allow mid flexibility within the quick layout function. Its specially important when we have a rule within one of the dimensions, that must always be there to be able to display data correctly.
Flat data table for enduser
There should be a possibility for endusers to adjust a data table to a flat data table by theirselves. Due to the quick layout (and the possibility to drag several entities in the rows) it might be useful to adjust a "normal" table to a flat data table in play mode for a better overview.
Activate number scaling when using DataView Search
currently activated number scaling (e.g. Thousands) is getting deactivated when you use the search function in a dataview It would be great if the set (defined) number scaling remains the same and is not changing. It's pretty irritating at the moment.
more Comment-formatting/placement options
We are having several management reports (basically P&L structure) which need to get commented by all subsidiaries. This commenting needs to be done in an extra table below the main data view (columns not possible due to a lot of columns and scrolling to the right is not an option). This makes it a bit difficult to find…
Rows & Columns - add all entities
Adding possible entities (and its hierarchy) to the Rows & Columns is time consuming. Here are three suggestions to make it less time consuming. Give option to set all possible entities as default in the whole environment. When selecting a Data View in the screen (design mode), give the option to enable all possible…
Enable Data Entry Lock on Grant/Group total to work onDataview with more than 2 Entities in Axes
Hi Team, It would be really great if the Data entry lock can be enabled for the Group Total or Grant Total cell. And the Split and Splat should work on the the group level first and then to the individual cells. Currently even if you lock 1 total on the lowest group total, then the entire group/Grant total is disabled. In…
Search Option in Dataview should not results into disabling the number scaling
Hi Team, Currently, when using the Search option on a Dataview, it filters only that row, and simultaneously, it disables the Number scaling. As the number scaling option can be changed by the user, the disablement of Number scaling upon the use of the search option should be avoided. Additionally, as you can see, the…
Customization on "TOTAL" Cell
I believe it would be helpful to have the ability to customize the word that appears in the bottom left cell of the data view, or usually the "TOTAL" cell. When nexel formulas are placed in the grand total column, this bottom left cell automatically changes from displaying the word "TOTAL" to "SUMMARY". This can be…
Axis properties in Data View - Members display
In a Data View, the following options to display the members of an entity exist per row and per column: Default, Code, Description, Code and description. In addition it would be helpful if this could be selected per entity if necessary.
Detail By - Column Headers not showing
Hi all, I wonder if anyone has any experience with the detail by column names not appearing? In the example below I am detailing by this entity "Hub Source Stock Location" and the screen has 3/10 selected currently. In my dataview, I am able to view the 4 columns (which is correct, the 3 from the selection and a total…
AutoFill on Dataview Columns
Hi! I was wondering if we could add a Fill Handle (similar to Excel) that would allow users to easily enter data in a multiple of cells within the same column, without the need to use lock and spread. This would work similarly to the (>) keyboard shortcut that already works for filling a row in Board > Fills cells to the…
Update decimals numbers
Currently it is possible to display 2 decimal places, although the tool has many more loaded behind it. The problem is that if when updating a number, the first 2 decimals are the same, but it changes from 3 onwards, Board does not update the number because it considers it the same.
Linking Scroll Bars - DataViews
How can we ensure that dataviews move simultaneously together if they are of the same width ? For example I would want the 3 bottom columns to move at the same time as the top as they are linked, but as it's 3 v 1 it tends to go out of sync.
Separating Code & Description - Axis Setting
I was wondering whether it would be possible to add an option to separate the code and description of entities added to the axis setting. With the hack mentioned in this post, the sequence of the breakdown of the data via the entities is not respected. Currently I am using the code setting in the axis setting and adding…
Ability to have the vertical border showing on the groups headers
currently it is not possible to see the vertical border on the groups as they are header borders. Ability to have this vertical border across the entire column
How to dynamically display the user selected value when a data view is set as master object
On the left I have a P&L hierarchy driven report set as master object. When I click on a row, the charts on the page change. I would like to display the current row that was click on in the master object. Trying this, no luck: @Selection_Ex(Layout="P&L", Block=" ") Version 12.6 Thanks! Matt
Drill Anywhere Options: "Drill To" vs "Go To"
1 . Abstract The Drill Functions provide several interactive options, which are: Drill anywhere, Drill-down, Drill-to screen, Drill-procedure. In design mode, interacting with the ‘Drill-to screen’ feature, either in a Data View or in a Chart, there are some notable differences regarding ‘Drill-to screen’ and ‘Go-to…
Number Scaling - formatting options
The new function is pretty good - but it would be really good, if there would be some formatting options for the number scaling —> e.g. k instead of K or T instead of K etc. Also deactivating the suffix would be great - so just having the value without K/M/B
New Time Function "Year End-" and "Year Start Value"
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to have additional time functions to easily get the values for year end and year start, also for previos years. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Independent from the current time selection, I want to display…
Data Entry in column
in long tables we have have an option of using ">" for multiple data entry for each row how about an option to enter multiple data in each column????
How to convert Board tickbox to a flag in Excel
Does anyone know how we can convert the tickbox column from an xlsx file into a binary flag? When I make column b = a, I get the same whether the column is empty or not. A user exported the file so I'm not sure if they can enter the layout to change the column appearance. Thanks
IBCS Standards
I would like to suggest to enrich the dataview and graph settings to help building a BOARD application using reporting standards as suggested by the IBCS® standards (International Business Communication Standards). These standards aim at providing a consistent reporting set for the user, so that he can very quickly know…