Dynamic and Cube-based Layout Selections
On searching the Idea Exchange there is an old suggestion: "Dynamic Selection within Layout" from 2018 by an Unknown contributor. The Idea received 47 votes - as follows: "A good improvement would be the chance to set up a dynamic selection within Board Layout. This way you should be able to create different infromation…
Use of Rules in Layouts
The limitation by using rules in layouts should be elimiated since it limits the use of quick layout massively. In our case we calculate a %-KPI which can not be safed in a cube and must be calculated on the fly. Using the quick layout and having the rule set on the cube not only leads to not calclulated KPI´s but also…
Copy/Paste Individual blocks from a layout
Hi, It'd be useful to copy and paste individual blocks from one object's layout to another, carrying forward any block references/functions applied to that particular block. This would remove the need to duplicate the same work across multiple objects requiring that same cube; making it more efficient to develop objects…
activate Layout for Panel Container
The Panel Container is great for grouping other Toolbox-items like Label, Button, Dataview and so on. The Expander Container is a good choice to store many items on limited space. Together they are very powerfull. Espacially on admin-screens and Dashboards. I miss the Option to hide a panel container inside a Expander…
How to manage three different rules in the same layout
Hi, I'm in the situation described by the title. The rules are based on the same entity, but I want to use them in the same layout due to the type of calculation the user selects. Have you got any tips?
Save filter values in selection
We would like to have the ability to set a permanent filter value when a selection is made on a screen. This selection should remain even if the entity values are deleted. This is currently not the case. For example, if customer XYZ is currently filtered on the screen and the customer is deleted from the entity, the filter…
PDF Export - Suppress blank pages
Issue: When exporting reports using the Export PDF feature, subscription, or broadcasting, there are blank pages that the customer doesn't want. Proposed Solution: Add an option in the export PDF setup to automatically suppress blank pages - like the "Preview page" and "Select" ones. In one of our cases, for example, this…
Procedure - DataFlow - Algorithm of dataflow (c=a*b) should show the headings of source blocks
When editing the blocks of a DataFlow LayOut, it's possible to set headings to each blocks. When saving the DataFlow, the heading of the target is displayed in the algorithm / detail, but not the heading of the sources. It could be usefull to have the headings set in LayOut for sources as well.
Simultaneous Editing of Multiple Blocks: Harnessing Mixed Value in Block Format
Unlock a new level of efficiency with the ability to edit multiple blocks simultaneously using the Mixed Value
Repeat by Cube Feature
The "Repeat by Cube" feature is a transformative tool that addresses the challenges of report bursting when exporting data. By organizing and pairing related entities within a cube, it enables users to manage and analyze data more effectively, significantly enhancing the efficiency of report generation. This innovative…
Select a row template per block to overwrite the row header template
Dear all, It's usual to have a row header format and a column format (for data) that are different. It would be nice to be able to apply to Blocks another format / template than the row headers.
Snap to grid option for screen design
I'm sure this has been suggested before but I haven't been able to find anything on the exchange. Myself and many of my colleagues have expressed frustration in getting objects correctly aligned. Is there a chance that a 'Snap to grid' feature could be added in future builds? Similar to how a tool like Figma (or other EPM…
Sorting Rows - Keep Top setting for more than one dimension
We have several requirements with keep top setting AND showing more that one dimension in the dataview. It seems like this function only works as long as there is only one dimension in the rows. E.g. I'd like to have the Top 25 Materials sorted on Sales-Cube desc. on a material level - and as second information I would…
Dataview - Dynamic Underline
In our Dataview we have oppurtunity to add a underline to highlight a column. The options are static and can't be influenced by shown data. I dream of a dynamic underline like our Alarm-Feature. Depending on block-values or another block a underline or different underlines could be shown. Example: In a Forecast-Report i…
edit multiple blocks in a layout
have the capability to apply some setup to more blocks at the same time e.g. I have 4 blocks and I want to set 2 dec for all of them: I have to open once at a time and change setup 4 times. It would be wonderful have the capability to select more blocks and apply the same setting in 1 shot. The same in the block formatting…
change table/dataview from pivot to flat list
We are regularly getting the question from users if it's possible to change the standard BOARD pivoted table to a flat list. I know this functionality also from other BI-Tools and it would be great if the user can decide via dataview-menu if he wants to have a flat list shown. Default can be still the pivoted view, but the…
Line break in Tooltip and format options
Tooltip should automatic create line break if original text has no break in it. Furthermore a format option for size and colour of tooltip text would be appreciated.
Fix Entity in Quick Layout
Would be great if we could fix dimensions within the quick layout. This is very important to allow mid flexibility within the quick layout function. Its specially important when we have a rule within one of the dimensions, that must always be there to be able to display data correctly.
Mandatory dimensions / consistency checks in quick layout
Context - When designing data entry screens, we are often in the situation where we want to give a maximum flexibility to the end user to choose the most relevant axis. Quick layout is great for that. Issue - However we often have the situation where at least one dimension is mandatory, otherwise figures don't make sense.…
GeoMap improvements
compared to geo maps in other bi tools (Qlik, Tableau etc.) - the BOARD object is way to clumsy and underperforming. More design options like have a kind of head map per country/region instead of bubbles. Also more available maps (not only google maps and one other) would be great.
Rows & Columns - add all entities
Adding possible entities (and its hierarchy) to the Rows & Columns is time consuming. Here are three suggestions to make it less time consuming. Give option to set all possible entities as default in the whole environment. When selecting a Data View in the screen (design mode), give the option to enable all possible…
Master Layout : Add option to ignore a master layout
My Idea : Add the feature to "Ignore master object" for object like dataview / graph etc… My Context : Currently when designing a screen for an object to ignore a master layout you have to set a selection directly into the layout of the screen. However that doesn't allow users to view data matching their screen selection…
Separating Code & Description - Axis Setting
I was wondering whether it would be possible to add an option to separate the code and description of entities added to the axis setting. With the hack mentioned in this post, the sequence of the breakdown of the data via the entities is not respected. Currently I am using the code setting in the axis setting and adding…
Reporting Layer: Optimize a report
1. Abstract Users are more and more demanding and are looking for the right balance between the correctness of the result and the scalability of the solution at the same time. Improving response time has always been a top priority, therefore the purpose of this document would be to explain the main best practices to apply…
Order of filtering in Layout Selection window overrides Custom Sort order ranking on Entities
Hi, I noticed that my custom sort for this entity was not being followed on the data view the way I ranked it in the data model (image 1). It took me a while to realise, but I wanted to make it aware that the order of ranking in the layout selection window overrides the Custom Sort. This is misleading. I believe the Custom…
Hardcode 'down total' formula to prevent it from referring to another block.
Hi, I've been having an issue where my 'Sales Mix (%)' calculation refers to a moving block from the layout, instead of maintaining the 'down total' function. To calculate 'Sales Mix (%)', I am using the algorithm: (Sales/Down Total (Sales))*100 or c/dt(c)% in the below example. The issue I am having is that the data view…