Column Headers To display Year/Month/Quarter
Column Headers To display Year/Month/Quarter they point to when used with Previous Year or Period offset Dataview Functions Scenario Time entity is used on column axis and multiple Cube blocks are added to dataview. Some of them refer to previous or future periods. Often, dataview Functions are used to refer to other time…
Dynamic Header Names
It would be great if the headers, mainly for dataviews, could be more dynamic. Variables like previous month, previous year(@Month, @PYMonth, @PreviousMonth) would be great!
"Others" Automatically Grouped When Using Keep Top Function
Hello Community, i like using TOP/FLOP analyses and in many Customers i have implemented BOARD solutions i have come across the following need * What is your idea? When defining the Keep Top option, we usually highlight the top or worst performers based on one or multiple factors. This usually leads to “hiding” the “rest”…
Value Slider Object
Hi, In different occasions we have been asked to report on a specific measure/KPI, or to simulate a change in its value and see the impact on other elements of the screen, through a "slider" object (see image below as example). This kind of objects are getting widely spread into web-based applications due to their ease of…
Support Icons in menu for the web client
Hi all, to my surprise, the icons included in the capsule menu, that could be managed in the Windows client, cannot be managed any more in the web client. I opened a support question about it and Andrea Mo suggested to post it as an idea... so here it is ! Please include the option to manage menu icons in the web, same as…
More bigger scroll bar size
Hi, I have this request from several customers/prospects. Now, scroll bar is so small on Web client. It is difficult to hold and scroll. It should be more bigger for usability. Thanks!
Presentations Governance
Organizations with hundreds of users need to have greater governance over presentations. It might be helpful to know which ones were created. Know which and how many presentations will be sent at a given time and to whom. The monitoring of the presentations would be useful to better understand the impact that presentations…
Time Functions & Entity Description
I think it would be nice if the description of the entities in row / column considered time functions of the cubes (eg offset-1 on Month, with selected month Jan.18 shows Dec.17).
Dynamic Decimals on report views
Hi team! We've recently had two customers and a partner reach out about the request to dynamically show or not show decimal places. Right now, it currently requires work arounds that involve layout adjustments or duplicated screens. We would like to request the ability to adjust the decimals we are viewing on a report…
Log track of entities saturation and in case the MaxItem is reached
In B12 when the Max Item saturation is reached, Board gives no alert even if Data Readers fails to load data due to the impossibility to add new members. It would be nice to have this error and also to have it tracked in the logs (such as Data reader failure etc). Also having the saturation information monitored in some…
Dynamic time offset
There is no chance to label the layout blocks with an offset. If you want to show the previous year, the block has to be labeled with "PY" or similar. To handle it you have to implement a tempcube with the period entity and a capsule procedure which is triggered by screen open trigger like this: Then you can use the…
Append option on Reload all cubes
1. What is your idea? Create a new flag "append" on procedure action "reload all cubes" (Datareader > Database Reload > Cubes). With this flag it would be good to manage the append option of the reload all cubes. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to?…
Multiple attributes per entity member, in addition to code and description
It would be helpful if, in addition to the code and description, other attributes could be used for each entity member to increase flexibility in displaying the labels in reports.
API - Entities max item number
1. What is your idea? Show through Board API "/public/{dbName}/schema/Entities" the max item number of each entity. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Monitoring the entities saturation 3. What workaround have you found and used so far (if any)? I…
New Time function "Full Year Value"
Hi all, I have been looking for easy ways to manage this, but so far no satisfying solution. Requirement: In a given dataview, where the screen has a month selection (user is supposed to enter actual values for this month), I need to display as a comparison : * the year to date budget value (easy) * the year to date actual…
Deleting entity elements made easy
There is already a guide on "How to remove obsolete entity members". However, this process should be much easier. It would be great if entity members can be deleted easily by hand. Especially, in big databases that would be a huge relief because it wouldn't be necessary to reload the entity and cubes. As a bonus, it would…
Show code and description separately in layout
In over 20 years of experience with Board I've been asked hundreds of times to show dimensions by row in a dataview with separated columns for code and description. As far as the last dimension by row is concerned I always use a workaround to show the entity description as a block but the problem is not so easy once you…
Optimization of formatting functionalities
Hello community, here are a few points/functionalities that could improve formatting functionalities in board: * Allow text variables in block headers We would like to use text variables in block header (e.g. @Year). Currently we are using workarounds to solve this (@selection if possible (a specific refer-to in block is…
Save data entry automatically runs procedure
1. What is your idea? When using the standard save dataentry function on a screen (F9, from sliding panel, from WIN Client, from procedure, in advanced data entry) BOARD should be able to run a predefined procedure 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond…
AutoSum Selected Range
Request for a possibility to AutoSum Selected (highlighted) range, similar to AutoSum in Excel. Example below. Condition - works on numerical cells only. We have observed that Board Users often export views to excel to run sum on a range of cells that intersect across multiple rows and columns. This becomes particularly…
Include API Queries in Transporter Tool
We rely more and more on API Queries in database development. It is tedious and prone to error to be forced to recreate or update API Queries manually across all instances. Therefore it is indispensable to have API Queries included in the Transporter Tool
My view - Enhancement to save several views
Hi, As a user, we can save only one view. It would be nice if it was possible to save several views (like a library of views as we have with the bookmarks and the library of select) Thank you
SubHub - Create a new Copy from an existing User
Add the new feature "Copy settings from existing account" to the Users page inside the subscription hub. It enables to create a new account copying an existing record and changing only key data (i.e. account name and email).
Enable multiple entity by row and columns on vertically aligned Layouts
Hi, I would have the possibility to have multiple entity by rows and colums on vertically aligned Layouts, without losing the the ability to perform data entry actions. Nicola
Forcing massive log-out
It would be very useful to have the possibility to make a massive log-out of all users (not only web users, but, example, also excel users connected with add-in). Restarting the Board engine is not enough to get all users off Board. The log-out takes place only for users who are connected with the web application (for…
Add database procedures grouping
Hi, it would be great to have a grouping funtion like in the Entity or DataReader Manager. Thanks. Best, Jannik
trigger broadcast functionality via procedure launcer
Our customer has the broadcast license and is currently sending content critical time-controlled status reports. We would liked to trigger this automatically at the end of the data preparation with the Procedure Launcher and not (necessarily) delayed (since the data preparation has to be finished) by the broadcast…
Remove the capsule concept
Board is now full web solution. Therefor, is the current capsule structure still fitting? It had advantages in a desktop environment. But now, it's now lagging behind compare to other solution it terms of versatility. What we need : Every object currently in a capsule should be attached to a namespace that is store into a…
Scheduled Capsule Backup to Z Drive
Hi All, I understood from support it is now possible to schedule snapshot of capsules in Board but still it is not possible to create scheduled capsule backups to the Azure Z drive. I would like to propose to have the possibility to create a procedure that performs capsule backups to the Z drive as this is the place where…
Warning Message in the Board Application when Max Item number has reached
Hi Team, could we have some sort of a warning message or a notification (in the Board application UI) when any of the entities are at 100% or have crossed the 100% saturation. There have been instances in projects when the entities have crossed beyond 100% like at 120% and the implementation team or the users are unaware…