metadata-driven modeling with BAML (Board Application Markup Language)
This feature is inspired by BIML (Business Intelligence Markup Language). To develop a board-application you don’t need coding skills. That is really great for beginners! To develop a board-application is mostly to create or alter meta-data. For example create a new entity. Give them a name, group, id length, desc length…
Enhance user experience by adding search functionality
Sometimes, when working with databases providing more than just a couple cubes or entities, finding the cube or entity you're looking for in the drop-down lists can be pretty cumbersome when no search function is available. Consider this example from the action library for calling a procedure If, however, developers would…
Corporate Identity Designer
In Board 10 we had the possibility to set Corporate specific colors and default formatting of objects. This was part of the System area "Corporate Identity Designer". This was a very handy functionality that should be re-instated. Too much time is being lost in formatting. Thanks.
(Git) Versioncontrol of Board-Database-Schema
Problem to solve Currently, it is a difficult task to carefully document a database schema. Often this task is postponed until later or is completely forgotten. Even if there is documentation, it is often not available centrally in one place for all project participants, but distributed in different places with different…
Capsule transporter / Diff tool
Hi, 1. What is your idea? Add a tool, similar to the Transporter, to analyze differences between two versions of a capsule 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? It often happens that we need to double check the differences between two versions of the…
Add an Error handling group in procedure
I wish there was a special group named something like "CatchError" to catch error (i.e. like in datareader) and handle gracefully errors with a message box for instance Currently, users are left on their own to figure which step crash (since you have no way to handle error, you most likely will run the remain step anyway.…
Interactive selections: adding a text
My idea concerns interactive selections. Indeed, in the actual system, it is not possible to specify anything as a sentence to guide users as we want them to check data. Thus, what I thought would be nice to add to the software is : the possibility to write a sentence just above the data proposed. In this way, if we want…
Select multiple members by text string
Hi All, currently, if you want to select a greater number of entity members on a screen (for example a list of 50 specific articles), you have to click on a selector, search for one, select it, search for the next one, select… and so on. In a few projects now, users have asked if they could enter the desired members as a…
Add sum of remaining values in addition to total
When filtering the layout by let's say the top customers, I'd like to know how much am I missing. Right now using "Keep Totals" I can infer the rest of the values. But that is a tedious task, best done in excel. I'd like to have an option "add remaining sum" that would create a new row above the totals' row. The content…
Substitution formula in the data reader protocol definition
It could be useful for developers to have substitution formulas recognized on the path of a data reader. This could help particularly in two situations: 1) If we copy a database on the same machine and rename it, there is no need of changing manually all data readers paths 2) When we want to load all files within the same…
Chart display labels
I recently came accross a problem where I had data points at a very granuar level in time, i,e, minutes, in general I was recording four data points per day for a person, it was clinical data where it was patient blood suger readings, we wanted to create a chart for a two week period and a three month period so that we…
Web GUI for Server Config and Adula Params
Hi All, We have the following situation: You can edit the functions od BOARD and board server via the serverconfig GUI, via boardengine.exe.config (XML), via server_config_v2.xml (XML) and via adulaparams.xml (XML). The current situation brings some challenges: * There is no GUI for BoardEngine.exe.config and…
Search field on cubes
Hi, it would be very useful if you could add a search field on the database cubes. On very large databases, it is impossible to find a specific cube easily. It is good practice to create meaningful groups and sort the cubes in alphabetical order, but sometimes this behavior is not enough. Thank you, Francesco
Permission groups / Metadata - Exclude members
Hi, Today we can write members to do inclusive selections It would be great to be able to have the following behaviour : - Default : all members are included from the selection - Possibility to enter members to exclude them from the selection Regards
Massive replace of Data Reader source
Hello everyone, It would be really useful to have the following functionality implemented in Board, as we would be able to have more flexibility and easily maintain the data models. Massively replace the source of non-text Data Readers. Why? The connection between a Data Reader and its Source is currently based on the name…
Improve folder/capsule display in navigation
Dear community, In the latest version Board 14.1, the names of the folders and capsules in the navigation pane can only reach a length of 28 approx. making the rest of the name not visible. The folder/capsule tile has enough space to display the full name, but seems not to be using the whole space of the tile, leaving a…
Procedure Step to 'Extract cubes by Entity' and 'Clear cubes by Entity'
A developer or a support analyst is frequently required to extract a large number of cubes while extending the max item number for a particular entity. This may be carried out through a Procedure step - the ‘Extract cubes by Entity’ option on the Live environment. Further, another action involved in extending the max item…
ALM enhancement to update connection details with SAP DataReaders
When deploying a DataReader that uses the connection type SAP via Board SAP Connector the URL to connect to the source is not updated accordingly. Although the connection string looks correct the process is executed on a different server (QSS in this case). You'll have to manually change each DataReader (adding a field to…
Add tools to migrate Roles / Features / Folder security (Life cycle management)
The idea is to add tools for developer to be able to migrate "Roles / Features / Folder" from on the server to another easily You can have many roles and folder security profil in a multiple application context and migrating those from on server to server is a tedious process at the moment. Either an export to csv file or…
Flexibility with procedure step "Show message"
Hi all, it would be great if we could have more flexibility with messages e.g., Custom buttons (additional button - or rename of existing ones) Custom icon / header Custom color Kind regards, Atilla
Automation possibilty for "Sparsity Optimization"
We very much appreciate the new sparsity optimization feature that makes manual export/import obsolete. It would be great if this function could also be automated. There are use cases in which plan data is cleared or zeroed out again, for example, but the sparsity remains full. Therefore, it would be very helpful if the…
Process Debugger - Open Data View
Hello, In BOARD10.5, inside of the procedure debugger I could just click "Open Data View" for the step that I was on. Now - I have to either manually rebuild the data view that is being processed, or go into the procedure and copy the layout. Can we please have the ability back to simply open the data view for the step we…
Highlighted Selector
Hi All, the idea is quite simple but I think it is very useful. At the moment when there are, within a screen, several selectors on the same tree it is difficult to understand on which selector a selection has been made as the selection expands correctly itself on all the entities of the tree. An alert/symbol would be…
Capability to stop big-queries
Currently it is not possible to check all Board Users actions (especially with hundreds of board users working with Board Win Client, Board Web, Board Office Add-in) and the "row upper limit" is not enough because - example - is not checking "how many blocks" the user is inseriting in the Board Layout. There is a very high…
Add an 'Exclude' to the select tab of a data view
Would like to be able to exclude using the select on a data view, similar to the way you can exclude from a screen. Business requirement - We have a request to show storm data separate from non-storm data on the same screen. Ideally, I could put two dataviews on a screen with different selection on each. Unfortunately I…
B10.5/11 Wish - Click to add Entity to Data Reader
Hi, currently you have to drag every entity one by one to the blue mapping area in a data reader. As you can not drop it anywhere else this is really not necessary and quite time consuming for large data readers. It would improve development speed a lot if you could just double click / check mark (like in win client) an…
Geomap Centricity
It would be great to have an option to change the centrity of the GeoMap. At now it is Europe Centric, it would be nice to have Asia (or Americas) in the middle.
@Selection by tree
Hi all, Context In our current situation, very often I need to display the current Selection in the screen, so I use @Selection function in a general manner. In some other cases I want to display a specific one, so I use the @Entity. However sometimes I need to display the selection for a given tree (that can have 30…
Monte Carlo Simulation
I have had a few discussions of late and it seems I am not alone having discussed it with some coleagues, around if it is possible to do Monte Carlo simulations, there are mixed views some feeling something close could be achieved using nexel but in general it is felt that it would be difficult, so wondering if it is…
Hello, this is something i would like to suggest for a new release of BOARD. * What is your idea? Among the existing configurable objects of the Toolbox, I would like to suggest another one which is the TREEVIEW. With this object hierarchical structures could be displayed graphically and automatically synchronized when a…