Transporter improvements: ability to edit transporter packages, display physical names of DB objects
Hi! I have recently migrated the changes from sandbox to production on Board Version14.1 Revision 0.0.208107. I would like to suggest some improvements to the transporter functionality that should make the migration easier: Add the ability to edit the transporter package, whether it's a data model package or a capsule…
Sub Hub - Improved Logging
hi We have a large customer on Premium SLA who needs better reporting off the Board sub-hub - particularly: Monthly log files, not daily. It is time-consuming to look for events in multiple single Day files Need ALL sub-hub changes recorded in the log - including all metadata fields (not covered now) The sub-hub logs…
Impact Analysis - Data Lifecycle
If incorrect or no data is displayed in an existing report, a developer must find the cause. This can be very time-consuming, especially if the database is very large and or was developed by other colleagues. The aim of this feature is to support the developer in exactly this search. A first starting point is the impact…
Adding entity variables to pdf / printable export
Hey guys, I have customers that are exporting a lot of reports for their customer as well. So it would be good to write down the selected entities inside the name of the pdf file, so they dont have to do it all the time for themselves. Greetings Julian
It would be great if we could make the name of a tab or column heading variable by adding an @. This would make it possible to limit the number of tabs while being very clear about what's in the tab or column
Unbalanced Hierarchy Selectors consistency
Currently the Unbalanced hierarchy selector is not consistent across the different ways to make selections. On the normal filter you are able to select descendants, however if you are using an interactive selection step in a procedure it is not possible to select descendants. It is also not possible to select descendants…
Allow for the naming of files downloaded from Board
When a user clicks the download button, the downloaded file has a filename based on the screen title (I think). But could you please allow for the downloaded filename to be configured with variables. This would allow for the filename to be more meaningful.
Rest API: Additional output/storage formats for REST API call (e.g. temporary cube)
The only output format (right now) for an REST API call is to save it to an CSV file. This CSV file can be used to load an temporary cube. A direct load (without saving the file to disk) into a cube / temporary cube would be a great enhancement.
Overview ApiQuery calls (# of requests) in Cloud Administration Portal
Hi all, it would be wonderful to have an overview in the cloud admin portal how many API requests you actually use per day. Since there is a limit of 500 requests per day, this would help the customer understand if they need to think about increasing the limit soon. Thanks a lot!
Audit/Record changes to procedures / lines
As an on-going maintenance task, we frequently have to modify procedures (add more lines, modify existing, disable lines, etc.) It would be nice if (upon saving) the username/timestamp and action is recorded against each line (e.g. added, disabled, modified, etc). This can be used, in part as a version control mechanism.…
Data Model object comments
For Data Model objects it would be informative to have to possibility to add comments and notes. For example a Procedure, under “Options” or a new tab, give the developer the possibility to write comments i.e. the purpose of the procedure, when it was last updated, who created/updated it. It could either be one big…
Cube description
add the possibility to have a description for each cube in the Cube-Admin section. Description should also be visible to users.
Procedures log
Hi all, Nowadays the database log has all the steps done in a procedure, but there is no information about the procedure that is running. It would be very interesting to have a new column with the procedure information about every step. With this we could: 1- Filter the "database log" by procedure 2- Win time searching in…
Translation of screen folders (Localization)
Hi all, we're working with the Localization feature which works great for our purpose as we could translate entities, screen texts, screen names, and entity elements. However, as I was told by the support it is currently not possible to translate screen folders. In our case, as we work with screen folders in the menus,…
Usage of Temporary Cubes in Procedures for Selections
Hi all, It would be great to be able to use a Temporary Cube (created in the procedure) for a selection or select entity based on cube. Best regards Atilla
Collapse unbalanced hierarchies entities in dataview
Hello, With unbalanced hierarchies entities, it is possible to collapse (more or less) in selectors, but not in dataviews directly. Would it be possible to add the collased functionnality in dataviews for the next releases please? Thanks
Upload custom colour palette
1) What is your idea? To have the ability in Board to upload a custom colour palette, such as a company or brand colour scheme, which then can be selected and automatically applied to charts. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? To make it easier to apply brand colours to reports. Also, by offering users a…
Allow temporary cubes to be used in IfThenElse
In Board 11.2 the new functionality of temporary cube is available to allow intermediate calculation to be made and stored during a dataflow execution. However these temporary cubes are not available in the IfThenElse functionality. It would be a good addition to Board to allow these temporary cubes to be considered in…
Save / Restore Screen selection
Summary: An easy way to store my current screen selection and restore it at any time in any screen. As is: Currently, we can get this functionality by storing the screen selection in cubes by user and dimension I want to store. For complex apps, It means that I need to create a large list of cubes to save each dimension…
Web Client: Copy Slide in Presentation Mode
Context This is a request directly coming from a customer and would STRONGLY enhance the usability of the Presentation Mode which would close the loop. Issue - The user has a reporting page where he/she starts from a blank screen with an empty dataview and user adds columns in the report builder - The user saves the…
Enhance the DataView Layout SORT function
Currently DataView layouts can only sort by ONE block/entity. It would be helpful to be able to apply a sort using several blocks. For example, where a client's data has 3 levels - eg Site, Floor, and Work Area and you wish the report to sort by Site, then Floor then Work Area descriptions, and the date the Work Area was…
Drill to Window/Popup
When I drill on a DataView a popup opens. When I drill to a screen a new screen opens (either in the same tab or an additional tab). It would be useful to be able to drill to a window so my new screen appears on top of the existing screen, but as a window. This way I can move the window around and still view the screen I…
ToolTip on Row heading
It would be good if there was a way to get a tooltip to show on the Row heading column. There are times where the tooltip to be displayed relates to the entire row and not just a particular block, in these instances it would be very useful to have the tooltip show on the row heading/entity. At the moment the only options I…
Edit Font Colours where Alerts used
Currently it is not possible (as far as I can see) to edit the colour of your font if you are using a block alert. In the example below I cannot change the font colour from black. Sometimes it is desirable to be able to change this for best visibility against the background alerts. The same issue also applies to a label.…
Auto-size column width to ensure the value is displayed in full
For tables with many columns of numbers, the default width of those columns maybe too small, meaning the whole number is not fully visible. The user could resize columns themselves but this is tedious. As a default, could the column sizes be set to auto-size based on the largest data value? Just like in Excel. For example,…
Speed up procedure development with virtual cubes “on the fly”
Hi @Product Management Team , at the moment, every time you realise that you need an additional virtual cube, you have to exit edit mode, switch to options, create a new virtual cube, save it, save the procedure, switch back to edit steps mode. And only then you can define the new data flow. It would be much better if a…
Add layout to the Menu object
Dear community, I believe it would be a great addition to Board if the Menu object was improved to allow layouts to be configured on it. Not to display information, but for the layout's blocks to be used in the Dynamic Options of the object. This addition would allow developers to customize the Board solutions, for example…
Add Smart import to cube analysis and Impact analysis
A simple idea this time : Currently, there is no reference to Smart Imports when a cube make cube analysis or Impact analysis in the DB. We can see the cube is included on a screen, but no reference about where. Sometimes, the loaded cube is also displayed on a dataview and then it becomes hard to see the difference. Would…
Hidden Cubes visible for Developer
To hide Cubes for User's is a great function to limit the visible Cubes in Data view layout and Office Add-in. But unfortunately, the Cubes are also hidden for the Developer. Suggestion Make it possible to hide Cube's for different Roles. Add another column (green area) to control visibility for the Admin/Developer.
Temporary Entity
Just like we have temporary cubes in procedures sometime we need dummy entites of one or two members may be more depending upon calculations, so like temporary cubes how about having temporary entites??