Integrate FlexGrid execution data in Logs
Hi all, currently we have no way to monitor performance of the layouts executed in a flexgrid object, which is key to understand performance issues and the use of the new object by end users. Idea : add a new log to track the following info on flexgrid layouts executions : dimensions used in rows number and nature of…
B14 - bring back the enable button for data blocks options in the layout editor
These buttons exist in B12 but were removed in B14. They significantly reduce the amount of clicks needed to remove set options from a block. In the case of the detail by it is difficult to even find the reset option at all.
Calculate data flows on GPU (ILGPU)
With machine learning, for example Tensorflow, it is possible to perform calculations on a CPU or GPU. Powerful GPUs are often used for this in order to achieve a significant performance gain. Idea: Calculating data flows in Board using a GPU. I could imagine that this is possible using ILGPU. ILGPU is a new JIT…
Entity 'Copy' feature should be made available, apart from the 'Replicate' feature.
Hi, I hope this IDEA finds you all good and helpful. This IDEA concerns a simple feature that is currently not available in the Board application and making this available can help solving many issues related to the Incorrect reports and data. Cause of IDEA: Many users use the 'Replicate' feature, thinking that they are…
Selection applied only to 1 layout in screen
Hi, The idea/need is to be able to apply a dynamic selection to 1 layout only among many others in the screen. Today we can apply a selection to a block but not to the whole layout by a capsule procedure. Linked to ticket : 00120539 Thanks
Visibility of tab item
If the content of a tab item is not visible anymore (due to "Object Settings/Dynamic Options/Visibility"), the tab item itself is still visible: The additional option to hide the tab item itself, in case the related content is not visible anymore, would be helpful:
Data entry Shortcuts on ""Vertical alignment"
Hello, The idea is too allow user to user Data entry Shortcuts (example ">Value" or "+Value") on Dataview with Blocks alignment= "Vertical" For now as i see, the shortcut is not possible. Best regards Amir
Cloud config parameters view
Hello, even if it's expected that all parameters are properly managed by Cloud team it would be useful for the customer be aware of current configuration for his installation and related impact. My idea is to have in the cloud admin portal a table reporting current configuration with an explanation of the impact of each…
Cloud task Scheduler - timeout option
Hello the task scheduler available in cloud portal administrator have not some options normally available in win task scheduler, like the timeout or the capability to run manually a task. In my on prem environment I can choose to stop a task if not completed after e.g. 30min or 2-2-4-8 hours.. In the cloud this is set as 3…
Flexgrid design customization - Need more options for a compact look
Hi all, Context I'm probably not the only one, but I'm missing some design options in the new Flexgrid object, especially regarding cell sizing. Indeed the default design takes too much space, with very big cell margins above and below the data. Reducing font size does not really solve the problem. Compared to an…
Formulae and Formulae Tracking / Lineage
Hi there, Increasingly our customers and prospects are comparing some specific functionality that exists in Anaplan especially, when it comes to formulae in Board. There are TWO key areas: When using Rules (or Nexel), the references are not written in natural language. e.g. if you are writing a rule that takes Sales and…
Copy/Paste on Layout for Data Entry
Data Entry: There is no possibility to do the copy/paste function on multi selection of rows and columns: the only results of this activity is the paste only in the first selected rows. It would be nice to have this feature to do the copy/paste on multiple lines/columns as it was possible in the previous version (Board 10)
Dataflow Algorithm Visibility and Optimization (HBMP / Tuples ...)
Enable users to visually inspect dataflow algorithms in the procedure without executing the entire process and reviewing database logs. Additionally, provide automated suggestions for optimizing dataflow performance based on usage patterns and efficiency opportunities. This feature enhances performance management within…
Excel Add in - Error Messages
We sometimes get this error message when trying to refresh Excel Layouts: This user is not authorized to access the Board Server. Passwords are case-sensitive. We have found that sometimes this has nothing to do with the user setup/security but that the data model has been updated so the Layout is now out of date and needs…
Having the Ability to Drill Down When Using Vertical Block Alignment in the Data View
Hello Currently, the drill-down feature is unavailable when using vertical alignment in the Data View. I suggest adding this functionality in the upcoming updates to enhance efficiency and improve the overall user experience. Thanks, Akrem
Execution of single procedure steps for testing purposes
For testing purposes it would be helpful if a single procedure step could be executed by for example right-click on the step. As a consequence it would not be necessary to either deactivate all the other steps or to create another procedure containing only the step which is supposed to be tested.
Refresh user monitoring area
Hi community. It would be great if the user online status could be refreshed. It seems to not really show real data for the Last Login and Last Logout columns. (b12.6 cloud)
Reverse algorithm on text and date data types
Hi, Reverse algorithm on text and date data types would be a very useful addition.
Clear cube step are not logged in the HBMP log
Hello, When we perform a clear cube step, it is no logged in the HBMP_DATA_MODEL.log Please add this information, it is quite important to know when and who has launched a clear cube I can see that if I put to WARN level the diagnostic log this info is available, however this is a generic log, I would prefer to have it in…
"Optimize" Sparsity from a procedure action
We already have the "Optimize" Button in cubes Analysis which helps early developers to Optimize the sparsity if they have used Extend to dimensions. It would be really helpful if we have this optimize step called as an action in the procedure. This will be really helpful to manage performance and Data Model Sizing…
Keep data when adding or removing an entity to/from a cube
As-is status: If you either add an entity to a cube or remove an entity from a cube, the cube will be empty afterwards, containing no data anymore. Idea: It should be possible to keep the data (optional), by either: when adding an entity: choose an element of the entity (to be added) to shift all the data of the cube to or…
Hello, It would be very very very useful to be able to sort the column role and to be able to select one role with the loupe
Improve Quick Layout
Hello All In the near future, we would like our subsidiaries to make much greater use of quicklayout. But there are 2 obstacles to its use: On the Admin side: *it's impossible to arrange entities once they've been entered into the QL: so if you need to insert a new entity or arrange them differently, you have to remove…
Logging Improvement - DbChanges.Log
Hello all, The DbChanges log is a great tool to have. It provides at a high-level what changed, by whom, at what time…but it's a bit TOO high-level. Currently, the log shows: 20230822 09:55:25Cubesadmin 20230822 09:55:25Cubesadmin 20230822 09:55:26Cubesadmin 20230822 09:55:26Cubesadmin 20230822 09:55:26Cubesadmin 20230822…
Logging Improvement - diagnosticYYYYMM.log
Hello all, Within the file "diagnostic«YYYYMM».log", there are various actions that are called out as part of the log. Specifically, if a process clears a cube without selections. [2023-11-01 08:48:10.648 -04:00] WARN { "Username": "x", "CorrelationId": "x", "Procedure": "cap - Update - Volume MS", "TaskId": "x", "Action":…
Home Screen by User
I think it would help a lot with solution design if we could set a home screen against the user profile, so that we can design different home screens for different people within an organization and have them taken directly there upon entering a capsule.
Selection of screen object & navigation behaviour pattern
Version 12.4 To help navigate complex screen designs which include tabs/panels, it would be helpful when clicking on an object within the screen to automatically navigate to the correct object in design mode - will save a lot of time for end users. Note - this may have been updated in a later release of Board, cannot find…
Add option to set all 'Modes' in a Data Reader to 'Add New Item' automatically
Hi, I think it'd be useful and efficient a have a button to switch all the modes automatically from 'Discard New Item'/'Read' to 'Add New Item'/'Replace'. This would be very useful in new data models or when loading a new entity/hierarchy as you do not have to manually change the mode for each field area in the data…
Formatting options for Menu object
In order to make Board applications even more beautiful many POCs or pre-sales demos make elaborate use of labels to create a menu that gives the user the feel of workflow. See below example. If the menu object had some abilities to configure the style and formatting this could concievably be done with the menu object.…
Improve Quick layout
Hello All, It would be very nice if : we could move the items of the quick layout when we design it : today the items appear at the screen in the order they have been entered but we cannot change their place in design mode Th label appeared entirely