Export multiple layout in one Excel Sheet
Hello, it would be really useful to give the possibility to export all the dataview contained in one screen in one Excel sheet. thanks
Keep file name of uploaded files
1) What is your idea? Keep the original file name of the file being uploaded into Board. 2) What specific problem are you trying to resolve? When the file is uploaded into Board, the file name is lost and the file gets a generic name. We would like to keep the file names of files uploaded to Board (as BLOB cube). 3) What…
define position of horizontal scrollbars
It would be great if there is an option defining the place of horizontal scrollbars at data views --> on top or at the bottom. Currently it's always on the bottom - but combined with a vertical scrollbar in the browser it's not easy to reach or at least good visible for users. Therefore it would be great if the scrollbar…
Refresh partially instead of full screen
When we have a lot of data views/charts/etc. on a screen, refreshing the full screen from the procedure (Refresh Screen) can take some time. And in some cases full screen refresh is not necessary. There are certain scenarios when the procedure is executed, it's only impacting certain sections e.g. data views/charts. I…
Dynamic selection in dataview selection and refer to
Hello, In some complex report wold be extremely useful to have dynamic selecion on cubes and on reports exactly with the same features of the main selection "Current date", "Based on cube", "Options", etc. Otherwise we have to create and mantain lot of parents to group items, ad-hoc cubes to store selected figures through…
[Datareader] Show the filename of the possible files in the DataReader tabs of the database.
Self explanatory, but do not shorten with "..."
Option to hide automatically lines without values in a dataview
Context Very often in a dataview, we face the following situation: * we want to display a P&L value as a % of sales, in a separate column. * to do this, we configure a hidden columln with a "ReferTo" option on the Sales. * then setup a column with a/b, to display the %. Issue In this kind of situation, if a P&L line is…
Chat unread message notifier
Hello, The Chat function is an useful addition to Board Web but it lacks a feature found in other websites. When receiving a message in i.e. Linkedin the browser in the taskbar displays a notifier icon for unread messages on the tab or some websites are able to push pop-ups. Our customer said this functionality would…
Improvements for 10.6 WEB
A few nice improvements for 10.6 web: * Have an option to copy and paste block on the layout * On the Label/Button properties, when we select Goto Screen it should show the screens on alphabetical order * When we export a dataview to XLSX, using Page by, it could also have 1 sheet with the Total/Summary thanks
Selector Object Enhancement - Add Focus and Remove selection functions
Idea Align Selector object functionality with the "Make Selection Panel" to allow users to easily make/amend/reset and focus their selections using the default selector object. Use Case Drive selection standardization across multiple applications and the board platform - selections are managed within the applications in…
Rule Definition and Management Improvements
Good morning Community, I'm writing you to suggest some enhancements to the RULES set up page, as dealing more and more often with big corporate projects, the maintenance and implementation could be a bit slow and difficult and in some cases small changes could jeopardize the behavior of the whole process. What happens…
Export to excel from HTML5 with layout
I have been asked if the export to excel from the HTML interface can contain the layout details. So when you connect using the BOARD Add in on the exported data view, you can open the layout in Excel and the configuration is there. When you export to excel from the BOARD client, the layout configuration is available when…
Enterprise Ready - Active Directory Check vor AD-Users from AD Groups
Hi guys, in big organisations I often have the issue, that the whole user Management is done via Active Directory. It's great how to easily add users to BOARD via a Windows AD Group. But as time goes on, People Switch the Departments, and also move on in the AD-Groups. I know it might be an issue to "just" delete the…
Assume Zero for Loading Blanks to a Numeric Cube
Overview When loading data through an file datareader, I commonly see blanks in a CSV file. If I try to load this field to a numeric cube (Integer, Single, Double), I may see something odd. The datareader will run fine. There will not be any errors thrown. Since these fields are blank, no data is loaded, which is fine.…
In-Line Drill Down (excel style drill in native BOARD)
This is idea is essentially to provide the ability/option to drill down in BOARD the same way that it works in Excel with the office Add-in. When drilling down on a layout in Excel it does it what I call 'in-line', in that it expands/inserts down to show the detail in line. It doesn't have a drill pop-up like in native…
Drill Through - footer conditions in query
For now its possible to define 'Where' conditions only. It would be helpful to define footer conditions too. Examples: GROUP BY ORDER BY LIMIT FETCH FIRST X rows only ... Applicationexample: Our users can do a drill through on P&L Lines and can get all booking details --> its a large table in datawarehouse. In some cases…
Export a layout to ASCII file in "append" mode
Hi, A very simple request I have regarding the "export layout to ascii" function in the procedure : currently there's no way to append to a file rather than replacing it. However it would be very useful to create a specific log for a procedure and provide technical reports at the end of a dataflow (such as a control…
Transporting Entity Templates
Version 10.1.4 of the Transporter supports the transportation entity templates, but not formatting changes. New entity templates are transported. The support for entity templates feels incomplete without the ability to transport formatting changes. Se we have to continue manual transportation of template changes by copying…
Use another block as value for alerts in charts
It would be great if you could setup an alert in a chart based on another block just like you can with dataviews.
Pie Chart Customization
Dear Team, I would like to request the following enhancements for the pie chart functionality: Change of Marker Font Color: Currently, the marker font color for the pie chart is set to white by default. It would be helpful to have an option to change the color of the marker font to align with different design or background…
Data model panels - multidb view
For some of data model panels (entities, cubes, data read, securities) it would be useful to view items of all data models in a unique page. Through an added column "data model" I can filter of sort rows. Could be very useful for customers with several databases
FlexGrid – Sorting of column labels representing time
In a FlexGrid, column labels that represents time series can be shown in chronological order only if those information are entered as entites by row in the layout. Entity blocks or algorithms (numeric/text) can be used as column labels but will not be shown properly sorted. It would be great to extend this property to all…
Scheduled procedure for Board Engine and Webserver Restart
Hello, It would be great to have the ability to set a schedule for restarting the board engine and web server. This would provide the board with a more automated approach to system optimization by maintaining scheduled restarts of both the board engine and the web server.
Broadcasting improvements - customizable dates format
It would be nice to have the capability to choose the culture related to a broadcasting action. Example I have a diagram with a daily trend; it's distributed with a broadcasting action set in the sys panel; the date format in the pdf inherit the culture of the server, that is for example EU format (dd/mm/yyyy) But the…
Pre-set date cubes for Dynamic Selection
Hi BOARD Team, BOARD pre-set Date Entities with couple of custom date entities. This is very handy. We always need to create new date cubes to achieve dynamic selections. Could we also pre-set some DATE cubes based on those pre-set date entities? For example, cubes for next (last) 3, 6 12 months. next 26 weeks etc. Thanks
Visible Options Based on User Permissions & Improve Keyboard Shortcuts Pane
This proposal seeks to enhance user experience and simplify navigation in Board by: Hiding Advanced Options for Basic Users Just as the "Design Mode (F4)" option is hidden for users without access, other advanced options tailored for power users or administrators should also be hidden for basic users. For example, several…
Object Effects: Transitions
This proposal seeks to improve the "Effects" section by introducing a variety of transition effects to complement the existing "Object Opacity" feature. Current Issue: Currently, when an object set to 0% opacity is hovered over, it suddenly appears, which can be visually abrupt, making the element seem to pop out of…
Block Configuration Pane Behavior
Current Issue: After clicking "Save," the pane remains open, requiring developers to click a separate "Close" button to return to the layout. Impact: While this may seem like a minor issue, it results in an extra click each time changes are made. This can accumulate significantly when working on larger layouts. Proposed…
Organization of Custom Links with Folder-Like Buttons
This proposal aims to improve the management and accessibility of custom links within Board by introducing folder-like buttons in the “Links” section. Currently, custom links are contained in a single "Links" folder-like button in the Board menu, which can become cluttered as more links are added. By allowing users to…
B14: Adjust the DataView Layout Editor - Configure a drill on last block option missing
Hi @Product Management Team, I think it would be great if the possibility to configure a drill action on a block in a dataview was available on every block. The last block in a layout can't be configured due to the "preview" button which obscures this feature: Best, Helmut