Admin Page Password Reset Should Unlock User Account
We are cloud users for board and the admin page has really come a long way to synchronize capsules, stop and start services, etc. However, the login password expires way too quickly. I would recommend changing that requirement. I have used the admin page for a little over a year and have had around 20 admin passwords…
Localization – Additional filters on DB and Capsule
Goal: Have the possibility to filter on DB and Capsule: Why: To focus on just the DB and Capsule you need to translate. It would help in presales but also in consulting to easily and quickly „customize“ applications. In the current release you see all textstrings from all DB and all capsules running on your machine. That…
Ability To Control What Appears In The Floating Data View Menu
My idea/suggestion is for the possibility to decide which functions appear in the data explorer floating menu. The menu i refer to is the floating data explore menu which holds the functions such as Lock and Spread, Export to Excel, Annotation etc.. It would be great to have the ability to configure which application…
Dynamic Database Time Range
I would like to have the possibility of having a dynamic time range setting i the database. For example, saying that your model should always contain 2 years of history and future months and that it is updated automatically. This way we could avoid unnecessary maintenance work of the databases.
"Displaying Zero values as" Options
Currently you can choose to display zero values or not. If you display the zero value, it will show as "0". My idea is to add more options for how to display a zero. For instance, could we display zeros as "-". Example from excel below.
Pivoting Dataviews
THE IDEA I would like to suggest that the dataview object retains all the native functionality available in horizontal alignment when using the vertical alignment (pivoted Dataview). EXPLANATION Currently, the dataview object is highly versatile in formatting and application when aligned horizontally. One can drill,…
treemap chart > modify the colour behaviour of tiles when alerts are used
1. What is your idea? currently, colouring treemap tiles (when a block alert is set) uses a shading function around the threshold value, e.g. for threshold alert = 4 and colour red, the tiles for values 3 and 5 will get a lighter red, whereas 4 has a full red colour. I have use cases where this behaviour is not the…
Selector & Pager based on a layout
The Idea : Add a new variant of the Selector object were the member - and there default status - are displayed based on the result of a layout. The layout values of these new objects should have add properties to the members : * visible : member is available in the list/screen selection * default : member is active in the…
Dear community Inhibit initial layout execution refresh is now possible only in some cases. 1) through a procedure with an action "go to screen" + option "disable initial layout execution" or through an "On open trigger" procedure. 2) Using an ATO pager 3) while developing a layout, using the option "Apply" instead of "OK"…
Github Diff Viewer
Most BOARD installations use proprietary datasets that should not be shared for a variety of reasons. There also exist numerous, public, free, useful datasets that could facilitate more detailed analysis. Now that we have a community site to connect, the next step is to engage. Github is a popular tool used for storing…
Cube text in a chart
Hi community! In client version, it's possible to show a cube text in a chart, useful for comments and so on: But this doesn't work in web, the cube is not shown. Do you have any workaround without using a dataview? Thanks! Ana
Map Repository
I have seen a similar idea "Map object enhancement". However that idea requires development effort. My idea would be to create a repository of colored maps, where the world, countries and regions or provinces could be found in perfect working order and ready to be used in board. This repository could be stored either on…
Chart object: allow alerting (colour) based on an another block
1. What is the idea? It is to allow for the Chart object (both in Windows and web Client if possible) the same option as the already available option in a dataview. (Layout > Data > block x > Alert > option "use another block as value") To my mind, there is no such options for charts currently (version 10.1.4) 2. What…
Select library
Many times happens that the same Select, involving more indipendent entities, have to te applied to many screens or procedure actions. E.g. in sales area most reports have selection on a region (tree site), extracompany customers (on tree customer), finished goods (on tree product). It would be nice to have the possibility…
Map object enhancement
It would be nice if countries and regions were automatically integrated in the Map object. This way, counties, regions, provinces, etc. could be colored in and you could zoom and move your map around and click on countries to get pop-up info or drill-through to something else. This way, no cockpit would be needed to color…
End user Error Message Visibility for Administrator
The Idea. To give Admin visibility of the individual error messages that can appear on the end-users screen (bottom right corner in client), this could be via a simple log file recording the time of message, the message, and the end user. Why. We have solutions developed for clients and at times they get an error message…
Refresh of multiple screen/tabs
In 2 projects that we have developed in Desigual, 2 different group of users have asked us the same wish: To be able to refresh all the open tabs (since they use Board Web) at the same time, either when you perform a Data Entry or when you click a "Refresh" button. They usually work with 2-3 tabs open, using 1 of them for…
Enhance the management of the security
When the profile assigned to a group is changed, the revised profile should be propagated to all the members of this group. Several profiles could be assigned to one group of users or to one user. We have to be able to build one or several profiles per capsule. Groups would help to build "Business profiles" by assigning…
Hi community, I would like to suggest the following: I think it would be useful to allow for hyperlink activation and use when a url is stored in a text infocube and displayed in a dataview. This would help * As an alternative to storing a document into a BLOB cube (which might sometime increase exponentially in size) *…
Datareader logs files header
The datareader logs files do not contain headers. They should have the same headers as the imported files.
Pie Chart Customization
Dear Team, I would like to request the following enhancements for the pie chart functionality: Change of Marker Font Color: Currently, the marker font color for the pie chart is set to white by default. It would be helpful to have an option to change the color of the marker font to align with different design or background…
subhub accounts, roles and folder profiles copy and paste
an option "save as" or "copy settings from" would be very helpful for panels indicated in the subject.
Broadcasting improvements - image on email body
In a broadcasting action I can attach a pdf or other format it would be nice to have the capability to add a picture or some objects directly in the email body example I have a distribution a dashboard; 1st page contains cockpits and diagrams and next page more detailed tables. I would see the 1st page directly in the…
Lock Data Entry Total Only and Valid Entry Before Click Save
Hi Team, When we have Data Entry and show row/column total, the total cell will be open for data entry as well. Can we have selection to disable data entry for total ONLY, so force user to enter at detailed level? Can we also have a condition to valid the data entry before click save? For example, all the entry needs add…
Saturated Entity Alert: Boards 12 and Board 14
Good morning, I am gently writing to report an issue on Board 12 and Board 14: when an entity is saturated, Board does not give me notice about it, not even a message error like in Board 10 or former versions, and therefore all data in all Board reports are loaded just partially. To be more specific, if an entity is…
Smart Import look and feel should be customisable, for example the scroll bars
In our Board app we have made the scroll bars larger, because in user feedback they told us the scroll bars were difficult to spot. However, in the Smart Import, there's no way to change the size of the scroll bars. We wanted them to match the other scroll bars. Please provide control over the look and feel of the Smart…
Custom SVG Shapes in Labels
Objective: Improve the customization of label objects in Board by implementing several key changes. Requested Enhancements: Expanded Shape Catalog: Increase the selection of predefined shapes. Support for Custom SVG Shapes: Allow developers to upload custom SVG shapes, with the ability to customize multiple colors within…
Add "Data Entry Dialog" as procedure action
1. What is your idea? I propose adding a "Data Entry Dialog" procedure action to enable the opening of a "Data Entry Dialog" during procedure execution. This would allow users to input values directly within a procedure logic/workflow. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario…
Option to save and create next step in procedure
Hi Team, Hope you're doing good. This idea is just to make the developer's procedure-building task/habit more convenient. Whenever we create a step in a procedure, we are supposed to save it and then again click on the plus '+' icon below that step to add another step. If we have an option of clicking a button as 'Next…
Homepage Trigger
Hello! I think it would be very useful to have triggers also on the homepage of the capsules. The client would like to modify the capsule navigation and the information available on the home screen depending on the type of user that enters the screen (relationship that we have stored in a cube). As we do not have the…