Insert New Row Dataview in Web Version
The functionality of "Insert new Row" is very useful and appreciated by clients (especially Bulgari Rome), when the end user need to create from scratch a new planning combination. It would be great to have the same functionality also in the web version.
Improve Date format in Export to Excel
Dataviews exported to Excel, that contain date cubes, do not behave as 'normal' excel users would expect. The dates are exported as TEXT, not dates. When an excel filter is added to column headings, the date column lists the dates in text order (not chronologically - eg 01/04/2018, 04/01/2018, 08/12/2016 etc) When sorting…
Default option resize
Currently the screen resize option when opening a new screen is "fit width" as default. This however is not really valid for all models / capsules / devices. If you use any of the other options and navigate, you have to constantly change the screen resize option afterwords. It would be great if one of these options could…
Select  member by typed words on the Web
When I enable data entry for entity, I'd like to select/search member by typed words. v10.3 desktop client it is possible, but the web is not. See attached. Desktop Web: I have to select from another dialog. It is good to have same behavior between client and web. Thanks
automatic `.all` entities as parent entities
Suppose you want to compare one customer with all the customers. You select one customer per pager and want to have a dataview with the sales of the one customer directly comparing it with all of them. You add two cubes, one with the sales for that customer and another with the sales of all customers. That second cube…
Dynamic ranking functions in dataview layout
At the moment the ranking functions are computed once for the dataview and only recomputed when the screen is refreshed. I'd like to have them dynamic. They should be updated whenever the sorting is changed by the user. So the cumulated values are computed as expected by the user. That would also allow finding out whether…
Search with (updating) downtotals
Currently when searching in a dataview, it is not possible to see at once the sum of rows that are returned by the search. It'd be great if the totals of the dataview could reflect the value of the search restriction.
Improve the Selector display used within a procedure
When performing data input over the web, we're triggering procedures relying on the "Interactive selection" feature. When the selector pop-up is displayed, it always shows the "code + description" of the entity member, which is, in a data entry user point of view, sometimes not convenient. Technically speaking, we'd like…
Drill down in maps
Would it be possible for data that is being displayed in a map object to be distributed to a lower level of detail as you zoom on a map. Say for example, my Geography hierarchy is * Country * Region/State * City * Suburb/Postcode * Street Currently you would need Lat/Long cubes for each level in this hierarchy and 5 map…
Enhance the use of BLOB cubes
We're using the BLOB cubes to get attachments from our contributors and to consult them at central level within our organization. For a given reporting type, a single contributor can attach up to 50 external files. Currently, as soon as a contributor attached an external file, the file's name is lost for ever when stored…
Overlaying mask
Currently, a mask is applied underneath the screen so any object in the screen is rendered on top of the mask. Moreover, it doesn't allow to use layouts. It would be useful if to have layouts in masks and to have a new mask class that overlays the screen. In my current project, we are managing the user access to certain…
DataViews with dynamic column width
Currently, a fix column width needs to be set in order to display the largest number in a data view. If this is not properly set some digits are hidden, misleading the users. However, the largest number possibly displayed can change a lot based on the screen selection. Therefore, a large column width needs to be set to…
"Displaying Zero values as" Options
Currently you can choose to display zero values or not. If you display the zero value, it will show as "0". My idea is to add more options for how to display a zero. For instance, could we display zeros as "-". Example from excel below.
Keep Parentheses around Negatives in Export
Currently if you have set your report to show negative numbers with parentheses, the export to excel or pdf will not keep those parentheses.
Dynamic Header Names
It would be great if the headers, mainly for dataviews, could be more dynamic. Variables like previous month, previous year(@Month, @PYMonth, @PreviousMonth) would be great!
Synchronizing time axis between databases in a multi-database screen
Context Very often we have use cases where we need to compare data between two databases. We build two layouts (necessary because different data models) and we put them side by side. Having common selectors is of course not possible in the general case (that's the point of making two DB) but it would be very practical to…
Allow data entry with selection on layout
Hi Community Members, although I am quite aware of certain "known limitations", there is one huge wish for future versions: It is not so uncommon that layouts with data entry enabled should be restricted to certain entity members, while the rest of the screen should still show all of them. In order to achieve this, a…
LDAP Authentication Enhancement
Background: Currently, LDAP requires an administrator user to login (as configured on the LDAP Server configuration), and then all other users can login. This means that all the other users need to be under the same tree of the administrator user, regardless of the levels of nested folders. If the administrator user and…
@Selection by tree
Hi all, Context In our current situation, very often I need to display the current Selection in the screen, so I use @Selection function in a general manner. In some other cases I want to display a specific one, so I use the @Entity. However sometimes I need to display the selection for a given tree (that can have 30…
Auto-Updating Version of BOARD Office Add-In
Hi All, not sure how many community members are affected by this, but at least for me it would be a great help, if there was an automatic update function (just like we have in the client) also for the Office Add-In. The need to deinstall one version and install another every time you connect to a different Board Server is…
Data View Columns Width faster configuration
The data view columns width is set 120 as default and adjust columns width sometimes is not "comfortable". Especially in large data view some options may be useful: - set a different default width and an option to apply it to all blocks or to selected ones. - have a shortcut key to open the width config panel (e.g. CTRL+W)…
Datamodel Tags
Hi, at the moment, when developing a BOARD datamodel, we do not have an easy way of finding sub-sets of cubes/entities/etc.. used for a specific business process inside a database or with specific features, for example: * all cubes used in data-entry for budgeting purposes * all cubes containing actual data loaded directly…
Pivoting Dataviews
THE IDEA I would like to suggest that the dataview object retains all the native functionality available in horizontal alignment when using the vertical alignment (pivoted Dataview). EXPLANATION Currently, the dataview object is highly versatile in formatting and application when aligned horizontally. One can drill,…
allow 2 descriptions/ names by entity name
Actually its only possible to create 1 description of an entity. And the same name will be displayed for the user for example in the selector (there are a few other examples like this) In this case we have to use a workaround and "hide" the name of the selector with a label Most of the entities an especially hierarchies…
New screen object: Multi-Selector
Hi All, during a presentation of a process mining tool I saw a pretty neat object and thought that maybe this could be replicated in Board: A selector that allows you to choose the entity you want use in a drop-down. What could this look like? The object would be divided into an upper and a lower part. In the upper part…
Web Client: Copy Slide in Presentation Mode
Context This is a request directly coming from a customer and would STRONGLY enhance the usability of the Presentation Mode which would close the loop. Issue - The user has a reporting page where he/she starts from a blank screen with an empty dataview and user adds columns in the report builder - The user saves the…
Identify procedures that utilise a cube
The existing Search functionality in capsules can be utilised to easily identify usage of a cube in screens and capsules.. However, the search does not return any results for use within a procedure or data reader. This functionality will be very useful when trying to identify how and which procedures or data readers update…
Disable BOARD Menu in Web Client / General Start-Screen
Hi, we want our users to navigate in our own structure. That’s possible and easy to build and administrate with the current tools. But when it comes to the Web Client we have the left site BOARD menu. I know that some of the options can be disabled, but not the capsules browser. We don't want to use the capsules browser. I…
Slack Integration
Slack has become a popular instant messaging and collaboration tool. The collaboration tools within BOARD are very powerful, but only available while users are logged into the system. I would like to see API hooks made available so a integration could be built. This would allow BOARD screens to be shared and commented upon…
Add SubGroups to Menu type Flat Horizontal and Flat Vertical
Currently, in both Desktop and WEB, the menu object, when using Flat Horizontal or Flat Vertical, does NOT display the SubGroups, if any, that are included in a Capsule's site map. Other menu types do. It would therefore be helpful to include SubGroups in both these types of menu.