Security profiles
Hi I would like to suggest to have a report that shows the security profiles and what databases they are linked to and filters on the different databases.
Save Changes! - editing web capsules (.bcps)
When editing your .bcps capsules in the browser, you save any changes by selecting the tick at the top of the screen: If you forget to save your changes you see this message if you choose to leave edit mode: You then select 'Cancel' and save your work as mentioned above. My idea is to improve the pop-up so you get an…
y Axis minimum 0, maximum Autorange
In a Cartesian graph (such as bar or line graph), I would like to be able to set the minimum of the y Axis to be 0, and the maximum to be Autorange (so that the highest the Y axis goes will be slightly higher than the highest spot on a bar or line graph). Currently this isn't an option. If I select Autorange, the minimum…
changing chart values dynamically
In the chart, other BI tools make change values on the vertical axles from KM to M. Does Board take in to considerations?
PAGER - Security Flaw
IDEA Suppress max number of members displayed to a given sub-group when using PAGER object I would like to suggest that the PAGER object be changed to also show only the max number of members of a given sub-group and not only the max number of members within the entity. Explanation. I have found that the pager object…
B11: Selector - Click & Drag for multiple selection
Hi, considering a selector, it would be nice to have the chance to select more than one member of the entity just by clicking and dragging. Currently the only way seems to select one member at the time by flagging the checkbox.
Treemap Alerts for negative numbers
Hi All, I was pointed to non-intuitive behavior of the treemaps functionality by a Board user. In this case the CFO of the company who had a good point in his analysis. See below the issue. For treemaps, alerts can be assigned to values. So if we take green for positive and red for negative, one would (intuitively) expect…
VERTICAL DATA VIEW as new distinct object
I would suggest to develop a new object, the VERTICAL DATA VIEW A lot of reporting / dashboard uses this approach. Now I have these options: - Set a data view and layout as Vertical Alignment; but this configuration has a lot of limitations (e.g. excel export) making it usable in a very few cases. - Use a balance approach…
Better relationships management
At the moment, when I try to see which relationships have problems, I do analyze and then I can't go directly to the missing parent or missing child. I have to select the entities I want to see and wait until it shows me the data, then I click on missing parent or child and I have only the problems. What I would like to…
Possibility to stop procedure without stopping service
I think all BOARD users would greatly appreciate a way to stop procedures without having to stop the service. Of course stopping the procedure immediately, not after the next step. We all know the situation where a procedure takes a long time, especially a data flow. In multi-database Environments (not only there), it…
Data entry by copy&paste in html Client
Within desktop client it´s possible to enter data by "copy & paste" i.e. from excel. In html client this is currently only working for maximum 50 rows and 100 lines. I think copy & paste is used by many users so elimination of this restriction would be helpful. Additional information from BOARD support: restriction is…
Improvements 10.5.1/ Board 11.1 Web
Hello together, we worked now a lot with the webclient to configure our existing capsules. Following improvements would be great: - shortcut CTRL+Z to undo something - move objects with the arrows of the keyboard - view of the screen is to small in editing mode (would be great if you could unlock the panels) - it would be…
Time Function "End of Period Value"
There's been a forum post or two about extracting period (week/month/year) end values for inventory similar purposes in the community, and I've just come across the issue again in a current development...and I just had the idea of what not add a time function for this? Currently if we have data recorded by day (or month)…
B11: Rename procedure's groups
Hi, it would be nice to have the chance to rename a procedure's group without the need of creating a new group with the right name and then moving all the actions to the new group and then to delete the former group! procedure modelling procedure
Allow change of fonts in 10.5+
Would it be possible to allow for changing fonts for objects in the web client developer interface? This could be achieved by using the google fonts and related CDNs to allow for more variety and customisation in applications that are developed solely using the web client.
HBMP Transporter keeps data when a dimension is added to a cube
Hello community, Context : Today, when a dimension is added to a cube, the HBMP Transporter apply the modification to the other environment. Problem : The cube is cleared. So you must extract the cube (CFG + CSV) before using the HBMP transporter, modify them manually and then import these files into the new cube. It can…
@Selection_Ex for Multidatabase Screens
When you are actually using the @Selection_ex function on Multidatabase Screens, it is only working for the main database of your screen. It would be creat enabling @Selection_ex for all used Databases in Multidatabase Screens, perhaps that you have to insert the Database Name into the @Selection_ex syntax or something…
Broadcast web - allow local save of document
In the previous/win client 'version' of the Broadcast feature it was possible to elect to save the document (eg. pdf) locally before emailing. This feature seems to no longer be available in the web version of the Broadcast function. It would be good if this option was provided to maintain consistency with the previous…
Allow Community members to sort IDEAS based on date added
It's a simple one, but if enhancements to BOARD are based on ideas and the votes they receive, then allowing users to see the most recent ideas would be a good start. Currently the only way to sort ideas based on 'date' is 'last activity'. Activity seems to mean a vote/comment. This means that activities from a long time…
@Authorizations in labels (@Selection improvement)
Hi everybody, Very often in order to explain a result to a user, we have to take into account the authorizations he has, which can be quite complex in our cases. Issue: In order to make the screen selections explicit, we can currently use @Selection in a label at the bottom of the report, for example, to make sure the user…
Mouse Wheel for opening a new tab
On normal websites it is possible to click the mouse wheel on a link in order to open a new tab in the browser. It would be nice if Board 11 had the same funcationality for link-labels for example.
To be able to place page breaks
Customer wants to know if we can put in enhancement to be able to manipulate where page breaks go when printing from the web. Customer adds: We are getting pummeled by the fact that we cannot get something out of Board in a usable format in either PDF, Word or even Excel which could be distributed or printed easily without…
add member to entity in specific location
Opening for Customer: What Customer is looking to do is be able to add a consolidated member to entity but specific place it hierarchy tree So if you have entity that looks like this Volkswagon jetta passat Toyota camry Rav4 Tacoma Mazda Chevy They want to add Ford specifically between VW and Toyata Volkswagon jetta passat…
Alignment of symbols in data cells
Creating idea for Customer: 10.5.1: % sign location cannot be adjusted When you display values as percent numbers you can center the value number but the % sign either stays on the far right or far left of the cell. Does not look uniformed
Export as Picture/Image
Provide the ability to also select 'Picture' (or PNG, JPG) when exporting from BOARD via a procedure BOARD currently allows you to export as PDF/PPT/DOC/XLS from a procedure, and also has these option when setting up a BLOB cube, but BLOB cubes also allow for pictures (in 10.5 at least), however BOARD doesn't allow you to…
Allow Standalone licenses to login web client
Hi all, I have worked in the Board Windows client for most of my 'Board' career.. However, everything is moving to the web currently; also developing models. In the current license setup, it is not possible for partners / consultants to login and develop in the web-environment of our clients with our own standalone…
Make Board (Support) Chat function great again...
Hi all, I noticed the last months that the Board support chat function, which I love, is offline / not responsive almost every time I try to reach it. Even-though it says it is online, I do not get any response. I try to use it during regular business hours.. So it should be online most of the time actually. I understand…
Sparklines in DataView (Board 11)
It was possible to use Sparklines (Charts) in the DataView screen object. Unfortunately Board 11 lacks this function completely for it is developed and distributed in the web client. Are you going to implement this function anytime soon in the web client?
Interactive selections: adding a text
My idea concerns interactive selections. Indeed, in the actual system, it is not possible to specify anything as a sentence to guide users as we want them to check data. Thus, what I thought would be nice to add to the software is : the possibility to write a sentence just above the data proposed. In this way, if we want…
Selector Object Enhancement - Add Focus and Remove selection functions
Idea Align Selector object functionality with the "Make Selection Panel" to allow users to easily make/amend/reset and focus their selections using the default selector object. Use Case Drive selection standardization across multiple applications and the board platform - selections are managed within the applications in…