Show code and description separately in layout
In over 20 years of experience with Board I've been asked hundreds of times to show dimensions by row in a dataview with separated columns for code and description. As far as the last dimension by row is concerned I always use a workaround to show the entity description as a block but the problem is not so easy once you…
Optimization of formatting functionalities
Hello community, here are a few points/functionalities that could improve formatting functionalities in board: * Allow text variables in block headers We would like to use text variables in block header (e.g. @Year). Currently we are using workarounds to solve this (@selection if possible (a specific refer-to in block is…
New Object: Process Mining Graph
Hi All, a while ago we at SDG have started to analyze business processes using system log files and different process mining tools. Since process mining has become quite a hype and many of our customers use Board, it would be a huge benefit to have a process graph as a new object within Board. For obvious reasons, I cannot…
Suggested Value Enhancements
It would be very useful to have some enhancements to the suggested value functionality for data entry. It is difficult to enter data quickly with the current functionality as each cell requires a click and select from a list. It would be extremely helpful for users having to do large amounts of data entry on suggested…
Public list of known bugs available for customers & partners
It would be useful have available in the manual or somewhere in support site a list of known bugs / problems / unwanted behaviours and a plan for fixing. This will save a lot of time and money! Sometime happen that some function is not working properly. I've recently spent more than 1 day + half day of ext consultant to…
Dynamic and Cube-based Layout Selections
On searching the Idea Exchange there is an old suggestion: "Dynamic Selection within Layout" from 2018 by an Unknown contributor. The Idea received 47 votes - as follows: "A good improvement would be the chance to set up a dynamic selection within Board Layout. This way you should be able to create different infromation…
Standard "integrated" copy function for e.g., Versions, Scenarios etc.
Hi all, it would be great to have a integrated copy function. Use Case: During a planning cycle we want to copy a Version 1 into a Version 2 (Entity in a Cube). Therefore, we have to create a procedure, define temporary cubes without the entity Version, add for nearly each cube a step with temporary cube not dimensioned…
List of all functions that can be used in dataflows
Hi to everyone, it would be very useful to have a document that lists all the possible functions that can be used within the dataflow layout. I have already opened a ticket to Board and they confirmed that this document does not currently exist.
ADHOC Report Builder
The Idea. I would like to ask for the community to vote for the idea of an adhoc report builder for the daily user. I am aware that this idea, in various guises, has already been suggested, most recently by swathi mp in his question here. And here are some others: Adam Elvin 05 Nov 2017 Conditional Display of Columns -…
B14 - Less clicks, less blocking popups
Board 14 requires in some parts too many clicks which slows down the process working with e.g. the data model. An example - Adding an entity: B12: +Entity (1st click), Save Changes (2nd click), Next Entity … B14: + (1st click), Entity (2nd click), Create (3rd click), Wait approx. 3,5s for Popup to disappear, Close (4th…
Quick Layout : Add Flatten Option
Hello, It would be nice to be able to enable or disable flatten directly in the Quick Layout like in the screenshot below :
Time Function "End of Period Value"
There's been a forum post or two about extracting period (week/month/year) end values for inventory similar purposes in the community, and I've just come across the issue again in a current development...and I just had the idea of what not add a time function for this? Currently if we have data recorded by day (or month)…
Save data entry automatically runs procedure
1. What is your idea? When using the standard save dataentry function on a screen (F9, from sliding panel, from WIN Client, from procedure, in advanced data entry) BOARD should be able to run a predefined procedure 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond…
* What is your idea? It should be possible to assign a “standard” color to each entity member at a “capsule” or “environment” level. This coloring schema should be retained across all the different charts those items are displayed in. Therefore, similarly for what happens in Corporate Designer, when a certain item is added…
Description field for Cubes and Entities
In the datamodel, there should be a field "description" for each cube and entity. This would help documenting the purpose of each cube and entity. This would help the maintenance and the transfer of knowledge. for any developer, the good practice is to write comments in the code. This should be the same for Board:…
Notify if max item number reached
In desktop client, there used to be a pop-up message appearing in case a max item number was reached and that the Administrator was to be contacted. It would be great if some kind of notification would show up also in web (without the need to access the proper Relationships page), because if noone accesses the…
More options in the BULK INSERT function
I think that the BULK INSERT function, has a lot of potential, whatsoever, it is very limited right now, it would help a lot to add more functions other than INSERT INTO. For example right now I'm trying to upload the hierarchies of our database to a SQL Database, if instead of INSERT we could also have access to the…
AutoSum Selected Range
Request for a possibility to AutoSum Selected (highlighted) range, similar to AutoSum in Excel. Example below. Condition - works on numerical cells only. We have observed that Board Users often export views to excel to run sum on a range of cells that intersect across multiple rows and columns. This becomes particularly…
Include API Queries in Transporter Tool
We rely more and more on API Queries in database development. It is tedious and prone to error to be forced to recreate or update API Queries manually across all instances. Therefore it is indispensable to have API Queries included in the Transporter Tool
My view - Enhancement to save several views
Hi, As a user, we can save only one view. It would be nice if it was possible to save several views (like a library of views as we have with the bookmarks and the library of select) Thank you
Quick Layout: Ability to determine which blocks can be visible/hidden to users
Hi R&D, The current quick layout configuration allows users to hide/unhide all visible blocks within the layout. I am suggesting that developers should have the option to determine which blocks appear in the quick layout configuration (same concept that exists for entities in the axes configuration). In the particular use…
Line by Line comparison of Procedures (Capsule and Data Model) across servers
Currently there is no way to compare if the procedures line by line in our development system and production system are the same or what has changed. The only thing that capsule snapshot or data model snapshot comparison does is it tells us there is a difference but does not tell what specifically is different. This is…
Maskable frame / panel
Hi, We have often a kind of space or a frame dedicated to put all selectors + action buttons together on the left of screen, or on the top of the screen It could be great to have the hability to hide / unhide this frame. Then, thanks to responsive capacities it could allow to better view large dataviews or graphics on the…
Custom dispay order in bookmarks section
As a end user, I can create several bookmarks Today, I cannot change the displayed order of my bookmarks ; I cannot define which bookmark I want to see at the 1st position, 2nd position etc … In the following example, I have created 3 bookmarks. I created A, then B and finally C. I cannot move the bookmark C to put it at…
Filter Indicator
We would love to have the ability to have selected filters highlighted, color coded, or another indicator showing which filters are selected.
Show Message - Yes/No Option
Hi there! I think it would be really useful to be able to change the text in the Yes/No option. It can be Yes/No by default, but maybe you can add a way to customise it. An example would be this: It would also be great to change the colour of the button (not always blue).
Capsule Transporter
Hi, Customers are more and more using functions like MyView and Bookmarks. Whenever we need to deploy the Capsule from Test to Prod, the users are loosing der configuration. In addition, sometimes only new capsule procedures etc. need to be deployed for navigation purposes / fixes. Currently, there is no chance to…
New Time Function "Year End-" and "Year Start Value"
1. What is your idea? The Idea is, to have additional time functions to easily get the values for year end and year start, also for previos years. 2. What specific problem are you trying to find a solution to, or what new scenario would this idea respond to? Independent from the current time selection, I want to display…
SubHub - Create a new Copy from an existing User
Add the new feature "Copy settings from existing account" to the Users page inside the subscription hub. It enables to create a new account copying an existing record and changing only key data (i.e. account name and email).
Enable multiple entity by row and columns on vertically aligned Layouts
Hi, I would have the possibility to have multiple entity by rows and colums on vertically aligned Layouts, without losing the the ability to perform data entry actions. Nicola